At the corner of the street, two beautiful figures were sitting in a teahouse, looking at Li Bai's beautiful eyes in a trance!

"Just relying on the sword energy, it can burn clothes without hurting anyone!"

"Not only is it an accomplishment in swordsmanship, but the control of internal strength is also used to the extreme!"

"I didn't expect that there would be such a master in the downtown of Yuwang City!"

"Sister, when will we return to the palace?"

The questioner was a gentle woman who looked over 18 years old, wearing a cloud-like embroidered palace dress, long hair draped over her shoulders, and a gleam of light in her flexible eyes!

"Return to the palace..."

The woman called sister was a cold and beautiful woman, wearing a white dress in the downtown, but she was out of place with a cold and arrogant look!

It seemed that this woman's coming to the world was a blasphemy to her!

Countless eyes gathered on the two women, but they didn't care, but kept looking in front of Huaxia Liquor Store!

"You can only return to the palace after seeing the young master!"


"When will the young master come?"


As soon as Yao Yue finished speaking, she stood up and walked towards Li Bai and the others!

"How dare you commit murder and injure people in Yuwang City? You are so brave!"

Zheng Yuan saw his servant being beaten, and his face was full of anger. He raised his foot and walked in front of Li Bai.

"Boy, do you know who I am?"


Li Bai glanced at him indifferently and said calmly: "Boss Shen is my friend. I am here today, and Young Master Zheng can't take him away!"


"Let's wait and see!"

After Zheng Yuan said a harsh word, he left with a group of servants in disgrace!

"Boss Shen, are you okay?"

"No problem!"

Shen Wansan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled bitterly: "It's just some superficial injuries, but Zheng Yuan is too much!"

"Taibai, you go back to the mansion quickly and tell Mr. Zhuge about the situation here!"

"You are..."

When Li Bai heard Shen Wansan's instructions, he was stunned and looked at him blankly!

"This Huaxia Liquor Store is the property of His Royal Highness Xuanyong King!"

"Shen is also from Xuanyong King's Mansion!"

"It's so!"

There was a hint of surprise in Li Bai's eyes, but more of it was surprise. His eyes unconsciously looked in the direction of Huaxia Liquor Store, and murmured: "There will be no shortage of wine in the future!"


On the long ancient road outside Yuwang City, a heroic figure led dozens of riders to ride all the way from east to west!

"Your Highness, the city of Yuwang is ahead!"

"Do you want me to go in and report first?"

"No need!"

The arrogant young man at the head shook his head lightly and said softly: "Follow me directly in!"


As the group was about to run towards the direction of Yuwang City, they saw a densely packed ancient road with flags flying, soldiers and smoke rising everywhere!

"It's the Zhenguo Army!"

"Flags flying, great victory in the South!"


The several generals beside Ning Chen were all happy, looking at the Zhenguo Army, and saluted at the same time!

"It's my royal flag!"

"It seems that the South Border Army has returned to the court!"

Not long after, Ning Chen saw several figures appear in the group's field of vision, and immediately rode forward!

"Little brother!"

"You are... the eldest brother!"

Ning Fan looked at a figure who suddenly rushed out on horseback at the fork in the ancient road. Dian Wei and Xu Chu instantly protected Ning Fan behind them and looked at the man with a vigilant look!


Ning Chen smiled slightly, exuding a casual atmosphere. He greeted Zhao Changying and others one by one, and said with a smile: "Since we bumped into each other, let's go back to Beijing together!"


Ning Fan just nodded, Ning Chen's eyes fell on his shoulder, and his brows frowned: "Are you injured!?"

"It's okay, brother, just some superficial injuries!"

"That's good!"

Ning Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and the group ran towards the city gate together.

Looking at the towering tower not far away, the four city gates below were wide open, Ning Fan couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion!

I didn't expect that it had been two months since we parted for such a short time!

"Your Highness, His Majesty has been waiting at the city gate with civil and military officials for a long time!"

"Eunuch Wei, is my father here in person?"

Seeing Wei Ying's figure suddenly appear in front of them, Ning Fan and Ning Chen were both startled.


"His Majesty is very pleased with the great victory in the southern border this time, and a welcoming banquet has been prepared in the palace!"

"Please go over and receive the gifts!"

Everyone nodded, raised their whips and ran towards the city gate. From a distance, they saw a middle-aged man in a nine-claw dragon robe with dozens of civil and military officials standing in the wind and snow!

It was obvious that they had been waiting for a long time!

"Your Majesty, the person has been brought here!"


As soon as Emperor Yu finished speaking, hundreds of young women in thin dresses danced in front of the city gate!

An official from the Ministry of Rites strode forward, looked at Zhao Changying, and asked loudly: "Duke Zhenguo, did we win the battle in the southern border this time!?"

"A great victory!"

"How many enemies were killed?"

"More than 400,000!"


The ceremonial officer shouted loudly, and a group of civil and military officials shouted in unison: "Good!"

"Duke Zhenguo, how many of our Dayu men went out to the border in this southern expedition?"

"More than 200,000!"

"How many died in the battle? Where were their bodies buried? Did they leave their names?"

Zhao Changying nodded slightly. When he mentioned the dead soldiers, the joy on his face was instantly restrained. He sighed with regret: "In this battle in the southern border, more than 57,000 soldiers of Dayu died in the battle!"

"Bring back all the bodies!"

"Record the names of all the people in the roster, and list them on it!"

As soon as Zhao Changying finished speaking, the civil and military officials who came to greet him and the people watching the ceremony all looked gloomy!

"Take off your armor!"

"Enter the city!"


After a round of music and ceremony, Ning Fan also returned to the palace city he had not seen for a long time. However, he did not return to his mansion, but entered the palace with Emperor Yu!

The Imperial Study!

"Your Highness, I pay my respects to you, Father!"

"No need to be polite!"

Emperor Yu looked at the two unicorns in front of him, and couldn't help but curl his lips slightly: "Why did you two come to the capital together?"

"Your Highness, I just met you outside the city!"


"Now that the end of the year is approaching, I intend to hold a ceremony to worship the heaven, but your mother passed away a long time ago, and Queen Wang has been ill recently!"

"As for Concubine Xian, she has never liked to show up in public!"

"In your opinion, who is the most suitable person to come?"

Ning Fan's expression Slightly surprised, he paused for a moment and said softly: "Father, I request to build a cemetery!"


Emperor Yu frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "My royal family already has an imperial mausoleum, why do we need to build another one?"

"Father, it's not a royal cemetery!"

"It's a martyrs' cemetery!"

"I, Dayu, have been fighting for many years, and countless soldiers have died in battle over the years, and many of them have even been mutilated!"

"I suggest building a martyrs' cemetery to accommodate my Dayu's soldiers who died in battle over the years!"


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