Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 196 The first encounter between the genius and the sleeping dragon!


Ning Chen's eyes flashed with deep surprise, and Emperor Yu also showed a gleam of brilliance and nodded slightly!

"You can mention it again tomorrow morning!"

"This matter still needs to be discussed with the officials. Now that the new year is approaching, Da Li has just handed over his credentials and wants to be on good terms with me, Dayu!"

"What Zhao Aiqing of the Ministry of Rites means is to send an envoy to Dali after the New Year!"

"I'm going to let you two brothers go out on my behalf, Dayu!"

Hearing Emperor Yu's words, Ning Fan couldn't help but look startled. He didn't expect Empress Da Li to stabilize the situation in the court so quickly!

Just to send an envoy to Dali...why do the two princes need to come forward?

Ning Chen also looked at Ning Fan and nodded slightly: "Father, I suggest that Concubine Xian be in charge of the ceremony!"


Emperor Yu nodded lightly and said: "Okay, after several days of running around, you must be tired, so go down and have a rest!"

"My son, please retire!"

After the two bowed, they exited the hall together. Emperor Yu sat in front of the dragon table and pondered for a long time: "Summon Zhao Changying, Su Xuan, and Liu Fengping to come and see you!"

"According to the order!"

"Second brother, will you come and sit at my house tomorrow?"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, feeling the strong evil aura on Ning Chen's body, he couldn't help but feel shocked, and silently opened the system!


"Your sister-in-law has been waiting at the house for a long time."

"I'll go back to my house first and take a look!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly and watched Ning Chen get on his horse. The shock on his face still hadn't faded away. He couldn't help but murmured: "He is indeed a genius of the world!"

"Wen can rule the world, and martial arts can rival the overlord!"

"Looking at this world, who else can compare with me?"

Prince Xuanyong’s Mansion!

Zhuge Liang and others had been waiting for a long time. Ning Fan took off his armor, glanced around, and chuckled: "Everyone, it's been a long time!"

"See Your Highness!"

Zhuge Liang and the others bowed their hands and raised their eyes to focus on a thin figure beside Ning Fan.

Guo Jia also looked at Zhuge Liang in unison. As soon as their eyes touched, a mysterious aura suddenly surged around them!

At this moment, it seemed as if there were only these two figures left between heaven and earth, as if there were indescribable things intertwined invisibly!

Let these two people who will never meet each other come together for a lifetime and join hands to become the heroes of the world!

"Zhuge Liang, courtesy name Kongming!"

"Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao!"

The two of them bowed to each other with a knowing smile. Qin Qiong looked at this scene with some confusion, while Yue Fei had a look of emotion on his face!

If Guo Jia doesn't die, Crouching Dragon won't come out!

Now that ghosts and Wolong gather together, what kind of waves will they cause?


"Oh no!"

Ning Fan and others were about to rush towards the mansion when they saw a figure running in in a panic and shouting at Zhuge Liang!

"Boss Shen was beaten!"

"Someone is causing trouble at the liquor store, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Ning Fan's figure. The book boy was startled for a moment, and he knelt down and saluted with a thud: "See Your Highness, I don't know that His Highness has returned. I'm rude!"

"Get up!" Ning Fan's face gradually darkened and he asked softly: "Did you just say that Boss Shen was beaten?"

"Yes..." The book boy bowed his head and whispered: "It's Zheng Yuan, the second son of the Zheng family. He wanted to buy Boss Shen's wine shop, but Boss Shen refused. Unexpectedly, he indulged his slaves and beat Boss Shen violently!"

"If a knight hadn't come to help, Boss Shen would have been taken back by them!"


There was a cold light in Ning Fan's eyes. Zheng Xuan's account hadn't been settled yet, but now the second son of the Zheng family had provoked him again!

"Go and ask Jiang Yu to come back to see me!"

"As you command!"

Ning Fan strode into the mansion. After taking a few steps, he saw Lin Yong running out in a hurry. When he saw Ning Fan, he grinned: "Second Master, you are back!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, looked at Lin Yong, and frowned: "Uncle Lin, why do you smell like a woman's rouge and gouache?"


Lin Yong smiled sarcastically and said with some resentment: "It's not Fatty Shen, let me help him test the efficacy of the medicine!"

"I see!"

After everyone walked into the hall together, they took their seats one by one. Ning Fan glanced around and saw that among the civil servants, there were three big figures from the Three Kingdoms: Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, and Chen Gong!

Among the generals, Yue Fei, Guan Yu, Qin Qiong, Dian Wei, and Xu Chu also sat down one after another!

Now Jia Xu and Ran Min are far away in Huainan, Zhuan Zhu's whereabouts are uncertain, and Jiang Gu is at the Jinyiwei Yamen.

"See Your Highness!"

"Everyone, there is no need to be polite!"

Ning Fan glanced around, and first landed on Zhuge Liang: "Kong Ming, is the house peaceful during this period of my absence?"

"Come back to my lord, everything is fine!"

"That's good!"

"Uncle Lin, send someone to bring Shen Wansan back!"


"This time for the Southern Border group, the Barbarian Emperor was captured, all the ancient Southern Barbarian kings were defeated, and the royal court was destroyed. After this time, there will be peace in the Southern Border!"

"Father is preparing to hold a ceremony to offer sacrifices to heaven!"

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang both looked at him with concentration and looked at him!

"Your Highness!"

"According to my laws and regulations, Dayu, when performing the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, you must first pay homage to the ancestral temple and report to the ancestors and the late emperor!"

"It seems that His Majesty is really ready to establish a crown prince this time!"

"Whether to establish a crown prince or not is up to Father, but now the government is clean and the court is united!"

"If Father is not in a hurry before the ancestral temple is established, I'm afraid the civil and military ministers will not agree!"

"Tomorrow morning court, we will first settle the matter of the southern border, and reward those who deserve merit and reward those who deserve reward!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked excited. I'm afraid that after tomorrow morning court, the door plaque of the palace will be replaced with a new one!


"This damned lowly person!"

"How dare a small merchant refuse this young master!"

"I cannot swallow this breath!"

Zheng Yuan's face was gloomy. He smashed the tea set on the table and said gloomily: "Go, send someone to bring those two back to me!"

"And that nosy knight!"

"Bring a few yamen runners from Jingzhao Prefecture. I want to see if they can turn the tables on me!"


A man in a white gown next to him bowed slightly and quietly left the main hall.

A figure walked in from outside the door, looked at Zheng Yuan who was still angry, and said with a smile: "Second brother, what happened to make you so angry?"

"Big brother!" Seeing the figure of the person coming, Zheng Yuan's expression instantly eased a lot, waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, I was just angry at a lowly person!"

"Second brother, now that King Xuanyong has just returned to the capital, the Jinyiwei is ready to move, you must not do anything wrong!"

"Don't worry, big brother, I know what's going on!"

"Yes!" Zheng An nodded slightly and said softly: "Let's go, father asked you to go over!"


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