"Your Majesty, as far as my subordinates know, Jia Xu is the talker of Black Ice Platform!"

"This person never likes to appear in public, and his subordinates know very little about him. However, it seems that he left Beijing secretly some time ago!"

"Whereabouts... my subordinates are investigating!"

When Jia Xu was mentioned, Jian Nan's eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of concentration. Ever since this person took charge of Jin Yiwei, his own people have been transferred out of the capital one after another!

It seems that all the people he has in Jinyiwei have no way to escape. They must either be transferred out or marginalized!

"So, what is the second child still planning?"

"Subordinate... I don't know!"

Jiannan lowered his head in shame. For some reason, when there were no Jin Yiwei, the world's movements would never escape his eyes and ears!

But now, as Jin Yiwei monitors the world, his own secret guards are becoming more and more marginalized!

Even some information that is not considered secret cannot be found!

This feeling is like that of an eighty-year-old man trying to outdo a young woman, but he is powerless!

"Over there at Jinyiwei, if you need to stop, just stop. Don't let me worry too much!"

"As for the 10,000 Beiwei Army, check it out!"

"As well as the generals and counselors under Lao Er's command, check their origins!"


Jiannan silently exited the hall, and Emperor Yu sighed sadly. When his son was ineffective, he was angry and would not fight for it, but now that his son has become successful, it makes him uneasy!

Being an emperor is difficult!

"Your Highness, Master Jiang is here!"

"Let it in!"

Ning Fan looked outside the hall and saw Jiang Gu, wearing Feiyu uniform, striding in and bowing respectfully!

"Your Highness!"

"Jiang Wei, conduct a thorough investigation of the Zheng family!"


Jiang Wei slightly cupped his hands, and Ning Fan's eyes flashed with a deep gleam, and he said lightly: "Before, because the Zheng family is the royal brother's in-laws, I didn't touch him!"

"Now, the two sons of the Zheng family have brought trouble to this king again and again!"

"It just so happens that when you come back this time, it's time to establish your authority!"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment and said softly: "Your Highness, Boss Shen is becoming more and more popular in Beijing now. I don't know how many people are staring at Huaxia Liquor Store!"

"Why not let Jingzhao Mansion come forward and take this opportunity to see who is coveting the wine shop!"

"Your Highness!"

Jiang Wei suddenly said: "My subordinates just got the news that the wine shop's caravan heading to Jiangnan for transportation was robbed by a group of strongmen!"


Ning Fan's eyes were slightly cold and he asked in a deep voice: "When did it happen?"

"At noon!"

"Where is Gao Shun now?"

"Back to Your Highness, after the new army marched to Huainan, General Gao led the enemy camp to garrison the west camp. It is still in the west of the city!"

"Go, summon Gao Shun and ask him to lead the camp and wait for me at the south gate!"


Jiang Wei strode away, and Ning Fan's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he said coldly: "There is no need for Jingzhao Mansion to come forward. Since they dare to attack the trading house unscrupulously, it means they have never taken Ma Ziyuan seriously. !”

"Dian Wei, Xu Chu, follow me out of the city!"



Huoyunzhou, County Sheriff’s Mansion!

Jia Xu, Ran Min and others sat down, and a man in black walked slowly and softly in front of them, saying softly: "Sir, I just got the news that King Huai has entered Huainan with several people accompanying him!"


There was a hint of amusement in Jia Xu's eyes, and he said softly: "Two hundred thousand when we went on the expedition, and one person will pay it back when we return from the victory!"

"Now that the 80,000 troops under King Huai are staying in the southern border, Marquis Qingyun will never let them enter the pass!"

"But the soldiers and horses in Huainan are scattered. Some are stationed in the north and others are guarding Julong City. On the contrary, Lingzhou is empty and surrounded by Master Ji and the princess's new army!"

"Now that King Huai has returned to Huainan, if my expectations are good, he should go to the southwest border to rectify the border army!"

As soon as Jia Xu finished speaking, Ran Min's eyes sparkled: "Sir, do you want..."


Jia Xu shook his head slightly and chuckled: "Today's King Huai is like a lost dog. He can't go back to Lingzhou, and Julong City has become an isolated city!"

"As for the southwest border, there are at least 50,000 elite soldiers, and they are all elite divisions!"

"Huoyun State is connected to the southwest border. If I guess correctly, Prince Huai should be on his way here!"

"General Ran, let King Huai go to the border, and we will lead the army back to Lingzhou!"

"Sir, what does this mean?"

Ran Min looked at Jia Xu with some doubts. Now that they have managed the Huoyun Prefecture, they are not afraid at all even if King Huai raises his troops to attack!

Why withdraw troops?

"Now all the grain and grass from Huainan states have been transported to Lingzhou, and Lingzhou is an important place in Huainan!"

"What we have to do now is to capture that isolated city in the north first!"

"Rejecting Dragon City?"


A gloomy smile appeared on Jia Xu's face, and he said playfully: "Let people spread the news that King Huai intends to go to the border to mobilize troops and plot a rebellion!"

South of King Yu's city!

Seven hundred iron armors stood outside the city like sculptures, forming a square formation. The soldiers guarding the city all looked alert!

A flying horse quickly passed through the palace, causing an uproar in the entire capital!

"Who is under the city?"

"Why are you gathering here?"

"This is an important place in the capital, who dares to raise troops without authorization?"

The general stood on the tower, looking nervously at the more than 700 figures below. The strong murderous aura rushed towards him, which made people tremble with fear!

"I am Gao Shun, dispatched by His Royal Highness King Xuanyong, waiting here!"

"Gao Shun?"

The general was shocked and shouted in a low voice: "Quick, send another person to inform the palace that His Royal Highness King Xuanyong has raised troops and his whereabouts are unknown!"


Another person rushed down the tower, jumped on his horse, and went straight to the palace!

"General Gao, retreat quickly, this is an important place in the capital!"

"Otherwise, if you disturb His Majesty, I'm afraid it will cause a disaster!"

"Without His Highness's dispatch, I'm sorry Gao can't act rashly!"


The guard was immediately furious and shouted directly: "You gathered troops at the city gate, are you planning a rebellion!?"

"What, King Xuanyong is planning a rebellion?"

"This... shouldn't be possible?"

"His Highness King Xuanyong has just made great military achievements for the court, how could he rebel?"

The faces of the people below all changed suddenly, and they ran towards the city in groups of three or five. Not long after, the news that King Xuanyong wanted to rebel spread to the capital!

In the palace, Emperor Yu had just sat down and was about to have a meal, but he saw the commander of the imperial army Jingli hurried in!

"Your Majesty, the commander of the South Gate just sent someone to report..."


Emperor Yu put down his chopsticks and frowned slightly: "What happened?"

"This..." Jing Li's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he stammered: "Your Highness Prince Xuanyong...he..."

"What happened to the second brother?"

"Your Highness is gathering troops at the South Gate, and his whereabouts are unknown!"


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