
Emperor Yu stood up suddenly, his sharp eyes fell on Jing Li: "How many soldiers did this rebellious son gather?"

"Uh!" Jing Li wiped the cold sweat and whispered: "Your Majesty, don't be nervous, there are only 700 people, it must be a... misunderstanding!"

"What's going on?"

Emperor Yu looked gloomy. Although he didn't believe that the second son would rebel, but now the gatekeeper has reported it, it is related to the stability of the court, and he can't afford to be careless!


"Oh no, Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Prince Xuanyong is planning a rebellion!"


Emperor Yu was filled with a raging rage, looking at the man who stumbled in: "Tell me, what did you hear?"

"This... Your Majesty, when I just returned to the palace, the people on the street were talking about Prince Xuanyong planning a rebellion!"

"I hurried over to report to Your Majesty!"


Emperor Yu was furious, and he stepped forward and kicked the eunuch to the ground: "You dog slave, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will chop off your head!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

Wei Ying also hurried forward to persuade: "This matter should be some misunderstanding, why not temporarily close the palace and deal with it after finding out the truth?"

"Close it!"

"I want to see what tricks this rebellious son has done again!"

"He has just come back for less than half a day, and he has made my capital city in turmoil. I will give him fifty lashes!"

"Go, check where this little beast is now!"


Jing Li hurriedly left, but saw Concubine Xian striding over with a palace maid, with a look of joy on her face that was difficult to conceal: "Your Majesty, I heard that Faner is going to rebel?"


The anger on Emperor Yu's face instantly dissipated, and he said unhappily: "How can I see you, you look so happy in other people's misfortune!"

"Hmph, your Ning family has seized the kingdom of my Great Zhou, and now my son has taken your throne, so what?"


Emperor Yu was speechless for a moment, not as angry as imagined, but with a bitter smile on his face, "Forget it, based on my understanding of this kid, unless I touch his reverse scale, he will never start a war against me!"

"My beloved concubine!"

"The friendship between our father and son is stronger than yours. It's deeper than I imagined!"

"Besides, it's not that easy for this kid to seize my kingdom!"

"Haha!" Concubine Xian smiled playfully: "Are you sure?"

"I heard that the three old foxes Zhao Changying are very close to Fan'er!"

"The girl from the Li family has also changed her mind about Fan'er!"

"And the three ministers of the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Rites are all very optimistic about Fan'er!"

"Chen Qinghe of the Ministry of Revenue was pushed up by Fan'er!"

Concubine Xian's expression became more playful, but she saw that Emperor Yu's forehead was already covered with black lines!

"The Jinyiwei monitors the whole world, and Faner is in charge of it. As far as I know, my son has a more mysterious intelligence organization!"

"Black Ice Platform!"

Hearing what Concubine Xian said, Emperor Yu showed a helpless look on his face: "In just half a year, this kid has grown up. Now I am afraid it will be difficult for me to move him!"

"By the way!" Concubine Xian seemed to have thought of something, and whispered: "A few days ago, news came from Dali. The empress seemed to have conferred a title on my son?"

"I don't remember the title, but he is a real king of a different surname. He doesn't need to bow to the emperor and doesn't need to be praised or named!"


At this point, Emperor Yu finally So he was really shocked: "This kid was made a king of a different surname by the Queen of Dali?"

"Why didn't I know about it?"

"Your Majesty doesn't know a lot!" Concubine Xian had a smirk on her lips and said playfully: "Your son is more promising than you think!"

"Several of his brave generals defeated the third on the list of famous generals in the southern border, Xi Xiongtu!"


Emperor Yu took a breath of cold air again and shouted to the outside of the palace: "Pass on my order, let King Xuanyong enter the palace as soon as possible!"

"Why can't you sit still?"

"Want to put my son under house arrest?"

Emperor Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head. In front of her, it seemed that he could never get angry at all, and could only shake his head helplessly!

"I have said that in this life, no matter what sins you and your son have committed, I will not bother with you!"

"I have also said that my kingdom can be taken by my second son at any time if he is capable!"

"Even if he loses, I will not touch him at all!"

Seeing Emperor Yu speaking seriously, Concubine Xian smiled faintly, but two tears could not help but slide down her face!

"This is your Ning family, you Dayu owe me!"

After speaking, she stood up and walked out of the hall, leaving Emperor Yu with a sad face and a hint of guilt in his eyes...

"Your Majesty!"

Jing Li strode into the hall and bowed respectfully, his face extremely unnatural.


"I have found out that His Highness gathered troops to go out of the city to suppress bandits!"

"This is a misunderstanding!"

"Suppress bandits!"

Emperor Yu did not seem surprised, but when he heard the word "suppress bandits", he couldn't help but twitch his mouth: "He just returned to the capital, what kind of bandits are he suppressing?"

"Tell me, who has provoked him again?"

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, His Highness seems to be standing up for a wine shop. This morning, a group of thieves robbed 3,000 jars of fine wine from Huaxia Trading Company!"

"Now His Highness is heading straight to the bandit camp, he should be standing up for the wine shop!"

Hearing Jing Li's words, Emperor Yu couldn't help but frown, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes, and said lightly: "Check the relationship between Huaxia Liquor Store and Lao Er!"


"Forget it, no need to check!"

"When he comes back, let him come to see me!"

"As ordered!"



The capital is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the middle part is a large plain. Yuwang City is located on this plain!

It is precisely because of the special terrain of the capital that the surrounding forces are complicated. Not only are there strong men, but also all kinds of people!

"Your Highness, I have found out that this group of thieves has a village in Nanshan, called Fugui Village!"

"The caravan that robbed the wine shop this time should be directed by someone behind the scenes!"


Ning Fan was not surprised by this, but looked at the winding mountain road and said lightly: "Lead the way, up the mountain!"


Jiang Li directly asked several Jinyiwei to lead the way in front, and Gao Shun, Dian Wei and Xu Chu guarded on the side.

The 700 Xianzhen Camp marched towards the mountain in a mighty manner, and instantly attracted the attention of the thieves on the mountain!


"Boss, it's bad, the soldiers are coming to kill us!"

"Come straight to our village!"

Several minions rushed in in a panic, with a look of shock on their faces!


"How many troops are here?"

"To report to the boss, there are about 700 to 800 people, everyone is wearing armor, it seems that the imperial guards should be used!"


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