"Mr. Zimei was honored as the 'Poet Saint' and 'Poetry History' by later generations!"

"Thousands of words of poetry history, Mr. Bai's bones in autumn!"

"The two are called the Great Li and Du. Not only that, in this world, Li Bai's name has spread all over the world!"

Hearing Shen Wansan's words, Li Bai and Du Fu were both stunned and looked over together!

"What do you mean?"

"Hehe, nothing!" Shen Wansan endured the pain on his face and explained softly: "Some time ago, Fengxiang Tower had a poetry meeting, and even His Majesty and the ministers in the court came to sit in person!"

"Your Highness recited fifty of Brother Li's masterpieces in a row!"

"Since then, no one in the world does not know the name of Li Bai!"

"Even His Majesty favors you!"

Li Bai was stunned for a moment, and laughed: "I didn't expect that I, Li Bai, would have such an honor in this alien world!"

"Let's go!"

"Let's drink!"

The three of them rushed all the way to Fengxiang Tower, but saw dozens of burly figures gathering intentionally or unintentionally!

The people nearby seemed to have noticed something was wrong and quietly stepped aside. Li Bai paused with a smile on his face and looked at the group of people who had gathered around him!

"Are you from the Zheng family again?"

"Hmph, boy, if you know what's good for you, come with us!"

Li Bai's mouth curled up slightly and he looked at Shen Wansan beside him: "Boss Shen, I'm here for you again!"


Shen Wansan's eyes also flashed with a fierce look. He took out a dagger from his sleeve and said coldly: "Your Highness said that in this area of ​​the capital, no one can bully us!"


Li Bai smiled lightly, took a step forward, and his whole body danced with it. The seven-foot green sword on his waist came out of the sheath with a clang!

"Get lost!"

A sword energy shook and instantly disintegrated into dozens of cold rays, sweeping towards the servants in all directions!


"Not good!"

"This man is very powerful!"

"Quick, retreat!"

The group retreated hurriedly until more than ten sword energies dissipated in the void. Li Bai smiled faintly and sheathed his sword!


"It turned out to be a bluff, nothing more than that!"

"Blood... bleeding!"

A cry of surprise suddenly sounded, and a figure hurriedly looked in front of him, and a cloud of blood mist suddenly burst out from an arm!


"My arm!"

The screams came one after another, Li Bai just glanced at it faintly, and said helplessly: "Brother Shen, now that things have become serious, I'm afraid I can't go to drink wine!"

Shen Wansan also nodded heavily and said softly: "Go back to the palace first!"


Cheng County!

Inside the county government.

A middle-aged man with a dignified face sat at the top, and next to him was an old man with a goatee wearing a red official robe, with a smile on his face!

"Old Lin, the matter has been settled!"

"Look at the capital..."

"Don't worry, County Magistrate. I will do what I promised you, but..."

"Understand, Old Lin, don't worry, this matter will never be spread!"


The majestic middle-aged man was also dressed in an official, but he was wearing a green county lieutenant's uniform. The county magistrate's official position was obviously higher, but he was servile to him!


"Three men came to the yamen, claiming to be from the capital, and wanted to see the county lieutenant!"


The middle-aged man was shocked, and hurriedly stood up and strode out of the hall: "Take me to see!"


Lin Dinglong walked out of the county yamen with a tiger step. As soon as he walked out, he saw three figures standing in front of the county yamen!

The leader was dressed in brocade and gorgeous clothes, with jade on his waist, and he exuded a nobleness that ordinary people could not match!

"I am the county lieutenant of Cheng County. I wonder if you are..."

"Huaxia Trading Company, Fan Ning!"

"Huaxia Trading Company!"

The amiable look on Lin Ding's face disappeared instantly, replaced by a cold expression that kept people at a distance: "Why did you three come to see me?"

"County lieutenant, you are so forgetful!"

"Today at noon, on the official road of Yuwang City, Fugui Village, three thousand jars of fine wine!"

"I wonder what advice Lord Lin has!"

"Hehe!" Lin Ding's face was not at all flustered, but he said calmly: "What are you talking about? I don't understand?"

"Okay, I still have official business to attend to, you can leave on your own!"

After that, he strode directly into the county government office. Ning Fan stood quietly and said with a smile: "Lord Lin, it won't be long before we meet again!"


Lin Ding paused, a gloomy smile appeared on his face, he looked at Ning Fan deeply, and left without looking back!

"Your Highness!"

A figure walked over quickly and bowed respectfully!

"It's been checked!"

"Today, yesterday, and this morning, a team of county soldiers did leave the county government!"

"And at noon today, people on the street also saw a caravan pulling some goods into an empty house in the south of the city!"


Ning Fan had a sneer on his face and said lightly: "Have you checked the details of Cheng County's government?"

"This place is directly under the jurisdiction of Jingzhao Prefecture. Logically, Cheng County's team should be Ma Ziyuan's people!"

"Huaxia Trading Company is backed by Jingzhao Prefecture. This should not be a secret!"

"But this Lin County Lieutenant still took action against the trading company!"

Ning Fan expressed his doubts, and Jiang Li said softly: "Your Highness, according to my investigation, this Lin County Lieutenant has a strong relationship in Beijing!"

"As for who it is, it has not been found out yet!"


"In that case, go in and ask and you will know!"

As he spoke, Ning Fan strode into the county government office. Jiang Li waved at the corner, and a team of Jinyiwei wearing flying fish uniforms walked out of the dark!

"Who are you!"

"Why did you break into the county government office?"

The county soldiers guarding the county government office saw a group of people suddenly gathered in front of the door, and their faces tightened, and they shouted in a low voice!

"Jinyiwei is investigating the case, get out of the way!"

Jiang Li held the hilt of the knife, strode in front, glanced around lightly, and walked in directly!


"Greetings, sir!"

"Take all these people down and interrogate them separately!"


More than a dozen burly men controlled the county government offices and interrogated them directly in front of the government office!

In the county government office, Lin Ding just sat down when he saw a figure rushing in in a panic!


"Oh no, Jinyiwei... Jinyiwei is here!"


Lin Ding's face condensed, and there was a hint of deep fear in his eyes: "Jinyiwei?"

Just as he was about to go out to check, he saw several figures walking in together. Among the leading few people, there were the three figures in front of the government office just now!

"Sir Lin, we meet again!"

Ning Fan looked at Lin Ding with a playful look, his eyes fell on the county magistrate standing aside, revealing a thoughtful look!

"It turns out that the lord of Jinyiwei is here in person!"

"I am sorry!"


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