Lin Ding’s eyes were full of panic, but he still looked calm as he clasped his fists towards Ning Fan and his party!

“Master Lin, is there anything you want to say?”

“Master Fan, I’m afraid there is some misunderstanding between you and me!”

Lin Ding had a kind smile on his face, bowed slightly towards Ning Fan, and chuckled.


"In that case, the batch of goods from Huaxia Trading Company has nothing to do with Lord Lin?"

"What goods?" Lin Ding looked dull and looked at Ning Fan with a puzzled look on his face: "Please explain it clearly, Lord!"

Looking at Lin Ding's stubborn look, Ning Fan was not angry or annoyed. Jiang Li on the side had cold eyes and a cold murderous intent on his body: "Where did Lord Lin go with a team of county soldiers last night?"

"County soldiers!"

Hearing Jiang Li mention the county soldiers, Lin Ding's face finally changed. He looked at Jiang Li and asked tentatively: "I wonder who you are?"


"What position do you hold in Jinyiwei?"

"It has nothing to do with you. Answer my question!" Jiang Li said indifferently. He glanced at him coldly and said, "My people are interrogating the county soldiers in your county government. I have also sent people to investigate the three thousand jars of wine hidden in the village west of the city!"

"Tell the truth and you will be given a lighter sentence!"


Lin Ding's expression suddenly changed. He pointed at Jiang Li and his expression changed. After a long time, he sighed softly, "I advise you to stop this matter!"

"If the matter gets out of hand, I'm afraid the Jinyiwei can't protect you!"


Ning Fan's mouth curled up slightly, and a hint of playfulness appeared on his face: "So you are not the mastermind?"

Lin Ding kept silent, his expression returned to calm, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, with a hint of sarcasm.


"Sir, the county soldiers of the county government have confessed. It was indeed Lin Ding who led them to Fugui Village yesterday!"

"This morning, robbers pretending to be from Fugui Village robbed a batch of goods from Huaxia Trading Company!"

"Where are the goods?"

"We are sending people to deliver them. They have all been found!"

Jiang Li looked at Ning Fan on the side, and heard him say softly: "Take this Lord Lin away and find out the mastermind behind the scenes!"

"And all the personnel of Cheng County Government, take them back together and investigate thoroughly!"


Hearing Ning Fan's order, Jiang Li responded respectfully. Lin Ding's eyes were filled with anger, and he said in a low voice: "I am the county lieutenant of Cheng County, under the direct supervision of Jingzhao Prefecture!"

"Even if the Jinyiwei has the power of supervision, I am not a small constable like you!"

Several figures stepped forward at the same time, blocking in front of Lin Ding, looking at Ning Fan and his party fiercely!

"Fan Ning, I advise you again, don't interfere in this matter!"

"Otherwise, even the Jinyiwei can't protect you!"

"No matter how big your background is, you will be in trouble!"

Lin Ding's face was full of warnings, and he seemed to be quite afraid of the title of Jinyiwei. Even if it came to this, he still didn't tear his face!


"It's really not easy to make us Jinyiwei pay!"

"Lord Lin, why don't you report your title, so that we can have an explanation when we go back!"

Looking at Ning Fan's playful face, Lin Ding's face was stern, and he whispered: "It starts with the word Huang, and there are only so many things I can say. If you still want to take action, whether to arrest or kill, it's up to you!"


Ning Fan's anger had disappeared at this time, but he was more playful. If he guessed correctly, it should be his cheap seventh brother again!

But what was beyond his expectation was that he was behind Huaxia Trading Company!


"No wonder that old fox Ma Ziyuan hasn't shown up yet!"

"Take him back!"


Seeing Ning Fan's determination to take action, Lin Ding sneered and was led away from the county government by several Jinyiwei!


Yuwang City!

Xuanyong Palace.

Shen Wansan and Li Du returned to the palace from the street. Lin Yong looked at the fat man's bruised face and was stunned: "Fatty Shen, who did such a cruel thing?"

"Hmph, the bastards of the Zheng family!"

"Old Lin, is His Highness at home?"

"The Second Master is not at home!" Lin Yong shook his head slightly and said softly: "If there is an emergency, go find Mr. Kong Ming!"


Shen Wansan nodded, and Lin Yong sent someone to invite Zhuge Liang. His eyes fell on Li Bai and Du Fu and looked at them, with a slightly surprised look!

"Who are these two?"

"Li Bai!"

"Du Fu!"

"Li Bai!" When Lin Yong heard this name, he felt that he had heard of it a little, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it. His eyes fell on the seven-foot green peaks on his waist, lingered for a moment, and nodded slightly: "Please come in, two!"

The three of them strode into the hall under the guidance of Lin Yong. Zhuge Liang and Chen Gong walked in together. When Li Bai and Du Fu saw the newcomers, their expressions suddenly condensed, and they all looked at Zhuge Liang!

"Li Bai, meet the Prime Minister of Shu!"

"Du Fu, meet the Prime Minister of Shu!"

Both of them bowed respectfully. Chen Gong on the side was surprised and looked at Zhuge Liang with some doubts, "Kong Ming, what is the position of the Prime Minister of Shu?"


Zhuge Liang smiled but said nothing: "You will know later, which dynasty you two are from?"

"To the Prime Minister of Shu, we are both from the Tang Dynasty, and the name of the Prime Minister is well-known!"

Li Bai and Du Fu were like Shamatte meeting the local leader, excited, with a deep awe on their faces!

"So that's it!"

"So you and General Shubao are from the same dynasty!"

"That's right!"


Everyone sat down one by one. Zhuge Liang's eyes fell on Shen Wansan first, and he said softly: "Wansan, I have heard about your story!"

"Go to Jingzhao Mansion!"

"Report to the authorities!"

As soon as Zhuge Liang finished speaking, Shen Wansan was stunned and looked at Zhuge Liang blankly: "Report to the authorities?!"



Shen Wansan was about to speak, but saw Zhuge Liang gently shaking his feather fan and said with a smile: "Do as I tell you!"

"You were beaten in public by Zheng's playboys and their servants on the street. There must be many witnesses!"

"Jingzhao Mansion is in charge of the capital area. Now you report to the authorities, it's only natural!"

Shen Wansan was stunned. He thought that the gentleman would go directly to Zheng Mansion to ask for an explanation, or directly send Jinyiwei to arrest people. Even if he asked himself to endure and keep his troops in place, it was not unacceptable!

But reporting to the authorities...

I really didn't think about it!

"As you say!" Shen Wansan stood up and bowed, and was about to go to Jingzhao Prefecture. Zhuge Liang looked at Li Bai and said with a smile: "You two are the main witnesses this time, go with Wansan!"


Li Bai and Du Fu nodded in succession. After the three of them left the hall, Chen Gong looked at Zhuge Liang meaningfully: "Why do you want to start from Jingzhao Prefecture?"

"Although the Jingzhao Prefecture Governor does not belong to the central government, he controls the capital and holds great power!"

"Although the lord has the handle on Ma Ziyuan, this man is a playboy, and he still needs to be beaten!"


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