Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Chen Gong nodded slightly and suddenly looked straight at him: "Kong Ming, do you know Li Bai?"

"do not know!"

Zhuge Liang smiled and shook his head. Seeing the suspicion in Chen Gong's eyes, he said softly: "Gongtai, when the time is right, you will naturally understand everything!"

Among the top counselors in Prince Xuanyong's palace now, only Chen Gong has not recovered his past life memory, but with his intelligence and the previous conversations with everyone, he can vaguely guess some things!

But after all, I can’t figure out the specific clue!

"That's all!"

"Let's get down to business first!" Chen Gong smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said with a serious face: "There is a sudden rumor in Beijing today, Kong Ming, have you heard it?"

"Lord, is he planning to rebel?"

"Not bad!" A look of worry appeared on Chen Gong's face, and he said in a deep voice: "When His Highness just left the city to suppress the bandits, he asked General Gao Shun to lead his troops to wait at the South City Gate!"

"I just didn't expect it to be falsely reported by the guard, and it would spread in the capital!"

"If it reaches His Majesty's ears, will it..."


Before Chen Gong finished speaking, Zhuge Liang shook his head and said: "Don't worry, Gongtai, your Majesty is not as dim as you and I thought!"

"Besides, my lord is not in the capital now, and Gao Shun's camp has not entered the city!"

"Your Majesty will certainly not care!"

"I hope so!"

Seeing that Chen Gong still looked worried, Zhuge Liang said with a smile: "Now that Wan San has gone to Jingzhao Mansion, I'm afraid that old fox Ma Ziyuan will not offend the Zheng family easily!"

"Gongtai, come and see it for yourself!"


In front of Jingzhao Mansion!

As Shen Wansan and Li Bai walked along, their eyes fell on the injustice drum in front of Jingzhao Mansion, with a hint of regret on their faces.

When he came for the first time, he was blocked from entering. When he came for the second time, the governor of Jingzhao personally greeted him. Unexpectedly, this time he wanted to beat a drum to complain!


Thinking of Zheng Yuan's arrogant face, Shen Wansan strode towards the grievance drum. When the government servant in front of the house saw Shen Wansan's figure, he quickly greeted him with a smile: "Boss Shen!"

"Do you want to report it to Lord Fu Yin?"

"No need!"

Shen Wansan shook his head slightly and said softly: "I'll do it myself!"

After saying that, he directly picked up the mallet and banged the drum of grievance one after another. The expression of the government servant next to him changed slightly: "Boss Shen, this is a drum of grievance, don't knock it randomly!"

"Of course I know!"

After Shen Wansan finished knocking, he strode towards the government office. After waiting for a while, he saw a middle-aged man in official uniform striding up to the hall. It was Ma Ziyuan, the governor of Jingzhao!

"Brother Shen?"

"How did you..."

"Lord Fu Yin, the common people are suing Zheng Yuan and instigating his domestic slaves to severely injure the common people for no reason. Please make the decision for the common people!"


Ma Ziyuan suddenly looked startled, and then said angrily: "This Zheng Yuan is so brave, he dares to touch my brother Ma Ziyuan!"

"Someone is coming!"


"Go and bring this Zheng Yuan to justice. I will punish him severely!"

"And those house slaves, bring them too!"

Ma Ziyuan knew how difficult it was to mess with the merchant in front of him. After all, there was that evil god standing behind him!

"grown ups!"

"That Zheng Yuan is Mr. Zheng!"

"Hmph, no matter what Mr. Zheng, he bullied my brother, I must show him some color!"

Ma Ziyuan said with a righteous expression. An old man in official uniform next to him seemed to be unable to bear it anymore. He leaned over and whispered, and Ma Ziyuan's complexion instantly became extremely ugly!


"It turned out to be a misunderstanding!"

"Master Zheng has indeed gone too far this time!"

"This is simply unreasonable!"

Ma Ziyuan stood up, clapping the case, and said loudly: "Captain Cheng, please bring a few people there personally, and you must capture and bring to justice those slaves of the Zheng family!"

"As you command!"

When Shen Wansan heard Ma Ziyuan's change of words, he slightly cupped his hands and said, "Master Fu Yin, this beating of the grassroots was personally ordered by Zheng Yuan, the second son of the Zheng family. Please arrest him too!"


Ma Ziyuan coughed lightly, looked at Shen Wansan with some dissatisfaction, and felt a curse in his heart!

You old boy, do you really not know the origin of the Zheng family?

A small businessman actually offended the Zheng family. It would be great if he could save his life, but he even came over to play drums and express his grievances!

If it weren't for the sake of King Xuan Yong, how could you, a small businessman, call me a brother?

"Brother Shen, this matter is really embarrassing for me!"

"You also know that the Zheng family is one of the most powerful nobles in Beijing. The old man of the Zheng family is also the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel at the time. It is not something you and I can offend!"

"Listen to my brother's advice and let this matter go. How about that?"

Ma Ziyuan looked thoughtful and walked down personally to help Shen Wansan up.

"Master Ma, Shen was beaten on the street for no reason!"

"Now that I have come to ask for an explanation, I will never give up. The prince has violated the law and is guilty of the same crime as the common people!"

"Please, sir, uphold justice for the grassroots!"

Seeing Shen Wansan's reluctance, Ma Ziyuan was secretly holding back his anger, with a hint of impatience on his face: "Brother Shen, I can't handle this matter, so please step back!"

"Come here, see the guests off!"

Ma Ziyuan sneered and looked at Shen Wansan with a face full of sarcasm. Aren't you from Xuanyong Palace?

Since you have offended the Zheng family, why didn't Xuanyong Palace stand up for you, but instead came to beat the drum to complain!

In his opinion, Shen Wansan was abandoned by Xuanyong Palace, otherwise he would not be so miserable!

Although the Zheng family is powerful, it is still far behind the evil spirit of Xuanyong Palace. Even if Shen Wansan is just a name, the Zheng family will never dare to be so unscrupulous!

Therefore, Ma Ziyuan simply thinks that Shen Wansan has no use value!

"Sir, Lord Chen Gong wants to see you!"


When Ma Ziyuan heard the report from the servant, his expression suddenly froze, and he stood up and said, "Please come in quickly!"

He didn't dare to be arrogant to Chen Gong. You know, this is a guest official of the Xuanyong Palace, and he was arranged by the one who came in. Now he has a position in Jingzhao Prefecture!

It's just that he rarely comes to the government office on weekdays. I didn't expect that he would visit in person today!

Could it be...

"Ahem, Brother Shen, you get up first!"

"This matter is of great importance. Let me consider it. Don't worry, I will give you an explanation for this matter!"

Ma Ziyuan is really good at dealing with people. He didn't dare to offend Shen Wansan before he understood Chen Gong's intention.

"Come here!"

"Quick, prepare tea, good tea!"

Ma Ziyuan personally walked out of the lobby to greet him. Although he was the boss, he had to put on the appearance of welcoming the boss and bowed to greet him!

"Your humble servant Chen Gong greets Lord Ma!"


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