Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 204 I’ll find a deserted place to kill you!

"Hahaha, brother Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you still look good!"

Chen Gong looked at Ma Ziyuan with a smile on his face, bowed his hands respectfully, and said in a calm tone: "Sir, this official is here because of the fact that the young master of the Zheng family hurt someone!"

"His Highness said that Shen Wansan is a guest of my Prince Xuanyong's palace. He was beaten in the street for no reason. This matter will never stop!"

"We must seek an explanation. His Highness said that Mr. Ma is an upright and upright official, and he will definitely deal with it impartially!"


Chen Gong's tone was full of compliments, but his words were full of threats. Ma Ziyuan laughed dryly, nodded repeatedly and said: "Brother Chen is absolutely right, I will definitely be fair and just in this matter!"

"Dispose according to the laws of my Dayu, no matter who it is, as long as they violate my laws and decrees of the Dayu, they will never give up!"

"Someone is coming!"

"Go and arrest the instigator Zheng Yuan and the murderer's slave!"


Seeing Chen Gong representing Shen Wansan on behalf of Prince Xuanyong's Mansion, Ma Ziyuan knew that he was destined to be unkind today!

However, compared with Prince Xuanyong's Palace, he would rather offend the Zheng family!

If you offend the official minister, you will be dismissed from the official position at most, but if you offend that lunatic, you will most likely lose your head!

"Brother Chen, and Brother Shen!"

"Come, come, have some tea!"

"This is the green leaf tea that I purchased at a high price from a wealthy businessman from the south of the Yangtze River!"

Ma Ziyuan personally poured two cups of tea for Chen Gong and Shen Wansan. His expression was also kind. He looked at Shen Wansan with a smile and said, "Brother Shen, my tone just now was a little harsh. Don't let anyone out!"

"Don't dare!"

Shen Wansan looked at Ma Ziyuan with a smile, and looked at Chen Gong with a look of gratitude!

Prince Xuanyong’s Mansion!

Ning Fan had just rode his horse to the front of the house when he saw a figure hurriedly coming towards him: "Your Highness, Your Majesty has a decree. After you return to the city, you will immediately enter the palace to pay an audience!"

"Let's go!"

Ning Fan didn't seem surprised. He looked at Xu Chu and Dian Wei behind him and said softly: "You guys wait for me at home, I'll go to the palace!"


"Tell Jiang Wei, no matter what happens, wait until I come back!"


Dian Wei responded solemnly, and Ning Fan rode towards the palace city under the leadership of a eunuch!

"My son, please see your father!"

In the Imperial Study Room, Emperor Yu was holding a book with his brows furrowed and silent for a long time!

It wasn't until Ning Fan let out a soft cry that Emperor Yu came back from his thoughts, raised his eyes and glanced at him: "When did you come?"

"Just arrived!"

"Come sit down and talk!"

"According to the order!"

Ning Fan looked obedient and sensible, like a child, sitting respectfully beside Emperor Yu!

"Father, I don't know why I summoned you here."

"Don't worry, let's take a look at this discount first!"

Emperor Yu did not directly get to the point, but handed the booklet in his hand to Ning Fan and sighed: "In the past few years, the rainfall in the south of the Yangtze River has been very little. Although there have been no major disasters, the harvest of the people has been It’s been decreasing year after year!”

"There are more and more dry lands, wastelands, and barren lands!"

“This year’s taxes have been reduced by a quarter compared to previous years!”

Emperor Yu rubbed his head and said a little tiredly: "In this battle in the southern border, although the southern barbarians were hurt and injured, my treasury of Dayu is almost at its bottom!"

"Ma Yingjie comes to me every day to complain, and now the south is asking for food again. In your opinion, what should we do?"


Ning Fan pondered for a moment, read the memorial carefully, and then said softly: "You just said that there have been no major disasters in Jiangnan in the past few years, but why are there more and more dry lands?"

"Why are the people's harvests getting less and less?"

"Why do we need food in the south?"

Ning Fan frowned slightly, and Emperor Yu sighed and said softly: "Although there have been no major disasters in the past few years, small disasters have never stopped, either drought or the earth dragon turns over!"

"All kinds of disasters continue year after year!"

"I have also suspected that there are people in Jiangnan who are deceiving the superiors and deceiving the subordinates to line their own pockets. However, I have sent several imperial envoys, but in the end they all returned without success!"

"There are indeed several natural disasters every year!"

Emperor Yu sighed sadly: "I, Yu the Great, have been fighting for years. There are not enough men, women are farming, and due to cattle farming and other reasons, the harvest of the people is not ideal!"

"Father, there is no need to worry about food!"

Ning Fan said softly, "When next spring comes, let the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs jointly promote the Quyuan Plow across the country. My father can also set up a spring plowing day!"

“On the Spring Plowing Day, I, the state and county officials of Dayu, are required to personally go to the farmland to reclaim wasteland!”

“Encourage the common people to do spring plowing!”

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Emperor Yu couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said with a little joy: "This is a wonderful plan. It will not only allow me, the official of Dayu, to sympathize with the sufferings of the people, but also encourage the villagers to reclaim wasteland and farm!"

"This plan is feasible. Let's discuss it together tomorrow morning!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly and chuckled: "Calculate the time, the potatoes and sweet potatoes in my house should be harvested in another ten days and a half!"

"I just don't know how many dan per mu the seeds cultivated in the greenhouse can achieve!"


Hearing Ning Fan's words, Emperor Yu was startled for a moment, and said with excitement: "If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten it, but you still have my Dayu's national treasure in your house!"

"What's the situation now? Have any seedlings grown?"

"Father, I haven't had time to take a look since I returned to Beijing. I don't know what the specific situation is now!"

"Let's go and take a look with me!"

Emperor Yu immediately stood up, grabbed Ning Fan's sleeve, and asked someone to prepare the horse and walked out of the palace!

"Father, wait for me!"

"It's said outside that King Xuanyong is going to rebel. Aren't you afraid that if I go out with me, I'll find a place where no one is and kill you?"

"Father, you'd better bring a few guards!"

Ning Fan chased and shouted, which made Wei Ying, who was following him, sweat on his forehead. A shout came from afar: "You rebellious son, get out of here!"

"Father, calm down, the rumors are not credible!"

"Your son is loyal to you, father, and you are sincere. Don't listen to the slander and provoke the relationship between my father and me!"

"Father, wait for me!"


Jingzhou Palace!

The prince's mansions of Dayu are all located around the palace city, surrounded by nobles and mansions like forests!

Ning Yu sat at the head with a gloomy face, looking at the old man standing respectfully below, and said coldly: "What does this have to do with the Jinyiwei? Why did they suddenly intervene?"

"Your Highness, now the entire Cheng County team has been taken back to the capital by the Jinyiwei!"

"Lin Ding has also fallen into their hands. I am worried..."

"It's okay!" Ning Yu's face was still calm, and he said softly: "It's not a big deal. I will go to the Jinyiwei Yamen in person later!"

"I don't believe that the second brother won't give me this face!"

"You go and prepare a small gift and follow me to the Jinyiwei Yamen!"



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