Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 209 Emperor Yu wants to investigate Huaxia Liquor Store!

Your Majesty, don’t be angry, don’t take His Highness Seventh Prince’s unintentional words to heart! "

Emperor Yu was hiding in the corner, his expression gloomy, his chest heaving up and down, obviously he was extremely sullen!

"Wei Ying, they are both my sons, why is there such a big gap?"

"Ning Chen is young, but he has already become the mainstay of my army, Dayu, and the wise king praised by everyone!"

"In just half a year, Ning Fan cleaned up the administration, killed corrupt officials, established national policies, and pacified the southern barbarians!"

"Why is Lao Qi still so ignorant and stupid?" Emperor Yu looked at Ning Yu with a gloomy expression, and watched Ning Fan slap him on the face one after another, and sighed softly: "I'm so sorry. disappointed!"

Ning Yu was slapped in the face by Ning Fan and was severely beaten. His face instantly became extremely red and swollen, but he still looked unconvinced!

"I have recorded today's second brother's teachings!"

"I will definitely pay you back a hundred times in the future!"

"Huaxia Commercial Bank, you can't protect it. There is nothing I can't get even if I want it!"


Emperor Yu shouted low and finally couldn't help but walked out of the corner. When Ning Yu saw the person coming, he also looked stunned. He ignored the burning on his face and looked at Emperor Yu in panic!


"Why are you here..."

"Hmph, if I weren't here, how could I see with my own eyes how my prince robs, how he has no brothers, and how arrogant and domineering he is!"

"Father, I know my crime!"

Ning Yu's legs instantly softened and he knelt in front of Emperor Yu with a panic look on his face.



"A small wine shop can actually cost you so much!"

"So shameless, abusing private power, and even letting dignified county soldiers disguise themselves as thieves!"

"You are really promising!"

Emperor Yu looked like he hated iron and looked at the rebellious son in front of him coldly: "As my royal family, Dayu, you don't think about how to share my worries, how to work diligently and love the people, and you do nothing all day long!"

"Do you really think I don't know about the things you do in private?"

Seeing Emperor Yu's furious state, Ning Yu knocked his head deeply on the ground, looking like he had repented of his past mistakes, and choked with sobs: "Father, I am obsessed with money. I am guilty. Please punish me, Father." !”

"Money is the obsession?" Emperor Yu seemed to be even more angry when he heard this, and shouted angrily: "As my Prince Yu, you have been richly dressed and supported by your salary since you were young, why do you want to covet a small wine shop?"

"In other words, why did you focus on the second brother's liquor store?"

"Who told you to do this?"


Ning Yu was stunned for a moment, looked at Ning Fan in disbelief, and said in a voiceless voice: "Lao Er's wine shop?"

"The Huaxia Liquor Store belongs to the old...second brother?"

"You didn't know?"

"Father, my son and I don't know!"

Ning Yu was really confused, with a look of misery on his face. No wonder the Jin Yiwei was alarmed as soon as he made a move. No wonder the second brother was so ruthless. He had bullied others, so how could he take it lightly?

I thought it was the second child who crossed his legs, trying to get a piece of the pie, but he didn't expect that he actually hit the muzzle of the gun!

The anger on Emperor Yu's face had completely disappeared, and he just looked at him with a disappointed look on his face, and said calmly: "Go back and prepare, and go away after the New Year!"

"Yes, Father!"

Ning Yu stood up slowly, bowed respectfully, and was about to leave when he heard Emperor Yu's voice faintly coming: "Don't go out before the new year, and reflect at home!"

"Son, obey the order!"

Seeing Ning Yu striding away, Emperor Yu's expression also became extremely gloomy, his eyes were shining with a faint light, and he didn't know what he was thinking about!

"Wei Ying!"


"Go, check out the Huaxia Liquor Store for me!" Emperor Yu glanced at Ning Fan and said calmly: "How can a small wine shop be coveted by Lao Qi so much!"

"It seems business is doing well!"

"Ahem!!" Ning Fan saw that he was suddenly on fire and was speechless for a moment: "Father, you can't take advantage of the situation!"

"Hua Xia Liquor Store just opened a few stores, making small and big fuss, and it didn't get publicity at all!"

"Father, please take a closer look!"

"Haha!" Emperor Yu just smiled faintly and said calmly: "Aren't I just observing clearly?"

"I also watched the potatoes and sweet potatoes today, and also watched a farce. I'm tired too!"

"Don't make any trouble for me during this period of time. Go back to the palace!"

"Father, are you leaving without a meal?"

"Yeah, that's fine!" Emperor Yu suddenly nodded. Ning Fan was stunned for a moment, and then gave himself a soft mouth: "Father, I just want to be polite to you!"


After seeing off Emperor Yu, Ning Fan strode to the attic where Qu Hongxiu lived before. Now there was another princess living in it, but she was not the princess of Donghuai!

But the princess of the ancient Nanman Kingdom, Yao Ji!

"How did you come?"

"This is the king's palace, why can't I come?"


Yao Ji said lightly, even if she was just sitting there quietly, she still had a seductive air about her.

Between his frown and his smile, he is captivating!

"Is that hateful woman gone?"

"Which one?"

"The one who fought with me just now!"


Ning Fan sat unceremoniously in front of the window and couldn't help but think of the girl in the east. There has been no news from Donghuai yet, and he doesn't know how she is doing!

"How are my father and brother now?"

"Can I see them?"

"Will you kill them?"

Yao Ji looked at Ning Fan with twinkling eyes, her face full of worry.

"They are now imprisoned in the sky prison, you can't see them!"

"As for whether to kill them, it is not up to me to decide!"


Yao Ji responded softly, her eyes glanced into the distance, with a little light in her expression, I don't know what she was thinking!

"From now on, you will live in my house!"

"You can move around freely in Yuwang City, but you are not allowed to leave the city at will!"

"All expenses will be borne by me!"

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, Yao Ji looked at him with twinkling eyes and asked softly: "Why don't you put me in prison together?"

"Because this king needs a maid to warm his bed!"


Yao Ji said softly again, watching Ning Fan go away, the corners of her mouth slightly raised,

"This man is really interesting!"


Jingzhao Mansion!


As the trial ended, Zheng Xuan left with a gloomy face, while Ma Ziyuan sat in front of the case with a bitter face!

"Master Ma!"

"This matter is over, I will leave first!"

"Your Highness said that Master Ma is honest and upright, and has a dignified character. It won't be long before I will have to add more responsibilities. I should perform well!"

Hearing Chen Gong's words, Ma Ziyuan's face instantly changed from worry to joy, and he hurriedly bowed and said: "Hahaha, thank you Master Chen, please stay in the palace

"If you can use me, Ma Ziyuan, you can use me!"

"Yes!" Chen Gong nodded with a smile and bowed slightly, "In that case, I will take my leave first!"


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