Xuanyong Palace.

Main Hall.

"Your Highness, Mr. Shen is back!"

"Let him in!"

Not long after, Ning Fan saw a middle-aged man with a big belly walking in. It was Boss Shen, who had not been seen for many days. His body was a little bigger than before the southern expedition!

Next to him stood two well-dressed young men, one in a green robe, with sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, exuding a touch of unruly temperament, and the other next to him was in a cloth robe, revealing a bit of scholarly spirit!

"Greetings, Your Highness!"

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan waved his hand, and a smile appeared on his face. He didn't expect that the person who could only appear in books before would now stand in front of him alive!

It really makes people sigh with emotion!

"Gongtai, how are things going in Jingzhao Prefecture?"

"My lord, Zheng Xuan came to the government office in person, and Ma Ziyuan was forced to detain Zheng Yuan under pressure!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, looked at Shen Wansan and said, "How has the wine business developed during this period?"

"My lord, now my Huaxia Wine Business has truly spread all over the world, and there are shops of my Huaxia Wine Business in all states and counties in the world!"

"More than 50,000 jars are shipped every day!"

"I plan to build a branch factory in Jiangbei!"

Hearing Shen Wansan's words, Ning Fan's eyes lit up and whispered, "How much gold and silver is in the account now?"

"My lord, about 330,000 taels of gold!"


"How is the status of the Xishan Salt Mine, and how is the output of the salt factory?"

"Everything is ready, and the output of refined salt is as high as more than a thousand stones per day!

"Now the refined salt we produce has filled more than a dozen government vaults!"

"Not bad! "Ning Fan showed a touch of admiration on his face, and a hint of contemplation in his eyes, and said softly: "I asked you to buy shops in various counties before, how is the matter going?"

"Your Highness, there are at least two shops next to each shop of my Huaxia Liquor Store!"

"If these industries are counted, our liquor store is worth at least 500,000 gold. If the winery is counted..."

Shen Wansan's face was full of pride, even Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia couldn't help but gasp. 500,000 gold is 5 million taels of silver, almost catching up with Dayu's annual tax revenue!

"Next, this king will give you three tasks!"

"Please give your instructions, Your Highness!"

"First, set off a clothing craze in Dayu!"

"My Huaxia has the beauty of clothing. This king will summarize the costumes of several dynasties such as Qin, Han, Tang and Song. After you go back, send someone to make some samples!"


"Second, from now on, purchase a large amount of grain! ”

“Under the premise of not affecting the price of grain, take as much as you can, and don’t attract the attention of outsiders!”


“Third, open a salt shop. My next target is the Hu people on the border!”

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the whole hall all looked at Ning Fan, with a solemn look on their faces.

Your Highness just killed the Chen family, and now he is going to attack the Hu family?

“My Lord!”

Zhuge Liang looked gloomy, and said in a deep voice: “Now that the matter in the southern border has just been settled, and the rewards from the court have not yet been issued, will it be too hasty to attack the Hu family at this time?”

“Yes!” Guo Jia also nodded slightly and said: “The Hu family is based in the northern frontier, even the court will find it difficult to reach out!”

“Don’t worry!” Ning Fan showed a confident look on his face, and said softly: “I have been planning for a long time, and I will never underestimate the enemy! ”

“The Hu family controls 90% of the salt roads in Dayu. Over the years, I don’t know how much money they have plundered from the people!”

“These so-called four great families are nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing!”

“If we don’t completely eradicate them, Dayu will never prosper!”

Hearing the determination in Ning Fan’s words, Zhuge Liang and others stopped persuading him. Ning Fan silently opened the system, and there were still two memory beads left!

Now the generals in the hall, Guan Yu, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Qin Qiong have not yet recovered their memories. Among the civil officials, only Chen Gong has not awakened yet!

After Ning Fan pondered for a while, he exchanged four memory beads from the system space, and used them together with the two in the system space!

For a moment, Guan Yu and others fell into chaos almost at the same time, their eyes were dull for a moment, and they looked up suddenly!

“Yun Chang!”

“Zhong Kang! "

Xu Chu and Guan Yu looked at each other, sparking a spark. Xu Chu suddenly laughed out loud and said, "Hahaha, I didn't expect that after such a glorious life, we would have the opportunity to meet again!"

"General Gao!"

"Old Dian!"


Dian Wei's eyes were also filled with tears, and his face was full of excitement. After Chen Gong's expression flickered, he seemed to understand everything very well. His eyes fell on Xu Chu, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed!

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Thank you... my lord!"

Several people stood up almost at the same time and bowed to Ning Fan together.

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan waved his hand, and his eyes fell on Guan Yu first, and whispered, "Yun Chang, what do you feel when you recall your previous life?"

Guan Yu was about to speak, but he was greeted with a strange look, and he understood instantly: "My lord, the past is gone, there is no need to look back. Yun Chang is willing to die for my lord in this life! "

"I am willing to die for my lord!"

Qin Qiong and the others were all shrewd people who had lived two lives. Now they recalled their past lives and heard Ning Fan ask such a question. They instantly understood her deep meaning!


Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction. After finding that Guan Yu and others' loyalty was above 90, he silently put his mind at ease.

It seems that the system is not as unreliable as imagined!

After a chat in the palace, Ning Fan returned to his bedroom. Now that everything in the southern border has been settled, tens of thousands of soldiers under his command are stationed in the camp in the west of the city!

Although Emperor Yu did not mention it, Ning Fan did not intend to continue to die!

It's okay to talk nonsense on weekdays, but if you touch Emperor Yu's bottom line, Ning Fan knows that the imperial family is the most ruthless!

However, I didn't expect that Wan Qingyue was actually from the previous Zhou Dynasty, and even had a marriage relationship with me!

My mother never mentioned this matter. Could it be that my mother didn't know about it?

After pondering for a long time, I don't know when, two peerless figures stood outside the bedroom. One of them had a cold face and a coldness that kept people away from him!

The other was gentle, with a smile on his face and tenderness in his eyes!

"It's a bit rude for you two to visit so late at night!"

A slightly cold voice sounded from one side of the two people, and a young woman in a light blue gown stood on the eaves with her toes lightly tapped!

"Lianxing, Yaoyue, please see the young master!"

"Long'er, step back!"

Ning Fan stood in front of the window, and when he saw the figures of the two people, he guessed their identities, but he didn't expect to alarm Xiao Longnu first!


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