Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 211 Duanxuan Mountain and Wangxian Mountain!

The moon was like a hook, its bright light reflected on the branches, through the attic, and blended with the candlelight in the hall!

Three beautiful women stood in front of a handsome, gentle and elegant man, their expressions were respectful!

"Yaoyue, where is Yihua Palace now?"

"My lord, it is hidden in Duanxuan Mountain in Jiangbei!"

"Duanxuan Mountain?!"

Ning Fan did not react, but Xiaolongnu beside him was slightly surprised and explained softly: "My lord, Duanxuan Mountain is a famous mountain, many Jianghu forces are located here!"


Ning Fan nodded slightly, looked at Yaoyue, and suddenly asked: "Have you ever heard of Jingtian Sect?"

"Jingtian Sect?"

Yaoyue and Lianxing were both startled, looked at each other, and looked at Ning Fan together: "Why did you mention Jingtian Sect?"

"Hehe!" Ning Fan chuckled and said: "My fifth child has been gifted since childhood. When he was seven years old, he was taken to Jingtian Sect. Now that the New Year is approaching, I am afraid he will have to return to Beijing in the next few days!"

"My lord, Jingtian Sect is not in Duanxuan Mountain, but in Wangxian Mountain in the East China Sea!"

"Oh ? "

Ning Fan's face showed a trace of surprise, Yao Yue whispered: "There are seven great immortal mountains in the Central Plains, and there are many immortal gates in them. The Taoist traditions in the seven immortal mountains have been passed down for at least a hundred years!"

"Wangxian Mountain has always been mysterious, and most of the sects in it are hidden sects that avoid the world!"

"Jingtian Sect is one of them, but there are rumors in the martial arts world recently that many sects have entered the world with the advent of the great era!"

Hearing Yao Yue's introduction, Ning Fan couldn't help but look surprised: "There are many immortal gates, but there are no immortal sects?"

"Could it be that the spiritual energy has revived?"

"Reply to the young master, there are no immortals in the world, and immortal gates are just the elegant names given to themselves by some martial arts sects!"

"So that's it!"

Ning Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Now he finally has the foundation to turn the tide in this chaotic world. If he really creates some kind of immortal gate, he will be really screwed!

"Since Yihua Palace is in the martial arts world, let's start from Duanxuan Mountain and dominate the martial arts world!"


"Remember, don't expose our relationship casually. If there is anything, send a message by spirit pigeon!"


The two women bowed respectfully and disappeared silently in the palace. Not far away, a thin figure raised his eyes slightly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes!

"All three girls are masters!"



The next morning!

The sky was hazy, the moon was not hidden, the sun was not rising, and the whole Xuanyong Palace was brightly lit!

Today is a grand court, all officials in Beijing need to go to the palace, and all the heroes in the southern expedition will also start to be rewarded from now on!

"My Lord!"

Seeing Ning Fan's figure appear, everyone bowed and saluted. Yue Fei and other generals were not as happy as they imagined!

They are all people who have lived two lives. No matter if they are Yue Fei and Qin Qiong, or Guan Yu and Xu Chu, they were all high officials in their previous lives!

The background and shrewdness of the two people have long made them calm and tolerant!


"Today is the time for the team of my Xuanyong Palace to appear in the court!"

"After my father rewards the merits, I will hold a banquet in my mansion!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Accompanied by the shouts of the group, figures riding tall horses followed Ning Fan towards the palace city!

"My lord, I heard that the princes have returned to the capital one after another!"

"I should meet him when I go to court later!"

"Only the fifth prince has not returned yet!"

Ning Fan nodded slightly and said softly: "It goes without saying that my brother is already a prince. Although he has been away from the court for many years, his reputation in the court cannot be underestimated!"

"The third prince has worked hard in his fiefdom over the years and has managed the county in an orderly manner. He is well received by the people and my father is also very pleased!"

"The fourth prince has been stranded for many years. In the capital, he kept a low profile, and there were many strange people and talents in his mansion. He must have accumulated a lot of power in secret! "

"No need to mention the fifth brother, he is destined to have no chance of that position in this life!"

"As for the sixth brother, he has a calm temperament and has been weak since childhood. His performance in the fiefdom in recent years has been mediocre!"

"Seventh brother Ning Yu, humph, after this lesson, I am afraid he will be extremely jealous of me!"

Ning Fan took stock of his brothers with a smile, and there was a hint of obscure light in his eyes!

If the guess is correct, from today on, the fight for the throne will begin!

Dayu stood in danger, suffered from wars for many years, and the borders were unstable and turbulent!

As long as there is a mediocre ruler, the country will be overturned!

It is for this reason that Dayu’s ancestral system, the establishment of the crown prince, the establishment of the virtuous rather than the eldest, the establishment of the legitimate rather than the illegitimate!

Every change of the throne will cause a bloody storm!

It stands to reason that the eldest son of the emperor, Ning Chen, has been both civil and military since childhood, with extraordinary talent. He can conquer the world when he is on horseback and rule a country when he is off horseback!

Even the civil and military officials of the whole court once believed that the throne of Dayu must belong to the eldest son of the emperor, King Sheng!

But to everyone's surprise, every time the emperor mentioned the establishment of a crown prince, Emperor Yu tried his best to shirk it!

As a result, Emperor Yu is now nearly fifty years old, but Dayu has not established a royal family, and the position of the crown prince has been shelved!

Now that the princes have returned to Beijing, it will surely be the beginning of the fight for the throne!

Ning Fan strode to the front of Zhengde Hall. Before the time came and the door of the hall was not opened, a group of civil and military officials had already stood in front of the hall!

Many familiar faces saw Ning Fan's figure and came forward to greet him!

"Your Highness, I have heard about what happened in the Southern Territory. I didn't expect that Your Highness would be so talented in commanding the army!"

"What a blessing our country is!"

"Your Highness, Quanzi has become much more sensible after returning from the southern border. Thank you for taking care of him, Your Highness!"

"Hahaha, Your Highness, our brat seems to have been reborn now. Even his body and bones are much stronger. Thank you, Your Highness!"

Xie Xingxian, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Chen Qinghe, the minister of the household ministry, both came up to see the gift, with excited expressions on their faces!

The former is because after that boy Xie Yan came back, he felt like he was reborn and changed from his past playboy appearance!

The latter was promoted by Ning Fan, and he is considered to be half of Ning Fan's direct descendant!

Now that I see Ning Fan achieving such an achievement, I am naturally overjoyed!

"Second brother, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still look like you!"

A hearty laugh rang out, and Ning Fan looked sideways and saw several figures walking back and forth towards the front of the hall!

The first person is a young man with a slender figure and a slightly weathered face, with eyes as deep as abyss and a generous manner!

It was none other than the third prince of the current dynasty, Qi Lin Wang Ning'an!

Since his death three years ago, he has been shining brightly on the fiefdom, and he is not allowed to leave without Emperor Yu's edict!

In the past three years, Qilin County has been managed in an orderly manner, and has been praised by Emperor Yu many times. People have even come to Beijing every year to praise King Qilin!

Ning Fan nodded with a smile and responded: "Third brother, it has been three years since I left Beijing, and I have lost a lot of weight!"

"Haha, after all, we have left the capital. It is not as good as before, eating, drinking and having fun all day long!"

"Second brother, I heard that you are showing great power in the southern border this time!"

"My little brother has great respect for you and respects you as an example!"

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