
Sheriff's Mansion.

Guo Jia and his party came to the gate of the county governor's house under the escort of the trapped camp and the white-robed army.

"Sir, I will go back and resume my duties after the task is completed!"

"Not urgent!"

Guo Jia shook his head slightly, looked at the white-robed military captain at the head, and said softly: "I have three tips here. General Lao will bring them to Qingzhi!"


The captain looked startled, but then he heard Guo Jia smile and say: "These three tips are opened one every three months."



Guo Jia waved his hand, and the five hundred white-robed troops roared away in an instant. Qian Zhengyang, the governor of Huoyunzhou County, walked out in a hurry. When he saw Guo Jia and his entourage, he hurriedly paid his respects.

"Who is Mr. Guo Jiaguo?"

"That's it!"

Guo Jia stepped forward with a smile, Xu Chu and Dian Wei were on the left and right, guarding the side, while Chen Gong looked at the governor's mansion.

"Your Majesty, Qian Zhengyang, has met Mr. Guo!"

"Before you came, Mr. Jia sent a letter asking the subordinates to follow Mr. Guo's instructions!"

"But if you have something to do, just ask Mr. Guo to give you orders!"


Guo Jia nodded with a smile and said softly: "Master Qian, when you come to Huainan this time, your son asked me to bring a letter from home."


Qian Zhengyang suddenly became happy, looked at Guo Jia eagerly, and said softly: "Sir, Quan Zi was transferred from the south of the Yangtze River to the capital by Master Jia some time ago. Is he still adapting to it?"

“Haha, you’ll know just by reading the letters home!”

Guo Jia smiled and handed over the letter Qian Chong brought from home. After Qian Zhengyang quickly browsed it, he suddenly looked overjoyed.

"I can't repay the kindness of Mr. Jia and His Highness King Yong!"

"It's just that a dog with so much virtue and talent can actually be admitted to the Imperial Academy and live in the same room as all the princes!"

"I am ashamed of myself!"


Guo Jia and Chen Gong looked at each other and smiled, then looked at Qian Zhengyang and said: "Master Qian, there is no need to be polite, they are all members of the same family, and if you can help them, you can help them!"

"Thank you!"

Qian Zhengyang thanked him again with a solemn expression. Jia Xu sent Qian Chong to Huainan as a blackmail. At first, he had a lot of thoughts and wanted to get rid of control, but now, Qian Zhengyang found out that Gratitude from the heart.

Moreover, the entire Huainan has now become the fiefdom of King Yong. It is no exaggeration to say that the current King Yong is the local emperor of Huainan!

How dare he offend easily?

"Let's go into the house and have a talk!"

After some pleasantries, Guo Jia and others strode into the governor's mansion and sat at the top.

"Master Qian, I am here this time to obey the orders of His Highness King Yong!"

"First, stabilize people's livelihood, reclaim wasteland, build bridges and roads."

"Second, recruit soldiers and horses. His Majesty has specially authorized His Majesty King Yong to recruit 50,000 troops to control the southwest border!"

"The third is to merge the state with the county!"

"From now on, you are responsible for collecting the information of officials in the sixteen states of Huainan and summarizing it to me!"


Guo Jia then looked at Qin Qiong: "Shubao, you are responsible for recruiting local braves, 50,000 soldiers!"


"Gongtai, from now on, will assess the officials of all sizes in the sixteen prefectures of Huainan and re-appoint officials."

"Furthermore, a recruitment order has been issued to recruit talents from all over the world. Talents from all over the world will also be assessed. Those who pass will be awarded official positions based on their talents!"

"There is also the matter of sowing potatoes and sweet potatoes, which must be popularized before spring plowing. This is something His Highness specifically instructed."


Chen Gong also nodded heavily. Today's Huainan is full of prosperity, and it is the first platform for them to show off their talents. Naturally, time cannot wait for us!

"Evil comes, Zhong Kang, General Gao. From now on, the three of you will clear out the bandits in Huainan, especially the major arteries and commercial roads. We will never allow any strongmen to block the roads and rob!"


Great Southern Territory of Li.

A carriage was running slowly on the wide ancient road, and a tall young man was sitting in the carriage, looking at letters one after another!

The driver was also a young man with a delicate face, wearing a pale white gown and exuding an elegant and easy-going temperament.

"Great victory in the Western Region, annihilating 500,000 enemies!"

"It's not in vain that I have to pass a hundred thousand sons with my hanging sword, but it's just a pity..."

“Build a martyrs’ cemetery and erect inscriptions?”

"Well built, my one hundred thousand brothers can rest in peace."

"My little brother actually died after being let out by his father?"

Ning Chen looked through the letters, all of which contained information about Dayu, piece by piece. In just over half a month, it seemed that earth-shaking changes had taken place!

"Ji Jiu...getting married?"

"It's him?"

A figure appeared in Ning Chen's mind, a look of excitement appeared on his face, and two lines of tears fell from his eyes.

"My King's Army in the West has not yet been wiped out!"

"And him!"

"Tathagata, instead of returning to the royal city, go directly to the south of the Yangtze River. One month later, it will be the wedding of Ji Jiu, the commander of the guard battalion of the King of Zhenxi King's Army!"

"This king will never be absent!"


Listening to the emotional voice in the carriage, Ning Rulai couldn't help showing a touch of emotion, and said softly: "Your Highness, do you want to inform the court that there is... His Highness King Yong?"

"Not urgent!"

"I'll just write a letter and send it to Prince Sheng's Mansion!"


Ning Chen opened the curtains in the carriage, his face full of thoughts. After this incident, he saw a lot and let go!

Especially when he heard that the princess was pregnant, he seemed to no longer be the great general who was fearless on the battlefield!

He was just an ordinary husband, the father of an unborn child!

He couldn't wait to return to them, but now, everyone thought he was dead!

Especially that one, even the court and the people of Dayu thought he was dead. If he went back alive, how could the royal family save face?

"Rulai, don't call me Your Highness in the future, call me Ning Ping'an!"

"I wish you a peaceful and smooth life!"


"Speed ​​up, I can bear it!"


Li River.

A young and beautiful girl in a long green dress stood on the boat, looking at the waves around her in confusion.

"Second brother, why didn't you see me when you left?"

"Why did my father let you go to the barbarian?"

"Brother Huang, are you really not coming back?"

The little girl felt heavier than ever before. Everything that happened during this period of time made her feel like she was in another world.

Although she lost her mother at a young age, she has never felt like this before. She felt empty inside, as if she was out of tune with this world.

"What a pretty girl!"

"Who are you?"

Seeing a demonic figure suddenly appear in front of her, not only did Ning Yao's expression change slightly, but even the boatman showed a trace of panic.

"Miao Yu Hua Dao?"

"Hehe, it's me!"

The middle-aged man had a hint of lust in his eyes, and looked at Ning Yao unscrupulously. After a long time, he whispered: "Little girl, you are so beautiful, I wonder which family you are from?"

"You don't even have a guard with you, did you sneak out of your home?"


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