"Master... spare my life!"

"I have parents and children to take care of, please spare us!"

"This girl is well dressed and has a very good temperament, please spare us!"

The boatman looked at the Miaoyu Flower Thief walking on the water with a pleading look, with a hint of hope in his eyes.


"How ridiculous!"

"Girl, follow me obediently, follow me, you will definitely have delicious food and spicy drinks!"

"I will take you to see the world!"

Ning Yao showed a sneer on her face, looking at the middle-aged man in front of her who looked very charming, without too much panic in her expression.


"A flower thief who can't even get on the stage, is worthy of talking to me like this?"

"Ha!" Miaoyu Flower Thief also laughed in anger, looking at the ignorant little girl in front of him, with a hint of coldness in his expression: "If you don't accept my toast, you'll have to drink a penalty!"

As he said that, he lightly touched the water with his toes, and suddenly swept straight towards the two people on the boat.

"Forget it!"

"It seems that there is really nothing worth lingering in this world!"

Ning Yao's face showed a touch of innocence that had not appeared for a long time. He drew a dagger from his sleeve and stabbed it towards his heart.

"Girl, can a mere thief force you to such a situation?"

At some point, a middle-aged man wearing a bamboo hat and a straw raincoat appeared at the stern of the boat. He held a bamboo pole tightly in his hand and pulled the fishing line into the water with all his strength.


The river water of hundreds of meters around seemed to be attracted by this small fishing line, turning into a huge wave and surging suddenly.


After the fishing line popped out, it instantly rolled towards the dagger in Ning Yao's hand. Everything seemed to happen in a flash.


"Life is short. You are in your prime. It would be a pity if you die here."

The middle-aged man sighed leisurely, with a heart-breaking vicissitude on his body. He walked towards Ning Yao step by step and looked at the Miaoyu Flower Thief who was walking on the water: "You are a seven-foot-tall man, but you do such a shameful thing. You deserve to be killed!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dagger entangled by the thin fishing line suddenly popped out and shot straight at the Miaoyu Flower Thief who was rushing over!


"How dare you!"

"You know my name, but you still dare to attack me?"

Miao Yu Hua Dao showed a trace of shame and anger on his face, and a hint of murderous intent enveloped the middle-aged man below, but the next moment, the temperature in the area of ​​100 feet seemed to drop a lot.

The middle-aged man raised his eyes and just glanced at him calmly, but Miao Yu Hua Dao's figure suddenly stagnated, almost falling from the water, looking at him in horror.

"You... who are you?"

The middle-aged man turned a deaf ear to his words, and threw the fishing rod in his hand suddenly, throwing the fishing line into the water again, a cold light directly penetrated Miao Yu Hua Dao's chest, and a blood flower bloomed on the water!

"Uncle, you are so powerful!"

Ning Yao looked at the handsome middle-aged man in front of her, and couldn't help but admire him, and a hint of curiosity flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Although the name of the Wonderful Feathered Flower Thief had never been heard of, judging from his martial arts, he was at least among the best in the martial arts world. However, he was completely powerless in the hands of the uncle!

Really amazing!

"Girl, the martial arts world is dangerous!"

"If you are alone, go back to where you came from!"

"Uncle, where are you from and what's your name?"


The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and was silent for a long time. He looked in one direction with a very deep gaze: "My name is Bai Qi, from Meiyi!"


"What place is that?"

Ning Yao's face was full of doubts. Although she lived in the deep palace for many years, she had a wide range of knowledge!

But she had never heard of the place called Meiyi.

"In a very far, very far place."

"Uncle, are you traveling around the world?"

"The world?"

Bai Qi was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and said, "Although the world is big, there is no place that is not the world, let's just say it!"

"Can you take me with you?"

Bai Qi looked at the hope in the eyes of the girl in front of him, and the despair just now seemed to come from different people. For a moment, he didn't know how to refuse!




Lingzhou City.

Cai Family Courtyard.

The father and son of the Du family and Cai Si sat in the pavilion, and they were quite tense.

"You are so good, Cai Si!"

"Are you, the Cai family, playing tricks on my Du family?"

"Although your daughter and my son have never officially submitted the marriage certificate, you and I have a verbal agreement!"

"It was you, Cai Si, who told me in person that the marriage proposal was just a formality, but now you have gone back on your word!"

"Today, you must give me an explanation!"

The head of the Du family looked at Cai Si with indignation, almost pointing at her nose and cursing her mother.

"Brother Du, calm down!"

"This is indeed my fault, but there is a reason!"

"Let me explain!"

Cai Si smiled apologetically and looked at the Du family father and son: "Brother Du, nephew, sit down and talk!"


Du Shanming snorted coldly and sat down opposite Cai Si angrily.


"If you don't give me an explanation today, my Du family will not give up!"

"Okay, okay..."

Cai Si smiled bitterly and said, "This is what happened. Last year, my daughter was returning to Huainan from the capital. On the way, she encountered a group of strong men and was fortunately saved by a chivalrous man!"

"I didn't expect that this man would come all the way for my daughter. I didn't expect that he would be able to suppress a group of young talents!"

"He even used force to suppress the young generation who came to seek marriage!"

"I wanted to refuse directly, but I didn't expect..."

"What didn't you expect?"

"My daughter actually has a secret crush on him!"


Du Shanming smiled coldly and looked at Cai Si, There was a bit of mockery in his eyes: "Parents' orders, matchmaker's words, your Cai family is a famous family in Huainan after all, don't you think your daughter doesn't know the rules?"

"Of course I know!"

"But my daughter cries all day long, I can't bear it!"


"Enough, I will never give up on this matter!"

"From now on, my Du family will cut off all business dealings with your Cai family!"


Du Shanming took his wooden son away in a huff, but Cai Si showed a bitter smile on his face.

The Du family is the largest supplier of cloth and ready-made clothes for the Cai family. Now that they have fallen out with them, the Cai family is afraid that life will be difficult.


"Master, the young lady wants to see you!"

"Zhao Ji?"

"Father, I have something to discuss with you!"


"It's like this, Mr. Zhao came to Huainan this time to..."

Cai Yan told Ning Fan what he said, and Cai Si also showed a look of surprise on her face. After a long silence, she looked at Cai Yan and sighed: "Girl, from now on, Mr. Zhao will do whatever he asks for!"

"Even if it harms the interests of my Cai family, do you understand?"


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