Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 317 Another disturbance, Lin Yong takes action


Hearing Cai Si speak like this, Cai Yan's face showed a trace of confusion. She could certainly see that when her father mentioned Mr. Zhao, he couldn't help but show a touch of awe on his face.

Besides, what kind of methods did Mr. Zhao use to make his father speak like this?

Or could it be said that his father knew its origin or had some connection with it?

"Girl, there is no need to ask any more questions."

"If you really agree with me, then everything will take its course!"

"It's my father." Cai Yan had a hint of worry on his face and said softly: "If it is true as Mr. Zhao said, if our Cai family wants to open a salt shop, we will inevitably go against the Hu family!"

"Besides, the government's control over the salt channel..."

"No need to worry!"

Cai Si shook his head slightly and said softly: "Someone will solve all this for you."


Cai Yan nodded thoughtfully and looked at Cai Sidao: "Father, what deal did you reach with Mr. Zhao?"


Cai Si shook his head slightly, with a solemn look on his face: "Young Master Zhao and I have a close relationship. Don't think nonsense, let alone talk nonsense in front of Young Master Zhao!"


"Master, the cooks are all here!"

"Boss Shen has also arrived and is staying at the nearby post house!"

"Miss Long has gone to pick up Princess Leyao."

Lin Yong stood in front of Ning Fan and told the news one by one.


"Let's make arrangements. I want to meet with Shen Wansan."


"Lao Nu has made arrangements tonight at Yihong Tower."


Ning Fan's face showed a hint of speechlessness, this old guy is really shameless!

Can we meet at a place like that to talk about business?

If word spread, wouldn't Zhao Zilong's reputation be ruined?

"Zilong, I'm sorry!"

Ning Fan secretly confessed to Zhao Yun, looked at Lin Yong aside and said, "Go, get ready and put on some clothes."

"Okay, it's already been prepared!"

Lin Yong waved his hand skillfully, and the maid came up holding a brand new costume.


The two of them raised their feet and walked towards the outside of the courtyard. Lin Yong looked at Ning Fan and said, "Sir, would you like to call Mr. Wei and Yang Zhuangshi?"


"We must never let Wei Zheng know about going to Yihongyuan!"



Ning Fan was about to explain, but when he saw Cai Yan and Xiao Cui preparing to walk in, his expression froze.

Lin Yong also stole a glance at Ning Fan and said with a sneer: "Miss Cai, don't get me wrong. We are not going to Yihong Courtyard... we are going..."

"Xiao Cui, go get some silver!"


Xiaocui quickly walked into the attic, while Ning Fan glanced at Cai Yan with a guilty conscience, but saw him step forward, tidy up his clothes carefully, and said softly: "Go out to play, bring more money, and come back early. ”


Ning Fan was stunned for a moment, nodded guiltily, and took the banknote handed over by Xiao Cui with a dull expression.

"Master, let's... walk?"

"Let's go!"


Also known as Yihong Tower, this tower can be found all over the country. Looking across the Central Plains countries, wherever there are people, there are almost a few places like this!

"Master, who are you?"

"Girls, come out to take care of the guests."

As soon as I walked to the front of the building, I saw a slender, plump young woman greeting her with a friendly face.

"Is Boss Shen here?"

"Are you two guests of Boss Shen?"

The beautiful woman was stunned for a moment, and her eyes became more friendly: "You two, Boss Shen has been waiting for a long time, you two please come in!"

"Xin'er, take you two to the box at Tianzi No. 1!"


When he walked into the hall, he saw a young woman coming towards him and bowed respectfully.

"You two, please follow me."

Along the way to the third floor, he came to an exquisite private room. The woman who was called Xin'er came forward and knocked gently on the door. Lin Yong's eyes couldn't help but narrowed and he said softly: "This Boss Shen, really What a big score!”


The door was pushed open, and Lin Yong swung out a palm. The strong wind howled, directly shattering the exquisite wooden door of the elegant room, and Ning Fan's expression gradually darkened.


Two figures rushed out at the same time, heading straight for Ning Fan, each holding a short dagger, with cold light overflowing.


Cold light burst out from Ning Fan's sleeves, and dozens of arrows flew out. The expressions of the two men in black clothes also changed slightly, but they did not show the slightest fear.



With a series of clangs, the hidden weapons fired by Ning Fan were all shot away. Lin Yong grinned and looked at the figure in front of him: "It seems that the road is from Jiu'an Mountain. Are you two coming from the west?"

"Jiu'an Mountain?"

"One of the Seven Immortal Mountains, located in the north of Da Yan."

There was a cold light in Ning Fan's eyes, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "It turns out they are the remnants of Yan Longwei!"



Arrows shot out from the room one after another. Ning Fan's eyes narrowed into a thin line, and the hidden weapons on his body also shot out, shooting down the flying arrows one after another.

"Master, do you want to live or die?"

"Just leave a few tongues!"


Lin Yong grinned, his figure swept, his arms shook suddenly, and a heart-pounding internal force was instantly shaken out, and the two black-clothed men holding daggers in front of him were directly shaken away.

The whole person turned into a residual shadow and stepped into the box. In a short moment, screams rang out.

Ning Fan stood quietly outside the box waiting, and a figure trotted in front of him, with a panic on his face.

"Li Luo, the captain of the Huainan Jinyiwei, sees His Highness!"

"I am late, please forgive me, Your Highness!"

Ning Fan glanced at him lightly, without any ripples on his face, and said softly: "Hand them over to the Black Ice Platform for interrogation overnight!"


Walking into the box, there were five or six figures lying on the ground, all unconscious.


"Are you still alive?"

Lin Yong kicked Shen Wansan's fat body and shook it gently. Shen Wansan shuddered and woke up slowly. Seeing himself tied up on the ground, he was shocked.

"Butler Lin?"

"Your Highness?"

Looking at the fat man's shocked expression, Ning Fan couldn't help but smile bitterly. This guy is really lucky. He was targeted by the Yanlong Guards and still managed to save his life.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

"No problem!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly, and Shen Wansan also got up from the ground and moved his limbs.

"Don't just stand there, go call some girls, and serve good wine and food."


Lin Yong smiled slyly, looked at Ning Fan, and lowered his voice and said, "Master, do you want something meaty or something simple?"

"Get lost!"

"Master wants to listen to music today."

"Don't do anything fancy."

"Okay, wait for me!"

Lin Yong walked out with a smirk, and Ning Fan looked at Shen Wansan, his face also became more serious: "How are the preparations going?"


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