"Your Highness, it is a long journey from the capital to Huainan, and it is blocked by the Li River..."

“It’s extremely expensive to transport goods from Jiangbei!”

"Besides, the cargo ferries on both sides of the Li River are controlled by the Shui family. If we use their ferries, the news will definitely not be concealed."

Shen Wansan expressed his difficulties, and Ning Fan also had a look of deep thinking on his face.

"If refined salt wants to quickly occupy the market, the price must be close to the people."

"But if it is shipped from Jiangbei, there is no profit at all, so the gain outweighs the loss."

"It's better to find a salt mine in Huainan."

Shen Wansan nodded in agreement and said softly: "My subordinates have the same idea and have sent people to investigate the Huainan salt market."


"In this case, let's start preparing for the salt production plant from now on!"


"There are still a few things you need to do!"

"Your Highness, please give me your instructions."

"First, I have a glass manufacturing process, and I need you to prepare a glass factory, which is near Lingzhou!"

"Secondly, from now on, the winery will start to develop a new Maotai-flavor wine. I will see the finished product within a month."

"Thirdly, now that new teas are gradually coming on the market, I have figured out a tea-frying technique. After frying the tender tea, it becomes tea that can be stored and brewed in water."

"From now on, Huaxia Liquor Store will be reorganized and a trading house will be established, named Da Qin!"

"Da Qin Commercial Bank is the general name of our business, with major branches and banks!"


Shen Wansan couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He had long heard His Highness mention the concept of a bank. With his business acumen, he naturally knew the terrifying dividends it could bring.

Now, is it finally on the agenda?

"The bank's issuance must be synchronized with the banknotes. This time, I will compete with Hu from the Frontier and Changyan Shuilu at the same time."

"Your Highness, can we talk in detail?"

Shen Wansan also had a solemn expression on his face. The four prominent families of Dayu should not be underestimated. Although the Chen family has been confiscated and exterminated, the other three prominent families are still behemoths.

Every family has the possibility of shaking the country's foundation.

"The business layout will be divided into three steps."

"The first step is to integrate the large and small trading houses and merchant homes in Huainan. I want to use Huainan as the base to devour the three prominent families!"

"From now on, Huaxia Liquor Store will open cooperation channels to major families in Huainan."

Shen Wansan nodded slightly, but there was a trace of doubt on his face: "Your Highness, now that our wine shop can expand to Huainan at any time, why do we need to cooperate with local merchants?"

"Wouldn't it be better to let the profits go out?"

"Haha, of course we have to give them profits, which involves the second step!"

"Form a chamber of commerce!"

"Chamber of Commerce?"

Shen Wansan had a look of confusion on his face. He had heard of merchant gangs and merchant alliances, but he had never heard of a chamber of commerce.

"The so-called Chamber of Commerce can be understood as a group of businessmen who help each other and restrain each other!"

"All businessmen who join the Chamber of Commerce are members and can optimize resource allocation."

"At the same time, they can also exercise self-restraint, abide by common charters, cooperate with each other, self-restraint, abide by conventions, etc."

Ning Fan briefly introduced the meaning of the Chamber of Commerce. In fact, to put it bluntly, for him, the main meaning is to integrate resources.

"Your Highness, what about the last step?"

"The third step is to integrate resources. Under the name of Daqin Commercial Bank, it consists of Dahan Grain Store, Datang Liquor Store, Dasong Bank, and Daming Salt Store!"

"Da Qin Commercial Bank is responsible for overall planning, and the major branches will not interfere with each other or involve each other."

"Since we started the layout a year ago, our shops are now dotted all over the north and south of the Lijiang River. We will use these shops to open grain stores."

"Now, by secretly storing grain for a year, we have the capital to challenge the Lu family!"

"As for the salt business, once the fine salt comes out, the Hu family is definitely no match for us."

Shen Wansan's face showed a look of shock. Unexpectedly, His Highness had already thought of today a year ago.

A year-long plan, if you don't take action, it will be a thunderous blow.

"Your Highness, where should we start?"


Ning Fan smiled calmly and looked at Shen Wansan with a playful look on his face: "As long as the news of your boss Shen's arrival in Huainan spreads, countless people will flock to him without you taking action. Do you believe it?"


Shen Wansan smiled coquettishly. Of course he knew that what His Highness said was not an exaggeration at all. Nowadays, Huaxia Liquor Company is famous all over the country. If he could become a distributor of Huaxia Liquor Company, it would be no exaggeration to say that he could make money while lying down.

Who doesn’t know the three famous wines of Hua Xia Liquor Company?

Wherever there are people, the wine from Huaxia Trading Company is indispensable!

Today, Huaxia Liquor Store has not yet settled in Huainan, which is a huge bonus for some local businessmen.

For example, the Cai family has just opened up the sales channels of Huaxia Liquor Store, and now its sales are in full swing!

"From now on, let Uncle Lin follow you. Now you are in charge of my money bag. Things like today will happen countless times in the future. With Uncle Lin protecting you, can you protect me?" You are safe!"

"Tomorrow, you will have people release the news that Huaxia Liquor Store will officially change its name to Datang Liquor Store, and look for distribution channels and wine shop agents in Huainan!"

"At that time, businessmen from all over the world will gather here, and you will use the Chamber of Commerce as a restriction. Those who join will get agency rights. I am afraid that even a family like Cai Ludu will not easily refuse!"

"This is the first step. After the Chamber of Commerce is established, we will officially declare war on the Hu and Lu families!"


Shen Wansan nodded solemnly. A chaotic sound of footsteps sounded outside, and he saw Lin Yong leading more than ten beautiful girls into the box.

"Hello, sir!"

"Sir, do you see anyone you like?"

Lin Yong grinned with two rows of old yellow teeth, winked at Ning Fan, and whispered in front of him: "Sir, this place is much cheaper than the capital. Do you want to stay?"

"Get lost!"

Ning Fan looked at the old guy with a lustful look, cursed him for being disrespectful, and looked at the girls standing in a row in front of him.

"Are there any talented girls who can sing, dance, play chess, or play the piano?"

"If you can, step forward."

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, more than ten girls stepped forward almost at the same time, smiling sweetly. The leader whispered, "Sir, the girls in our Yihong Courtyard are all good at singing and dancing, and they also know a little about playing chess, calligraphy, and painting."

"So competitive?"

"Master, these are the girls that I specially asked someone to carefully select!"

"It's the first time for all of us!"

Lin Yong leaned over to Ning Fan's ear and whispered, "If you like any of them, tell me, I'll have the madam send them to your house later."

"Get lost!"

Ning Fan cursed in a low voice. This old guy was too frivolous. Before, he had been lingering in places of entertainment for many years. It's no exaggeration to say that Lin Yong had at least half of the credit.

"Raise your heads, let me take a good look!"


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