"Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Now that the whereabouts of these people are unknown, the top priority is to find the twelve missing people first."

"Otherwise, our Seventy-Two Strongholds will inevitably fall apart."

A middle-aged scribe with a goatee said softly with a solemn look on his face.

"try to find!"

"Send someone to capture these twelve traitors."

"Gu Dao wants to see who gave them such courage to betray Gu!"

Seeing the gloomy look on Lu Yuanshan's face, the middle-aged scribe sighed silently, this chess piece was considered useless.

"My lord, something happened!"

Another figure hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, and said in a deep voice: "Among the twelve villages that were assassinated, there are rumors that this matter was planned by you, the prince!"

"None of the twelve village leaders who were assassinated are direct descendants of our Royal Palace of Lu."

"Now, the whole Wumei Mountain is in an uproar, and many people want to go to King Lu's palace to ask for an explanation."

As soon as he said this, Lu Yuanshan's face looked as ugly as if he had eaten a fly. He took a deep breath and looked at the scribe beside him: "Mr. Sun, in your opinion, what should we do?"

"Your Highness!"

"Whether this matter is your fault or not, there are indeed twelve people in our Royal Guards who are missing."

"Furthermore, those assassins left behind the identity tokens of the Royal Guards last night."

"No matter what, I, Prince Lu, cannot stay out of this matter."

Sun Pu's eyes became very solemn, and he sighed sadly: "Tomorrow is the Heroes Conference, but today there was such a big shock!"

"The heroes of the world must be greatly disappointed in you."

"So, my suggestion is that you hide behind the scenes and introduce Prince Huai's adopted son to stand in front of the hall."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Relinquish the title of king, call on the heroes of the world to respect the adopted son of Prince Huai, and establish a new king."

As soon as Sun Pu finished speaking, a look of anger appeared on Lu Yuanshan's face: "It was you who came up with the idea for me to stand on my own feet. Now that my ass is still hot, you are going to let me abdicate in favor of someone worthy of my honour?"

"I would like to ask, whose minister are you?"

"Your Highness, please calm down. The current situation is such that there is no other way."

"Now the eyes of all the princes are staring closely at you. Your prestige will fall to the bottom. Even the princes who are loyal to you will have doubts about you after this incident."

"But if you give up the throne, support King Huai's adopted son, and raise the banner of King Huai, you can recruit King Huai's old troops."

"You can also take advantage of the situation and hide behind the scenes, secretly cultivate your cronies, and gradually gain power."

After hearing Sun Pu's words, Lu Yuanshan's face showed a look of contemplation. After a long time, he reluctantly said: "But now, all the adopted sons of King Huai have fallen into the hands of the imperial court."

"It does not matter."

Sun Pu shook his head: "King Huai is dead, and he can have countless adopted sons, even illegitimate sons of King Huai."

"As long as there is such a person who can convince all the princes, it is enough."


City of King Yu.

Wei Zheng came to this royal city with great anxiety. When he looked at the red walls and green tiles inside the palace wall, his excitement gradually settled.

For some reason, I always feel that he has been to this kind of place before.

"Mr. Wei, your Majesty has summoned you."


Wei Zheng nodded, got on a carriage driving out of the palace, walked through the long corridor, and arrived in front of a magnificent palace.

"Zhengde Hall!"

Wei Zheng stared at the three words above, stood up straight, and bowed respectfully.

"Xuan, the official of King Yong, Wei Zheng comes to see you!"

Hearing the announcement of the decree from the hall, Wei Zheng quickly straightened his clothes, walked up the steps in front of the hall, and walked into the hall step by step.

"Wei Zheng, a common man, comes to see Your Majesty!"

"Flat body!"

Wei Zheng looked up and saw a middle-aged man with a majestic face and a plump body. His deep eyes were like an ancient well that had not seen a wave in thousands of years, watching him calmly.

A few strands of messy white hair on his forehead gave him a sense of age.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wei Zheng stood up. For some reason, even when facing the ruler at the top of the pyramid of the Dayu Dynasty, he did not feel panic at all. Instead, he was very calm, as if such a scene could not have any deterrent effect on him.

"Wei Zheng, for your sake, King Yong personally wrote to me asking for an official position, asking you to serve as the censor in front of the censor's platform. What do you think?"

"His Majesty!"

Wei Zheng's face suddenly changed slightly, and he immediately raised his hands and said subconsciously: "Your Highness's move is against the system of the Yu Dynasty. According to the laws and regulations of the Yu Dynasty, the selection and appointment of officials need to be inspected and reviewed by the Ministry of Personnel, and then submitted to the Prime Minister. You can take office only after His Majesty’s decision!”

"Your Highness's move is suspected of overstepping the mark!"

Seeing Wei Zheng speak with a serious face, not only Emperor Yu was stunned, but also Shen Li and Lin Qiushi, who were watching the excitement below, also looked dull.

Isn't he from His Highness King Yong?

His Highness, King Yong, recommended him to be an official. Is his saucy operation asking His Majesty to punish King Yong for his crimes?


Emperor Yu seemed to be choked too much, his lips moved again and again, and he didn't know how to speak.

"Ha ha!"

"What a great Wei Zheng!"

"It's true as King Yong said."

Thinking of the letter delivered by Ning Fan first, Emperor Yu not only did not get angry, but looked at him with interest: "Do you know how King Yong evaluates you?"

"The common people don't know!"


Emperor Yu smiled and said softly: "Prince Yong said that Wei Zheng is upright and fearless, and is a mirror that can correct his mistakes!"

"He said that as long as I use Wei Zheng, I can restore the atmosphere of the court."

"However, when Prince Yong mentioned your temper, he used a common saying."

Emperor Yu looked at Wei Zheng with a playful look, and the latter also showed a hint of curiosity. Lin Qiushi and Shen Li also looked over with interest.

"Please teach me, Your Majesty!"

"Prince Yong said: Wei Zheng is like a stone in the toilet, smelly and hard, let me be more tolerant, otherwise, your ten heads are not enough for me to see."

"This kid also threatened me that if Wei Zheng died in my court, it would mean that the court of Dayu was rotten and difficult to carve."

When Wei Zheng heard Emperor Yu's first sentence, he was immediately full of black lines, but when he heard Empress Yu's retelling, his expression became extremely moved.

Your Highness Prince Yong, you really took great pains for him!

"Finally, this kid also gave me a warning quote."


Shen Li now had a strong interest in Wei Zheng, and then he bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I would like to hear your high opinion."


Emperor Yu smiled, and his face gradually showed a solemn expression: "A man can use copper as a mirror to correct his clothes and hats, use the past as a mirror to understand the rise and fall, and use people as a mirror to understand gains and losses."

"Well said!"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Li immediately clapped his hands and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that His Royal Highness Prince Yong has such a lofty realm at such a young age."

"You should be my teacher!"


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