After Wei Zheng heard what Emperor Yu said, he looked stunned for a long time and kept mumbling to himself.

Your Highness understands him!

It is truly a blessing to have such a winner.

"Wei Zheng, since King Yong praises you so much, I want to test you."

"What are the shortcomings of my current court, Yu the Great?"

"Return to your majesty, ordinary people, please be brave and have a brief chat."

Wei Zheng bowed respectfully, then raised his head, looked directly at Emperor Yu and said, "The imperial court today has three major weaknesses."

"Appreciate further details."

"First, the imperial court placed emphasis on military affairs but neglected literature, focused on expeditions but neglected the people, placed emphasis on officials but neglected ministers, and emphasized agriculture but neglected learning. This has been a long-standing shortcoming."

"Please enlighten me!"

When Shen Li heard this, his expression suddenly became solemn, he bowed his hands to Wei Zheng with a solemn expression, and said softly: "Sir's words are really novel. I am willing to listen to your detailed explanation."

"Don't dare!"

Wei Zheng gave a humble salute and continued: "Since the founding of the country by Dayu, the emphasis has been on martial arts and the neglect of people's livelihood. The root cause is foreign invasion from all directions. However, for a long time, the soldiers have fought hard and the people have been burdened."

"It has been more than a hundred years since Dayu founded the country, but how long did the people of Dayu have to farm in peace and happiness?"

"As the saying goes, people who have been in peace for a long time are arrogant, and if they are arrogant, it is difficult to teach; people who have experienced chaos are miserable, and sorrow is easy to change."

"I, the Great Yu, focused on military affairs and recruited troops on a large scale. Most of the taxes and finances were used to increase military readiness. On the other hand, the people's livelihood was in decline, the people were in exile, and the world was in chaos due to natural disasters."

"This is the reason why it is difficult for me, the Great Yu, to strengthen the country."

As soon as Wei Zheng finished speaking, Lin Qiushi frowned and said in a deep voice: "If, as Mr. said, an enemy country invades our border, how should we defend it?"

"How can soldiers be brave if they don't value martial arts?"

"If we don't recruit troops, who will guard the border?"

Wei Zheng shook his head and said softly: "Master Zuo Xiang, our border with Dayu is heavily guarded all year round. Why are there so many border intruders from all four sides?"

"Does the imperial court have a strategy for diplomacy?"

"Da Yan attacks me, Donghuai attacks me, Nanman attacks me, and the Eight Barbarians attack me too!"

"But why?"

Wei Zheng's question immediately stopped the three of them. Before they could speak, he continued: "Because I, Dayu, value martial arts over literature. If Dayu establishes diplomatic relations with Dayi when he attacks me, Dayu will When you attack me, you negotiate with the Southern Barbarians. With such a balance, how can we continue to have wars all year round?"

"Besides, the borders on all four sides are heavily guarded all year round. Regardless of whether there are enemy invaders or not, troops must be stationed to support them."

"If such expenditure is used for people's livelihood, how many bridges can be built?"

“How many rivers can be opened?”

"How many victims can be treated?"

Wei Zheng's series of rhetorical questions left the three of them speechless. Emperor Yu shook his head and said, "What should we do if we don't station troops on the border and the enemy invades?"

"Your Majesty, you can set up troops in the court to provide reinforcements from all directions."

"As for the border, we fight when we are at war and busy when we are idle."

“Farming, building bridges and roads, opening up river channels, and managing rivers can all contribute to people’s livelihood.”

After Wei Zheng finished speaking, Emperor Yu remained silent, Shen Li had a pensive look on his face, and Lin Qiushi frowned sometimes and relaxed at other times.

"Secondly, the appointment of officials in the imperial court is mostly done by people who talk and talk on paper."

"As far as the common people know, the core positions of the imperial court officials are generally recommended by big families. They are appointed as officials in the capital and rise to the top step by step!"

"On the other hand, some officials from small aristocratic families have always been in a corner. No matter how outstanding their political achievements are, they have never been promoted in their lifetime."

"Officials who have been hanging around in Beijing all year round only need to wait a few years. When the time comes and they have enough qualifications, they can be promoted and make a fortune."

"On the other hand, local scattered officials have been hanging around at the grassroots level all year round, caring about people's sentiments and working diligently, but they have no hope of promotion."

"And the officials in the capital gradually entered the center. What's ridiculous is that they can't even distinguish the grains. They have never even left the capital, and they sit in the most solemn and noble positions to govern the world."

“Aren’t these officials just talking on paper?”

Wei Zheng's words were like a loud bell, ringing in Emperor Yu's ears. The latter nodded frequently, and Shen Li also lost countenance.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Wei's words are not unreasonable!"

"A local official has no background and no connections. No matter how outstanding his abilities are and how brilliant his political achievements are, his files can never be placed in front of the imperial court."

Emperor Yu looked at Wei Zheng with a serious look on his face and said, "Every year, I ask the Ministry of Civil Affairs to evaluate local officials and promote, demote, appoint and promote them based on their performance. I'm afraid it's not as serious as what Mr. said, right?"

"His Majesty!"

"I dare you to ask how many local officials were promoted to the central government last year?"

"I'm afraid there is only one Chen Shangshu, right?"

"As for the assessment of the personnel department, after the officials are transferred to the capital, which one will give more, which one has the best political performance, and which one will give less, or even not give any, is derelict in their duties, not doing their job properly, and is incompetent."

Wei Zheng's words were like an awl, piercing Emperor Yu's heart.

"In your opinion, sir, how should this phenomenon be managed?"

"Back to Your Majesty, according to the common people's opinion, all officials, regardless of their origins, are unified into the Ministry of Personnel and distributed to the grassroots. Starting from the bottom, officials assigned by Your Majesty or officials from the Ministry of Personnel are assessed every year, which are divided into local assessments. And the examination for entering Beijing!”

"The capable ones go up, the mediocre ones go down."

"This is the right path."

As soon as Wei Zheng finished speaking, Shen Li seconded his opinion: "Your Majesty, Mr. Wei's words are reasonable, and this move is feasible."


Emperor Yu also nodded, looked at Lin Qiushi and said: "I'll leave this matter to you. Recall all the officials who have been sent out in the past three years. I want to personally assess and interview them!"

"As ordered!"

Emperor Yu looked at Wei Zheng and motioned him to continue.

"Third, the troubles caused by merchants can shake the foundation of the country."


When Wei Zheng mentioned merchants, Emperor Yu and Shen Li both looked grim, and Lin Qiushi gradually narrowed his eyes.

"My Dayu's salt, iron, shipping, and grain are all controlled by business tycoons."

"Especially salt, iron, and grain, which are a big problem!"

"It concerns the people's livelihood and the country. Merchants value profit. If these three lifelines are controlled by them, they can manipulate the price of grain and salt, and iron will cause turmoil in the court."

Wei Zheng said bluntly.

Emperor Yu, Shen Li and others instantly understood his intention. This is targeting the four great families!

Although it is a problem caused by merchants, the knife behind is aimed at the four great families.

Is it the intention of King Yong?

"Wei Zheng, since you mentioned the troubles of merchants, is there a solution?"

"Your Majesty, this is also simple!"

Wei Zheng looked confident and bowed slightly, saying: "The management rights of salt, iron and grain will be taken over by the court."

"The salt mines and iron mines in the world will all be taken over by the court. All salt merchants who operate salt and grain must obtain permission from the court, and after the court's approval, they can mine salt and mineral veins!"

"The ownership of the salt mines all belongs to the court!"

As soon as Wei Zheng finished speaking, Emperor Yu's face showed a gleam of brilliance, and he said in a deep voice: "This matter must not be mentioned outside."


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