Lingzhou City, County Sheriff's Mansion.

In the past two days, the entire county has taken on a completely new look. The officials coming and going are neatly dressed, the yamen on duty have their chests raised and their heads raised, and even the flowers and plants in the mansion are neatly trimmed.

"Sir, you said that His Majesty's imperial edict has been issued for more than half a month, but why is His Highness King Yong still missing?"

"Who knows?"

Mo Xingjun also sighed with sadness, and said with a complicated face: "I can't tell from which corner he is staring at us."

"It's strange to say that according to the ancestral system of my Dayu, the vassal king does not get involved in local government affairs. But this time, His Majesty not only allowed His Highness King Yong to have an overview of Huainan's military affairs, but even allowed him to appoint officials on his own."

“It’s simply a first of its kind!”

"Compared with King Yong's achievements, perhaps a Huainan is nothing."

Mo Xingjun said something meaningful, and saw a middle-aged man wearing a toga striding in, and bowed his hand.

"Sir, I just received the official document from Jinyiwei."

"His Royal Highness King Yong is arriving in Lingzhou."

When Mo Xingjun heard this, he stood up suddenly, with a gleam in his eyes, and said softly: "Has Prince Yong's Mansion been built?"

"The palace is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry, and the finance is also allocated by the imperial court. The specific progress can be found in our county governor's palace..."


Mo Xingjun looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Now that our land in Huainan is under the jurisdiction of His Highness King Yong, the construction of the royal palace is such an important matter, and my county governor's office didn't even ask a question. It's really unjustifiable."

"Go there yourself, bring some people, and see if there is anything you need help with!"


"When will His Highness King Yong arrive in Lingzhou City?"

"It is said that it will be half a day later."

"It came so quickly!"

Mo Xingjun's expression condensed and he said softly: "If the official document handed over by the Jin Yiwei is accurate to my expectations, perhaps His Highness is already on the streets of Lingzhou City."

"Are you planning a private visit incognito?"


Tianzi box.

Ning Fan brought Dian Wei and Xu Chu to the box, and immediately several figures stood up at the same time.

"See my lord!"

"Your Highness!"

Ning Fan nodded with a smile. Seeing that Guo Jia's body seemed to have lost a lot of weight, he couldn't help but frown: "Fengxiao, you were drained by wine and sex in your previous life. How come you are still so weak after reviving this life!"


Guo Jia was choked by his words, and said with a wry smile: "My lord, Jia has not touched any alcohol recently, and as for women, he keeps away from them!"


Everyone burst into laughter. After sitting down, Ning Fan looked around at Guo Jia, Chen Gong, Qin Qiong, Gao Shun, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Du Fu, Xin Qiji, Su Shi and the potbellied Shen Wansan.

Now, this is the entire team in Huainan.

Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu have to return to Beijing first. Whether they can go to Huainan later depends on Emperor Yu's wishes.

While Yue Fei was on an eastern expedition, Ran Min, Chen Qingzhi, and Lan Yu were all at court to obey orders.

Wei Zheng and Jia Xu were stationed in the capital, and Jiang Yu was in charge of Jinyiwei, so naturally he could not go south.

Only Li Bai's traces are unknown.

Bai Qi?

Ning Fan thought of this person and a wry smile appeared on his face. He must be traveling with the girl, right?

It is no exaggeration to say that with his current team, even a change of dynasty may not be impossible. However, now that he can leave Beijing and live in Tibet and become a local emperor in Huainan, it can be said that it will be useless even if Emperor Yu comes.

If he is free, he can go out to expand the territory and expand the territory of Huainan without anyone noticing. He even thought about building a city on the grassland!

Secretly marry Empress Dali back?

It has to be said that Ning Fan does not lack ambitions, but only lacks time.

"Fengxiao, tell me about the resettlement situation of the victims!"


Guo Jia nodded to Chen Gong who was standing aside. Chen Gong glared at him and said softly: "My lord, Huoyun Prefecture has taken in more than 30,000 disaster victims in the past few days. We have already had food reserves in Huainan." , supply is not a big problem.”

"In the past few days, five thousand acres of wasteland have been reclaimed every day, including some fertile soil."

"It's just that for a long time, the Nanman or surrounding thieves have been harassing the border, resulting in no people farming there!"

"If this land can be utilized, at least 30,000 acres of fertile farmland can be cultivated!"


Ning Fan's eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice: "Grow all potatoes and sweet potatoes, promote greenhouse agriculture, especially cucumber grafting. Now is the time."

"From now on, Huoyun State will be our granary."

"However, as you just said, the southern barbarians invaded the border, Shubao, how many soldiers did you recruit during this period?"

"Back to my lord, more than ten thousand people have been raised, half of whom are strong men selected from the refugees!"


Ning Fan looked at Qin Qiong, Dian Wei and others, and said thoughtfully: "From now on, Qin Qiong, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Xin Qiji, the four of you will train the new army with all your strength. I will see results in three months!"


"Today a group of bandits from Wumei Mountain will come down to surrender. Shubao will build a large camp outside Lingzhou City with a full strength of 50,000 people. After reorganization, it will be merged with the new army to form the Nanyong King Army!"

"As you command!"

"Gao Shun, can the trapped camp meet the conditions for expansion?"

"Back to my lord, you need heavy armor and a broad sword to fall into the camp. You can expand the number to up to 3,000 people!"


Ning Fan nodded without hesitation and said softly: "You can give priority to selecting personnel from the Nanyong King's army. I will find a way to get the armor and weapons needed!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

"The armor and weapons needed by the new army should be met by the Huaiwang Treasury."

"After the barracks are built, immediately clear the famous mountains and rivers in the entire Huainan. After a month, I don't want to see large-scale robbers, bandits, and strongmen in any corner of Huainan!"

"Do you understand?"


"My Lord, there are no soldiers stationed at the southwest border now. Should we send troops to guard the border?"


Ning Fan pondered for a long time and said softly: "Of course we should. Although Dayu is on good terms with Dali, we must be on guard. Moreover, if the southern barbarians attack by detour, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Let me think about this for two days."

Now he still has two troop summoning cards in his hand that have not been used. The full quota of 50,000 soldiers given to him by Emperor Yu, but 50,000 soldiers and horses used to guard the border are really a bit dwarfed.

Now, the White Robe Army, the Qihuo Army, the Beiwei Army, and even the Ghost Army and the Taotie Camp are fighting. There are only 800 Xianzhen and 18 Riders of Yanyun around, which is obviously not suitable for guarding the border!

After returning, use the two troop summoning cards to discuss again.

"Okay, let's discuss this for the time being. Let's go to meet the Lingzhou County Governor later."

"Discuss the important matters again!"

"Waiter, serve the wine!"


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