After a round of drinking and eating, they enjoyed the singing and dancing at Baixiangju, and then got up and rushed to the county governor's mansion.

In front of the county governor's mansion, Mo Xingjun, who had received the news in advance, led all the local officials to look forward patiently, and the people passing by all showed curious expressions.

"What are these officials doing?"

"I heard that His Royal Highness Prince Yong will come to the frontier today."

"Prince Yong?"

"That's right!"

"This Prince Yong, in terms of achievements, is no less than his eldest brother."

Many people carried bags on their shoulders, and some carried baskets in their hands, obviously just back from the salt business.

Mo Xingjun and others stood for a long time, constantly activating their muscles and bones, listening to the discussions of the people next to them, and their faces remained calm.

"Fengxiao, look at the people on the street, see their clothes, hear their words, what do you feel?"

"Please teach me, sir."

"Most of them are dressed simply, they should be people who travel all year round, most of them are carrying bags, they should be passing merchants!"

"We have been walking along the way, and we should know that compared with the north, the trade exchanges in the south are closer!"

Ning Fan and others walked in the crowd leisurely, with a smile on their lips, and whispered: "In your opinion, what is the key to a strong country and rich people?"


Hearing this, Guo Jia frowned slightly, thought for a while and answered: "If you want to make the country strong and the people rich, you must have peace and stability in the country, a stable environment, so that the people can farm, work happily, and trade, so that they can gradually prosper!"

"Yes, a stable social environment is extremely important, but this is not enough!"

"Please teach me, sir!"

"The key to the four words of a strong country and rich people is wealth!"

" If you want to make people rich, you need money. If you want to get money, you need trade. "


When Chen Gong heard this, his face immediately became serious, and he looked at Ning Fan in disbelief: "My lord, do you mean to emphasize business?"

"That's exactly what I mean!"

"My lord, since ancient times, all dynasties have emphasized agriculture and suppressed business, and the turbulence lies in money. If merchants have money, they will also improve their social status!"

"Wouldn't the people all go to trade, who would still farm honestly?"

"Besides, if merchants have money and status, if they have evil intentions, how to stop them?"

Ning Fan smiled and stopped, as if he saw all the officials in the county governor's office, and whispered: "The key to emphasizing business is not to emphasize merchants, but to emphasize business!"

"Emphasis on circulation, emphasis on trade!"

Ning Fan's words revealed his core idea, which is also the most suitable measure for the current social background that he has come up with after long-term consideration!

Let alone the present world, looking back at the past world is enough to see the social welfare brought about by the high prosperity of business.

For example, the Song Dynasty was rich, but the Song Dynasty valued culture over military affairs, and the military system had some drawbacks, which led to a rich country but a weak army.

As a result, it was ravaged by the barbarians in the north.

Speaking of this, we have to mention the social system and the local official system, and it is a long story, so let's not talk about it for now.

After hearing Ning Fan's words, Guo Jia's expression became particularly solemn. Su Shi and Du Fu also frowned, as if they were thinking seriously. Only Shen Wansan had an excited look on his face.

"Let's go!"

"I have been waiting for a long time, let's go to the dock first."

Ning Fan teased, and led everyone to stride towards the county governor's mansion. Dian Wei and Xu Chu, two bodyguards, followed Ning Fan closely, which was daunting.

"But His Royal Highness Prince Yong is in person?"

After seeing Ning Fan and his party, Mo Xingjun just glanced at them a few times and stepped forward to greet them.

"The imperial edict has arrived!"

"Your subordinates will receive it."

When the county governor's office saw Guo Jia take out a golden scroll from his sleeve, they all knelt down to salute, and the people around them also knelt on the ground.

"By the will of Heaven, the Emperor proclaims: (some say that by the will of Heaven, the Emperor proclaims:)"

"From now on, Prince Yong Ning Fan will be in charge of all military and political power in Huainan, and can appoint officials on his own..."

After reading hundreds of words, Mo Xingjun and others respectfully put their heads to the ground until the edict was finished, and then they kowtowed respectfully and took the imperial edict.

"Your subordinate, I pay my respects to His Royal Highness Prince Yong!"

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan put one hand behind his back, waved his hand, and said with a smile: "I have heard that Lord Mo, the governor of Lingzhou County, is diligent in his work and loves the people. He is upright. Seeing him today, I find that he is indeed a man of talent and a man of integrity!"


Mo Xingjun was choked by Ning Fan's words. He smiled awkwardly and bowed his hands quickly, saying: "Your Highness, your subordinate has prepared wine and food for you. Please come in and rest!"

"No need for a banquet. I have eaten."

"The dishes at Baixiangju are really good. Let's go and discuss business first."

"Yes, yes!"

Mo Xingjun and others followed Ning Fan into the mansion. It must be said that all the officials in the county governor's mansion were still very reserved. They had been in the local area for many years and had never seen a third-rank official in the capital. Now they met the most prominent prince of the dynasty. Naturally, they were in awe.

"Everyone, please take a seat!"

"This king has just arrived and still needs your help. You can talk freely with me!"

"Today, let's just have a simple chat!"

Ning Fan's elegant temperament was released, and his tone was also very gentle, making people feel like spring breeze. Mo Xingjun could not help but nod frequently.

It seems that His Royal Highness Prince Yong is not as fierce as the legend says.

"Lord Mo!"

"I am here."

"Hehe, I heard that Wumei Mountain is not peaceful recently. Have you heard about it?"

"Wumei Mountain..."

Mo Xingjun looked a little flustered. He stepped out of the line and bowed, saying softly: "Your Highness, I have also heard that bandits have gathered in Wumei Mountain recently, and there are signs of unrest. I am preparing to send troops to clear them out."


"Then do you know who is causing unrest in Wumei Mountain?"

"This... I am sending people to investigate in detail. Now there is a clue, but it is not clear yet."


The gentle smile on Ning Fan's face gradually disappeared, and he said lightly: "You are the father and mother of a region. There is such a big commotion in your territory, but you know nothing about it."

"It's really incredible."

"Your Highness, I heard that it was Lu Yuanshan, the eldest son of the Lu family!"

"Are you sure?"

Mo Xingjun's face was no longer calm as before, but beads of sweat appeared on his face. For some reason, facing this young man in front of him, he actually gave him a sense of oppression like a mountain.

"Your Highness, I am sure!"

"Since you are sure, how are you going to deal with the Lu family?"

"Your Highness, I will definitely investigate and interrogate them according to my Dayu's law, and do whatever needs to be done!"

"That's the best!"

Ning Fan's face gradually regained a warm smile, and the coldness just now seemed to disappear in an instant. He said lightly: "Since that's the case, the case of Lu's treason will be handed over to you. Within three days, I want to see the result."



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