"System, where are Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang?"

"Master, they will surrender within one stick of incense. Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang have been detected, triggering the bond attribute. Di Renjie's intelligence +1, Li Yuanfang's force +1!"

Hearing the system's prompt sound, Ning Fan's expression also showed a hint of surprise. He didn't expect that the bond attribute would be triggered.

The Di Renjie summoned now is the Romance version, and Li Yuanfang's force value should not be bad.

"Check Li Yuanfang's attribute page."

[Name]: Li Yuanfang

[Dynasty]: Romance of the Tang Dynasty

[Loyalty]: Diehard

[Force]: 94

[Intelligence]: 82

[Command]: 89

[Politics]: 77

[Special Attributes]: Yuanfang (when asked by Di Renjie, intelligence +3) Bond (bonded with Di Renjie, force value +3)

Seeing Li Yuanfang's attribute page, Ning Fan silently closed the system, and he was already holding the unit summoning card tightly.

This is his, and he will not use it easily unless it is a critical moment.

Li Yuanfang does not exist in the official history, and the Li Yuanfang of the Ming Dynasty has nothing to do with the novel version of Li Yuanfang.

"Second Master, Shen Wansan is here!"

Lin Yong stood outside the door and reported softly. Ning Fan nodded slightly. Shen Wansan walked in panting. It had only been a few days since they last met, and the fat man's face had become rounder.

"Your Highness!"

"Wan San, your health is the capital for making money, you can't ruin it!"

"Yes, yes, yes..."

Shen Wan San was ashamed, and Ning Fan said: "Tell me about the business development in the past few days."

Hearing Ning Fan talking about business, Shen Wan San's face also put away the joking expression on his face, and said seriously: "Your Highness, with the merger of states and counties in the past few days, our Daqin Commercial Bank has also been integrated."

"The salt shops, money houses, and wine shops under it are all included and opened in various state capitals in Jiuzhou."

"Your Highness, it is no exaggeration to say that our business is making a fortune now."

"The salt shops and wine shops have hot sales every day, and now they have formed a monopoly in Huainan."

Seeing Shen Wansan's beaming expression, Ning Fan nodded slightly and said softly, "How much silver is available in the account now?"

"Your Highness, now my Daqin Commercial Bank has 1.1 million shi of grain stored in Huainan, 150,000 shi of salt stored in the capital, 30,000 shi in Huainan, and 720,000 taels of money on the books of the Song Dynasty Bank. The total amount of gold on the books of Daqin Commercial Bank is 170,000 taels and more than 2.3 million taels of silver."

Shen Wansan finished speaking and smiled, "In the past two days, the money houses in the entire Huainan area have saved 300,000 taels every day, and it is growing day by day."

Ning Fan heard this and showed a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that in just one year, he had accumulated such a huge fortune, most of which was the revenue of the wine business.

And with the popular monopoly of the salt business and the brutal expansion of the Daqin Commercial Bank, within a year, his business layout will bring an extremely terrifying level.

"That's right!"

"From now on, you will be the director of the Commercial Bureau of Prince Yong's Mansion, and you will be in charge of all the commerce in Huainan."

"Your rank is the fifth rank."

When Shen Wansan heard Ning Fan's words, he trembled all over, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

"Shen Wansan, thank you, Your Highness!"

"Okay, no need to be polite!"

Ning Fan waved his hand and said softly: "Since ancient times, whether it is my China or today's Dayu, they all emphasize agriculture and suppress commerce. Now, I will give you a chance to break this order that has lasted for thousands of years."

"As for how far you can go, it depends on your luck."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Shen Wansan was so excited that tears flowed down his face. He kowtowed and thanked him repeatedly until Ning Fan came forward to personally support him.

"After returning, allocate one million taels of silver to the Engineering Bureau. Next, I will start a large-scale infrastructure in Huainan."

"There are also glass manufacturing processes and the popularization of clothing, which will be carried out step by step."

"Tea roasting and Maotai brewing must be started one by one. This king will allocate a piece of land for you outside Lingzhou City to build a factory complex."

"Now you are in charge of the money bag of my Huainan. Whether Huainan can take off depends on you!"

"Your Highness, rest assured, Wan San will do his best."


Ning Fan waved his hand, and suddenly thought of something, and instructed: "By the way, the savings of the people in the money house should not be moved lightly. If there is any movement, report to this king first!"


After Shen Wansan left, Ning Fan began to think again, took out a piece of paper, wrote and drew, and before he knew it, an incense stick of time had passed.

"Second Master!"

"There are people outside..."

Before Lin Yong finished speaking, Ning Fan knew that it was Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang who came, and waved his hand directly: "Let them in!"


"I am Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang, and I pay my respects to you, my lord!"

"No need to be polite!"

Hearing the two people's address, Lin Yong's face was full of curiosity. They are the confidants of the Second Master again?

Why have I never heard of these two people?

"Huaiying, do you know about the recent reforms in Huainan?"

"My lord, I have heard a little bit!"


Ning Fan smiled, took out an official seal from his sleeve, handed it over, and said: "Since you know, take this official seal and go to the Supervisory Office to serve as the dean, in charge of all supervision, inspection, and criminal law matters in Huainan."

"As you wish!"

Di Renjie's face was neither humble nor arrogant, and his face was majestic without anger, and he exuded a rigorous and solemn temperament.

Li Yuanfang on the side also showed a happy expression. He didn't expect that the master would be given such an important task as soon as he arrived.



"From now on, you will serve as the patrol officer of Lingzhou City, in charge of the defense of Lingzhou City, the defense of the royal palace and the government, responsible for investigating lawbreakers, patrolling public security, arresting and maintaining stability."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Li Yuanfang also looked happy and bowed to thank him.

With the reform of the officialdom in Huainan, the administration of the entire Huainan area has also been restored, especially the recruitment of famous people from all over the world, which has made the entire Huainan area full of vitality.

"Come here!"


"Set up a banquet."

"Today, I am celebrating my new home and I will invite all parties to the banquet."

"Yes, sir!"


That night.

Ning Fan held a banquet at the Yongwang Mansion. Shen Wansan called the chef of Baixiangju and prepared 108 dishes, a full banquet of Manchu and Han cuisine.

"Congratulations, lord, for moving into Prince Yong's Mansion!"

Guo Jia, Chen Gong and others raised their glasses to celebrate Ning Fan's housewarming.

Ning Fan nodded with a smile, looked around, and introduced to everyone: "Today's banquet is to celebrate the completion of Prince Yong's Mansion. Starting tomorrow, the two courts and three departments will start construction around Prince Yong's Mansion."

"The Engineering Bureau and the Commercial Bureau are in the palace."

"Secondly, today I have welcomed two great talents in Huainan."

Ning Fan set his eyes on Di Renjie and said with a smile: "Di Renjie, whose name is Huaiying, was an official of the Wu Zhou Dynasty in the Tang Dynasty. He was from Taiyuan, Bingzhou. He was promoted to prime minister. He was upright, had great talents and the ability to stabilize the country."

Hearing Ning Fan's introduction, Guo Jia and others looked at Di Renjie, their faces full of surprise. Ordinary people are not worthy of such an evaluation from the lord!


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