Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 365: Huainan's First Military and Political Conference

"My Lord, is Mr. Huaiying a Tang person?"


Ning Fan nodded, but Qin Qiong looked even more puzzled: "What does Wu Zhou mean?"

Hearing Qin Qiong's question, Shen Wansan sighed and showed a touch of emotion.

"Wu Zhou is the name of the country of Wu Zetian, the talented woman of Emperor Taizong Shimin and the empress of Emperor Gaozong."

Speaking of this, we have to talk about the scandal of the Li family, but in order to take into account the feelings of Qin Qiong and other Tang people, Ning Fan did not elaborate.

"Wu Zetian is the only orthodox female emperor in China for thousands of years. Although she is not a woman, she is also a person of peerless beauty. Although she has been controversial in later generations, when Emperor Zetian ruled the world, the national strength of the Tang Dynasty was also growing day by day."

Listening to Ning Fan's words, Di Renjie on the side was at a loss.

"By the way, I forgot that Huaiying has not yet recovered his memory."

Ning Fan smiled and exchanged a memory rosary from the system to restore Di Renjie's memory.

Everyone was very curious about the only orthodox female emperor in China for five thousand years, so Ning Fan briefly talked about her deeds, which aroused everyone's amazement.

"Okay, let's stop talking about history!"

"Today, let's discuss the plan for Huainan in the next three years!"

Ning Fan put down his wine glass and looked around. The literary ones include Guo Jia, Chen Gong, Di Renjie, etc., and the military ones include Qin Qiong, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Gao Shun, Li Yuanfang!

Plus Shen Wansan.

As for Du Fu, Xin Qiji, and Su Shi, they have already gone to the three counties to take office, and Yang Zaixing is in the military camp to reorganize the troops.

Guan Yu and Jia Xu are on their way to Huainan.

"Everyone, now the official system reform in Huainan has gradually come to an end..."

"From now on, in Huainan, carry out infrastructure construction. What is infrastructure?"

"In business..."

"In agriculture..."

"The president of the Tongzhengyuan is..."

That night, the first military and political meeting in Huainan was held in Yongwang Mansion, led by Ning Fan himself.

At the meeting, Ning Fan affirmed Shen Wansan's outstanding achievements in business and decided on the main officials of the two courts and three departments.

Ning Fan announced the appointment of Guo Jia as the president of the Tongzhengyuan and Di Renjie as the president of the Supervisory Yuan.

Chen Gong was the governor of Lingzhou City, taking charge of all military and political power in Lingzhou City.

Qin Qiong was appointed as the director of the Military and Political Department, Mo Xingjun, the former governor of Lingzhou County, was appointed as the director of the Agricultural Affairs Department, and Lin Yong was temporarily in charge of the Finance Department!

Li Yuanfang served as the patrol officer of Lingzhou City, Shen Wansan was appointed as the director of the Commercial Bureau, and Ning Fan was temporarily in charge of the Engineering Bureau.

This simple banquet established the framework of the Huainan government with the two courts and three departments as the main body, established the core leadership of the Prince Yong's Mansion, and emphasized the important position of commerce and infrastructure in the development plan of Huainan.

The development plan for Huainan in the next three years was formulated to lay a solid and strong political foundation for Huainan's take-off.

It had a profound impact on Huainan's politics, economy, construction, commerce and its system.

Three days later.

Yuwang City, the Imperial Palace!

On the court.

"Your Majesty, I think that the peace talks in Donghuai this time are not sincere at all."

"Now, half of Donghuai's territory has fallen into the hands of my Dayu, and the country of Donghuai has been exposed to my Dayu's iron hoof. Isn't it raising a tiger to harm if we negotiate peace at this time?"

"Moreover, if the Donghuai court is not destroyed, it will definitely focus on recovering the lost territory. In the future, when it gets a chance to catch its breath, it will definitely counterattack my Dayu!"

The Minister of War Ji Sui expressed his views sharply and with reason, and a group of military generals also agreed.

Emperor Yu sat at the top, looking down at the ministers, his eyes fell on Lin Qiushi, and he said calmly: "What do you think, Zuo Xiang?"

"Your Majesty, the envoys of Donghuai have entered the capital, why not summon them to the palace?"


Emperor Yu waved his hand, and more than a dozen officials of Donghuai dressed in strange clothes came to see him.

"The Donghuai envoy pays respect to the Emperor of the Yu Dynasty!"

"No need to be polite!"

The official headed by Donghuai was a middle-aged man with a sallow face. He took out a letter from his sleeve, handed it over, and said softly: "Your Majesty, this is the handwriting of my Donghuai Princess Regent."

"Present it!"

Hearing the words "Princess Regent", the ministers were full of surprise, but Emperor Yu remained calm and flipped through the letter, as if he had already made plans.

"Your Majesty!"

Just as the court was discussing, a figure rushed to the front of the hall in a hurry. It was Jiang Lin, the commander of the Jinyiwei!

"Your Majesty, I have an urgent report!"


Emperor Yu's expression froze, and he immediately put down the letter in his hand and looked at Jiang Li, saying, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Li said nothing, took out a secret letter from his sleeve, stepped forward quickly, and presented it to Wei Ying, his face full of solemnity: "This matter is of great importance, I dare to ask your Majesty to be cautious!"

As soon as Jiang Li's voice fell, the civil and military officials in the entire court froze, and their eyes followed the letter to look at Emperor Yu.

Emperor Yu's face also showed a trace of doubt. During this period of time, he also had a certain understanding of this Jinyiwei commander. He has always been steady and decisive. It can be said that he has seen a lot of storms, but he has never been so impolite as today.

What happened?

Emperor Yu took the letter, opened it, and saw only two lines of small words, but his expression suddenly changed.


Seeing that Emperor Yu was so disrespectful, the ministers were even more surprised and buried their heads deeply. The atmosphere in the whole hall became very solemn.

"Dismiss the court!"

Emperor Yu stood up and looked at Jiang Lin: "Come to the imperial study to see me!"


"Your Majesty, I pay my respects to you!"

"Is the news accurate?"

"Absolutely true!" Jiang Lin knelt on the ground and whispered, "Your Majesty's carriage will arrive in Beijing today."

Emperor Yu's expression was extremely complicated, with surprise, disappointment, and confusion.

"Go and prepare. I will go out of the city myself."

"Don't alarm anyone."


Jiang Lin strode away, while Emperor Yu changed into casual clothes and was about to go out, but turned around and came to the harem.

"Your Majesty?"

Seeing Emperor Yu's sudden visit, Concubine Xian's face was full of surprise. At this time, shouldn't he be handling state affairs?

Seeing Emperor Yu's strange expression, Concubine Xian's face also showed a trace of solemnity, and she asked softly: "What happened?"

"Chen'er... is back!"


Concubine Xian was stunned for a moment, and did not react for a while: "Back?"

"Your Majesty, did you have a nightmare?"

"Or did you not rest well?"

"No..." Emperor Yu shook his head, pondered for a long time, and slowly said: "Ning Chen is not dead, he is on his way back to Beijing."


Concubine Xian's expression suddenly changed, and she quickly covered her mouth to prevent herself from exclaiming, but she couldn't help but shed tears.

"So, what is your majesty going to do?"

"I will go to see him in person."

Emperor Yu sighed for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "It's good to be alive, it's good!"


[Transition chapter, time jump is about to begin...]

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