Outside King Yu's city.

Spring plowing is a big event, and the early spring rain is hazy, falling on the muddy official road. Some of the passers-by wear bamboo hats and raincoats, and carry hoes and farm tools on their shoulders.

A carriage was driving swayingly on the spacious official road at an extremely slow speed. The rain was not heavy, and the broad road outside King Yu's city had also been compacted, so it was not particularly bumpy.

"Your Highness, ahead is King Yu's City."


Ning Rulai held the reins, with more than a dozen knight attendants behind him. He hesitated for a moment and said softly: "The Great Return Pill given by His Highness King Yong has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. Why doesn't Your Highness... take it directly?"

After hearing Ning Rulai's question, Ning Chen sat in the carriage with his hands in his sleeves and his expression calm.

"What if I recover?"

"Of course I will take charge of the army again and guard my border with Dayu. The second master also said that after taking the Dahuan Dan, not only can the leg disease be cured, but the martial arts can also be improved!"

"At that time, I, King Yusheng, will..."

Ning Rulai said excitedly, but her voice suddenly stopped. She seemed to have thought of something and secretly tightened the reins in her hands.

"It would be a waste to use such a precious elixir on me."

"My little brother also said that there is only one like this in the world."

Ning Chen smiled, raised his head, opened the window, and took a deep breath. The air in the spring rain, mixed with the freshness of the earth, was really intoxicating.


In the distance, a flying cavalry came straight towards the carriage. Ning Rulai's expression condensed, and he put his hand on the sword at his waist, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Who is coming?"

"Is this Ning's son in the car?"

The knight took out a waist badge from his waist. Ning Rulai's expression changed instantly and he remained silent.

"My subordinates have been ordered to come and take the eldest son back to the capital."

"The master has been waiting in the pavilion for a long time."

As soon as the knight finished speaking, Ning Rulai understood instantly and glanced at the carriage with some worry. Before he could speak, a hearty voice came from the carriage: "Lead the way."

The knight took a deep look at the carriage, turned the horse's head, and led the carriage towards the pavilion outside the city.



This carriage, which had traveled an unknown number of miles, made a series of creaking sounds after months of running around. It traveled another three to five miles and stopped in front of a pavilion.

More than a dozen figures wearing raincoats, swords hanging from their waists, and bamboo hats on their heads guarded the entire pavilion tightly. In the pavilion, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes held a cup of hot tea in his hand and looked at the carriage. Lost in thought.

Ning Rulai opened the car curtain, stretched out her hand to hold Ning Chen's body, and walked out of the carriage. The two guards beside him quickly held up umbrellas and stepped forward to help him.

Emperor Yu's eyes fell on the figure with a pale complexion and legs hanging down on the ground. His expression could not help but be moved, and his brows were deeply knitted.

Suddenly, there was a sudden rain and wind. Ning Rulai took out a coat from the carriage and put it on Ning Chen. Emperor Yu also stood up slowly, ignoring the drizzle and cold wind, and walked step by step towards Ning Chen who had just got out of the car. .


Wei Ying hurriedly held up an umbrella and stepped forward. Emperor Yu's clothes were wet, but he didn't care at all and stopped in front of Ning Chen. His expression looked a little guilty and a little heartbroken.

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, Emperor Yu slowly turned around, slightly bent his legs, bowed down, and let out a hoarse voice.

"Come, daddy will carry you."

Ning Chen's lips wriggled, and when he was about to speak, he coughed violently. He had no time to take the handkerchief, so he had to cover it with his hand, and a trace of blood slipped from his palm.

However, Emperor Yu did not see it.

The spring rain was pouring, and Emperor Yu was carrying Ning Chen on his back, from the carriage to the pavilion. This short distance of several feet was once just a step away, but to the current King Sheng, it was like a chasm.

At this moment, Emperor Yu was no longer a lofty emperor, but an old father who cared about his son. King Sheng was no longer the invincible god of war who dominated thousands of armies, but an injured son.

Emperor Yu carefully put Ning Chen down from his back, and with the help of several attendants, he sat down firmly in the pavilion.


Ning Chen was about to speak, but saw Emperor Yu shaking his head: "Today, there are no kings and ministers, only father and son."

"You all stand down and I talk to my son!"


The guards all retreated thirty feet away. Ning Rulai also turned around and walked to the pavilion. Even Wei Ying silently stepped back a few steps.

"Son, do you blame dad?"

Emperor Yu looked at Ning Chen, with a complex look on his face, and there was no hint of intimidating aura on his body.

"Don't complain!"

Ning Chen shook his head slightly and said softly: "What my father considers is the gains and losses of my Dayu. I don't blame my father. My father can fight to the death for me in the Western Region, erect a monument to offer incense, and suppress the Western King's army of one hundred thousand on my behalf." Hero, thank you father!"

"It's good if you can understand me."

"In the battle in the Western Territory, I bet on the fate of my country, Dayu, and I did not hesitate to empty the Northern Territory, and even let Dayan's hundreds of thousands of troops pass the Xuanjian Pass."

"Fortunately, this battle was won. Da Yan Kingdom will never dare to invade within three years!"

Emperor Yu had a complicated look on his face and said softly: "Now, the western border is stable, the eight barbarians in Mobei are far away, the southern barbarians are frustrated, and Donghuai is about to be defeated by me, the Great Yu."

"This is a great change that has not happened in a hundred years for our great Yu."

"I want to take this opportunity to reorganize the country. The troubles of the family have been accumulated for a long time. The important pillar of my Dayu is controlled by the four famous families!"

"Especially salt and grain. If we don't take them back, the soldiers will have fought in vain."

Listening to Emperor Yu's silent narration, Ning Chen also understood very well in his heart. Since his father ascended the throne, he has been dormant. He even thought about planning for three generations. If his generation could not solve it, he would pave the way for his descendants.

Unexpectedly, King Yong came out of nowhere. In just one year, he cleaned up the government and became the sharpest knife in his hand and the arrow shot at the family.

He saw hope.

Therefore, he didn't want to leave the variables of the family to his descendants. If he could solve it in his hands, why drag it to the future?

"Son, I am happy that you can come back from the West."

"If you have difficulty walking in the future, tell Dad where you want to go, and Dad will accompany you."

"After returning, let the imperial doctor take a look."

Ning Chen nodded slightly, looking at Emperor Yu's head, there were a few strands of white hair on his head, and nodded heavily.

"Father, how is the war in the East?"

"Eastern Territory..."

Emperor Yu pondered for a moment, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes: "Now the envoys from Donghuai have entered the capital. I met them, and the court officials have also had differences because of this."

"The military generals want to destroy the country in one fell swoop, and the civil officials want to negotiate with them."

"Then...what does father mean?"


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