Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 368 Barbarian Cavalry Attacks, Military and Political Separation

Southwest border.

After Huainan merged the states and counties, all the territories were re-divided and belonged to Zhou County.

The three counties of Huainan were named after the three ancient dynasties of China, Xia, Shang and Zhou, and were settled in order from north to south.

The border town located in the southwest was renamed Haojing and designated as the county seat of Zhou County.

On the long street of Haojing City, with the completion of the county governor's mansion, the atmosphere of the entire city was also completely new. People on the street gathered in groups of three or five, discussing the rumors of the past two days.

"Alas, Huainan has really changed!"

"Our new county governor is really ruthless. After only a few days in office, the entire southwest has been flooded with blood. I don't know how many corrupt officials have become the souls of this Lord Xin."

"Hahaha, good kill. The King of Huai is lazy and corrupt officials are rampant. Now, His Royal Highness Prince Yong has settled in Huainan, and the whole Huainan has a brand new look."

"Unfortunately, the damn barbarians have repeatedly violated my borders and plundered my people. I heard that a group of barbarians violated the border yesterday and slaughtered several villages."

On the long street, a middle-aged man riding a tall horse looked depressed, and several armored soldiers followed behind him, revealing a stern murderous aura.

"General Gao, I was ordered by His Royal Highness to go to Lingzhou. The border here is handed over to you."


Gao Shun nodded. Now that the Xianzhen Camp has expanded its army, it is not a problem to hold on to one side without a large-scale invasion by the southern barbarians.


"It's bad. A barbarian cavalry of a thousand men is coming towards my Haojing."

Xin Qiji was running towards the city gate when he saw a knight chasing him from behind. He said anxiously.


"Damn barbarian."

"Come here!"


"Call the county soldiers in the mansion and prepare to meet the enemy." Xin Qiji gave an order and looked at Gao Shun: "General Gao, this time, we have to kill the prestige of these barbarians."


Gao Shun's tiger eyes also flashed with a fierce light. Xin Qiji looked at the knights beside him and whispered: "Rush to Lingzhou and inform His Royal Highness Prince Yong about this."

"Yes, sir!"


Outside Haojing City.

A team of barbarian cavalry galloped on their horses, holding scimitars in their hands and longbows hanging on their waists. They waved whips and howled, their faces full of excitement.

"My men, the border town of Dayu is ahead. Go in and slaughter the city, and teach King Yong a lesson."

"Hahaha, the women of Dayu are delicate and tender, much more tender than the girls on our grasslands. We should take more of them back this time."

"The people in the city are very different from the women in the village."

"Kill, attack the city, and kill all these two-legged sheep."

A group of people whizzed past, and on a small hill in the distance, several figures stood quietly, their eyes staring, their breath long, their temples bulging, and they stood with their hands behind their backs.


A figure flew over, and it took only a few breaths to rush to the front of the hundreds of feet away.

"Sir, this cavalry will definitely attract the attention of Prince Yong's Mansion. We should set off. The Barbarian God Temple has already arranged it."

"I have received news that the generals around Prince Yong are all in the barracks. Only the old housekeeper is by his side."


The old man in the lead had a fierce light in his eyes and said lightly: "Let's set off. Arrive at Lingzhou City before tonight."

"Wait for the opportunity."


Prince Yong's Mansion.

Guo Jia, Chen Gong and others were busy all day and returned to the mansion to report the progress of government affairs to Ning Fan.

Now, with the three departments and two courts taking up government affairs, the entire Huainan area has also entered a period of great change, especially the first military and political meeting in Huainan yesterday, which pointed out the direction for the development of Huainan.

"My lord, as of today, officials at all levels in the three prefectures, nine states, and thirty-six counties in Huainan have all taken office!"


Ning Fan nodded, pondered for a moment, and said: "Fengxiao, most of the officials in Huainan now have no experience in governing. Among them, there are some disciples of aristocratic families who are not worthy of the name. Although there is an assessment in the Talent Recruitment Hall, without the experience of governing a place, it is ultimately just talk on paper."

"I have a few ideas, please listen to them."

"My lord, please speak."

"First, regular assessment, starting from the three aspects of folk reputation, local public security, and performance assessment, assess each official."

"Second, regular training, every once in a while, in batches and grades, summon officials of all levels to Lingzhou for teaching and training."

"Third, establish a clear reward and punishment mechanism, the capable ones will be promoted, the mediocre ones will be demoted, and only Officials should be able to make achievements, and they should be promoted and dismissed according to their assessment results. "

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, Chen Gong nodded frequently: "If this policy can be implemented, it will greatly benefit the people."

"My lord, I think this is feasible."

"Since it is feasible, let's try it first. The number of officials trained each time should not be too large, and the time should not be too long. It should be as close to reality as possible, and the early stage should focus on imparting experience."

"Yes, I will come up with a specific regulation tomorrow."

"That's great!"

Ning Fan smiled and nodded, looking at Qin Qiong on the side: "In addition to government affairs, government offices at all levels can recruit government soldiers."

"Now Huainan has just experienced a major chaos, and the banditry in various places has not been eliminated after several rounds of suppression."

"The reason is nothing more than the strong banditry and the decline of government offices, and secondly, the collusion between officials and bandits."

"In response to this situation, I have thought about it and decided to hand over the system of prefectural soldiers to the Military and Political Department. Each county government can recruit 500 prefectural soldiers. The responsible official is the county lieutenant, who is restricted by the county government but not under its jurisdiction."

"The promotion, assessment, salary, and order and transfer of the county lieutenant are all under the jurisdiction of the Military and Political Department!"

"In this way, the county lieutenant is under the control of the county magistrate but not under his command. Clear division of responsibilities can also avoid chaos."

"The same is true for the state department. Each state government can recruit 1,000 prefectural soldiers, and the county government can recruit 3,000 prefectural soldiers. The county lieutenant is not under the jurisdiction of the county magistrate, but is under the command of the state lieutenant. His official The promotion and appointment of officials shall be directly managed by the Military and Political Department. "

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, Guo Jia fell into deep thought. After a long time, he whispered: "My lord, what you mean is that the appointment and promotion of lieutenants in counties and prefectures shall be directly managed by the Military and Political Department, and only be dispatched by superior lieutenants. County magistrates and prefecture magistrates of the same level have no right to dispatch them?"

"And the local government soldiers shall be directly managed by the Military and Political Department and controlled by the chief officers of the same level?"

"That's right!"

Ning Fan nodded, and Chen Gong's eyes were full of brilliance. In this way, the separation of military and political power and mutual control can greatly divide local power without affecting local governance.

"My lord, you are so talented. Chen Gong admires you!"

"My lord, in my opinion, the power to mobilize the county troop should be given to the county governor, and the county lieutenant should also be dispatched by the county governor!"

Guo Jia expressed his opinion. Ning Fan thought for a moment and nodded slightly. He understood Guo Jia's concerns. If the head of a county did not have the power to mobilize the troop, it would inevitably affect his administration.

It would greatly reduce the deterrent power of the county governor.

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