After a discussion, the army system was decided. Ning Fan then looked at Di Renjie: "Huaiying, the county governor needs to report to the Supervisory Council before mobilizing the subordinate army outside the county level!"

"You can decide on the mobilization of troops after evaluation."


Di Renjie also showed respect on his face. He didn't expect that his lord would play the check and balance so clearly at such a young age.

"I want to change the tax system in Huainan. What do you think?"

"Tax system..."

Everyone's expression changed slightly, and a solemn look appeared on their faces. Taxation has always been the foundation of the country, involving the interests of all aspects. No matter how it is changed, it is bound to offend a group of people.

I just don't know what His Highness is going to do...

"How is His Highness going to change it?"

"Reduce agricultural tax, increase commercial tax, change the tax system, abolish the population tax, and change it to the land tax."

"Secondly, the changes in the deed tax and tariff..."

Ning Fan talked about it briefly, and Guo Jia, Di Renjie and others all looked serious. This is not a change in the tax system, it is clearly a new approach, almost completely abolishing the existing tax system!

"My lord, you must not do that!"

Chen Gong waited until Ning Fan's voice fell, and then hurriedly said: "The foundation of my taxation is agricultural tax. Even if it is reduced by 10%, my finances will be in deficit!"

"Besides, this move has far-reaching consequences. Although His Majesty has granted you the right to govern yourself, if this move is reported to the court, it will inevitably cause impeachment by all officials."

"My lord, what Gongtai said is not unreasonable!"

Even Guo Jia tried to dissuade him, only Di Renjie frowned and showed a thoughtful look.

"My lord, as Mr. Gongtai said, reducing agricultural taxes will inevitably affect the income of various places."

"What should we do?"

Ning Fan smiled and said lightly: "The reason is simple. Since we can't save money, we naturally have to increase revenue."

"I believe you all know the terrifying revenue of Daqin Commercial Bank?"

"Now, relying only on the business of salt, wine, grain, and commercial banks, it is no exaggeration to say that it is even more terrifying than the tax revenue of the three counties!"

"Moreover, with the revitalization of commerce, under the trade circulation in Huainan, commercial taxes are enough to replace agricultural taxes."

"When the tax policy is stable, Daqin Commercial Bank will be directly changed from private to public, and its salt, iron, and grain sales rights will be unified as official sales."

Ning Fan As soon as the voice fell, all the ministers fell silent. Guo Jia pondered for a moment and said, "It is indeed feasible to distribute the tax according to the land. As for reducing agricultural taxes, how to reduce it remains to be discussed."


Di Renjie, who was standing aside, had never relaxed his brows. He looked at Ning Fan and asked, "My lord, what is the distribution of the tax according to the land?"

"Distributing the tax according to the land, as the name suggests, no matter whether it is a landlord or an ordinary citizen, taxes are no longer collected according to the number of people, but according to the land. No matter how many people are in the family or how many children are added, the tax is collected according to the number of acres of land!"

"In this way, tax evasion can be avoided to a great extent, and the tax system can be simplified!"

Ning Fan said halfway, and Di Renjie showed a look of amazement on his face!

"My Lord, this change will benefit all the people."

"Over the years, due to the head tax, the people dared not give birth, and even hid their population."

"Especially some aristocratic landlords, in order to evade taxes, they hid their tenants. The landlords have a lot of land, some even thousands of acres, but the number of people in their families is only dozens to hundreds."

"Now, the tax on the landlords is more than several times the amount of land!"

Seeing that everyone understood, Ning Fan smiled and nodded, and then his face was solemn: "However, as Feng Xiao just said, the change in taxation involves the fundamentals."

"Besides, this big change is bound to cause Some aristocratic families will resist."

"We need to do it slowly!"

Ning Fan's eyes flashed with a ruthless look, and he said in a deep voice: "The reform of the government soldiers must be put on the agenda immediately. All government soldiers should not be lazy!"

"Shubao, the training of government soldiers in various places must not be slack. This king does not want to spend money to support a group of embroidered pillows that are good-looking but useless!"


After that, Ning Fan continued: "In addition to the reform of the tax system, this king also wants to build a new institution, called the Taxation Bureau."

"Set up tax sub-bureaus in each county, tax bureaus in the prefectures, and tax bureaus in the three counties. Under the city of Lingzhou, set up a tax bureau to collect taxes from Separate from the local government and manage it in a single line. "

When Ning Fan said this, Chen Gong frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "My lord, will this move cause a waste of resources?"

"Opening a special line for taxation is a considerable expense!"


Guo Jia on the side realized the key to the matter and said excitedly: "Separating taxation can greatly reduce tax corruption, and with the tax reform, the tax bureau's business is cumbersome, and now it can be managed more effectively."


Ning Fan smiled and said softly: "With the supervision of the Supervisory Council and the checks and balances of the government, the tax bureau can reduce corruption."

"We need to come up with some rules for this matter!"


Guo Jia nodded with a bitter face, but Di Renjie frowned slightly: "My lord, tax collection will inevitably involve the transportation of official silver and grain, which involves certain human rights. What should we do?"

"I have also thought about this issue."

"The tax bureau is also staffed by the Military and Political Department. The regular staff are recruited from the local area. When it comes to tax collection, transportation, and guarding, they will report to the Military and Political Department and send troops and people to go there!"

"That's great!"

After discussing the general situation, Ning Fan spoke again: "Next, there is another big thing!"

"This king wants to build three vertical roads in the three counties of Huainan, north and south."


Seeing that Guo Jia was interested in asking questions, Ning Fan said before he could open his mouth: "It's not an ordinary official road. Now the official roads in all places of Dayu, even outside the city of King Yu, are rammed earth roads."

"This king wants to build three stone roads."


Everyone was stunned by Ning Fan's generosity. The land of Huainan is hundreds of miles long and short from north to south. How terrifying is the manpower and material resources required to build three stone roads?

"After the official road is built, it will take one day to reach Xiajun to Zhoujun!"

"Not only can it promote commercial circulation, but if the southwest invades, my Dayu's troops can cross Huainan in one day and rush to help!"

"If Huainan wants to be prosperous and strong, transportation is the first thing to change."

"In one year, I want to see three vertical roads. After next year, I want to open a canal from the Lijiang River!"

"In three years, I will build four official roads in Huainan, three vertical and one horizontal!"

The whole hall was silent, but no one objected. Ning Fan is now in charge of the Engineering Bureau, so he has naturally made up his mind.

Guo Jia and others were attracted by the blueprint drawn by Ning Fan, and everyone ignited a great ambition.

"What will happen to Huainan in three years?"


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