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[Name]: Lv Bu

[Dynasty]: Eastern Han

[Loyalty]: 80

[Military Strength]: 105

[Intelligence]: 68

[Leadership]: 95

[Politics]: 71

[Army]: Bingzhou Wolf Riders

[Magic Weapon]: Fang Tian Hua Ji

[Mount]: Red Hare

[Unique Skill]: Ghost and God Halberd Technique

[Special Attributes]: Unparalleled (Lv Bu among men, Red Hare among horses, when equipped with Red Hare, Military Strength +3, Military Strength +1 with Fang Tian Hua Ji) Vertical and Horizontal (When vertical and horizontal enemy formation, 30% damage to ordinary soldiers is exempted) Recognize the enemy as the father (When recognizing a person as the adoptive father, the patricide attribute is triggered. The higher the sin value of the adoptive father, the greater the triggering probability)

s: This Lv Bu is the novel version, and his loyalty is not die-hard. It is recommended that the owner be careful in driving!

After reading Lv Bu's attribute page, Ning Fan's face showed a speechless expression. This force value directly crushed Ran Min and Yang Zaixing. It was definitely a cheat!

Do you want to change the protagonist?

"System, is Lv Bu likely to betray?"

"Master, as long as you cater to his preferences, you can improve his loyalty!"


Not long after, Lv Bu strode over, and after seeing Ning Fan's figure, he looked respectful.

"Lv Bu, the humble general, greets the lord!"

"No need to be polite!"

This was the first time Ning Fan looked seriously at the peerless figure in front of him. Although there were many criticisms in the novel, and even a lot of negative personality settings, but now he stood in front of Ning Fan with dignity, it was really majestic!

"Thank you, lord!"

"Fengxian, do you know why I summoned you here?"

"Please speak frankly, lord!"

Ning Fan hesitated for a moment, looked at Lu Bu and said, "I want you to conquer the grassland, do you have the confidence?"

"My lord, I am willing to go!"


Ning Fan showed a satisfied smile on his face, and then he was entangled. Should he restore the memory of his previous life?

If he restored it, would he be hostile to Cao Cao and other generals and staff?

After all, this guy's loyalty is not die-hard.

"Okay, go down and prepare first."

"In three days, I will lead the army to go to war."

"My lord, I wonder which army I will be assigned and how many troops I will lead?"

"You will know in three days."

After Lu Bu left, Ning Fan fell silent again. After a long time, he looked at Lin Yong and said, "Call Guo Jia here."


Not long after, Guo Jia appeared in front of Ning Fan, bowed respectfully, and took out a wine gourd from his arms!

"My lord, did you call Jia here because of Wen Hou?"

"Haha, I can't hide it from you."

"In your opinion, how should this wild horse Lu Bu be subdued? Should his memory be restored?"

Ning Fan asked Guo Jia bluntly.

Guo Jia smiled, took a sip of tea, and said softly: "My lord, the way to control subordinates is to check and balance!"

"What do you mean?"

Ning Fan frowned slightly, but Guo Jia looked at him deeply and said softly: "Now my Chinese heroes have entered the world one after another, and they have lived two lives. Now under the command of my lord, my heroes from the end of the Han Dynasty are powerful!"

"There are Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Gao Shun and the like in the military, Gongtai, Wenhe, and even a monster like Kong Ming. The loyalty of his subordinates to the lord is unquestionable, but everyone has selfish desires..."

"Now, Lu Fengxian has entered the world, and Gongtai is in front of him. The world respects him as the master. Although the two of them are both staff members under the lord, they can't help but get close! "

"And Lü Fengxian and Xu Chu have a deadly feud!"

"Such a complicated relationship, even if you can let go of your grudges, there will inevitably be grudges in your heart."

When Guo Jia said this, Ning Fan had already understood a little, and nodded slightly: "Feng Xiao's words are enlightening.\

,""My lord is wise!"

Guo Jia smiled and said nothing more. Although Ning Fan has not ascended the throne as an emperor, he now has many civil and military officials under his command. Where there are people, there will be disputes and rivers and lakes!

The Li Tang group headed by Wei Zheng and Qin Qiong will naturally get close to each other, and the Cao Wei Shu Han group in the Three Kingdoms is naturally no exception.

Even if there is no party, will there be private interests?

Ning Fan had never considered these issues before, but now, he has to prepare for the rainy day.

"System, exchange the memory beads and restore Lu Bu's memory!"

After Ning Fan exchanged them, he looked at Lin Yong and said, "Call Lu Bu."


Lin Yong looked at his second master with some curiosity. He felt that he could not see through him. Not to mention the endless stream of strong men around him, his mind was also more and more unpredictable!

Should I tell him some things?

Ning Fan didn't know how sentimental Lin Yong was at this time, but with the arrival of Lu Bu, he couldn't help but curl his lips slightly.

"Fengxian, meet the lord!"

"Do you remember?"


It was only an incense stick of time before and after, and Lu Bu's temperament was like a reborn. If he was sharp and young just now, he was more calm at this moment.

"What do you want?"

Ning Fan looked at Lu Bu with interest. The latter was silent for a long time and sighed: "It's just the past. Winners are kings and losers are bandits. There is nothing to say!"


"I have prepared 10,000 Bingzhou wolf riders for you. From now on, you will go on an expedition to the southern barbarians!"

"All the barbarians will be killed without mercy!"


When Lu Bu heard the words "Bingzhou Wolf Riders", his face was full of excitement, and he said in a deep voice: "My lord, I have a favor to ask!"


"Lu Bu, I am willing to recognize you as my foster father..."


Ning Fan interrupted Lu Bu directly. How dare he say this?

"Fengxian, in this life, you can gallop across the world and slaughter the barbarians in all directions."

"If you want to achieve great things, you must restrain yourself, understand?"


"Go down!"

Ning Fan waved his hand, and Lu Bu bowed and left. After he left, Lin Yong said to the side: "Sir, who is this guy?"

"A country bumpkin I met on the way to Jiangnan some time ago!"


Lin Yong's turbid eyes were full of brilliance, and he grinned and said: "With such heroes and heroes to help you, why should you worry about not achieving great things?"


Ning Fan looked at Lin Yong with a smile: "If you want to achieve great things, you have to Depend on you, Uncle Lin!"


Lin Yong's eyes suddenly turned, and he stepped forward and said, "When do we start the war?"

"Start the war?" Ning Fan was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion, "What kind of war?"


"You took great pains to come from the prosperous place of the capital to this poor and remote place, isn't it just to drag down that little bastard Emperor Yu?"

"When do we start?"

Looking at Lin Yong's expectant expression, Ning Fan's expression gradually became playful: "If we want to accomplish something big, we have no people and no money, so are we going to die?"


"Master, you give an order, and you will give people and money!"


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