"Old Lin, you grew up watching me!"

Ning Fan suddenly looked at Lin Yong seriously, not as the head of the family, but as a junior, with a look of respect on his face.

"Tell me the truth, I want to overturn the table with Emperor Yu now, can I beat him?"


Lin Yong showed a bitter smile on his face, and whispered: "Emperor Yu is an old fox, he is too cunning, who knows how many cards this kid has hidden."

"Old Lin, do you know your father very well?"

Lin Yong shook his head slightly, and said sadly: "Forget it, let's not talk about it!"

"My father!"

"If the Ning family's kingdom is not given to you, no matter how many cards Emperor Yu has, we must help you!"

"Over the years, for you, our mother's family has repeatedly tolerated, and even put down the national hatred!"

Lin Yong's pale face For the first time, a deep look appeared on the old man's face. He exuded a sense of vicissitudes. He pondered for a long time and said, "Master, just play. Emperor Yu is a smart man. We have maintained a tacit understanding over the years."

"All the civil and military officials in the court thought that Master's background was a restriction in the fight for the throne, but Emperor Yu knew that he had no other choice!"

"No matter what, you are his flesh and blood, and he feels guilty about the young lady, so he does not object to you sitting in that position."

Lin Yong did not finish his words, but Ning Fan knew that the inheritance of the throne would never be so hasty. Emperor Yu wanted to support himself to take the throne, which was not as simple as Lin Yong said!

"Uncle Lin, is it because of the old man of the Great Zhou?"

Ning Fan looked straight at Lin Yong, who was stunned for a moment, smiled and said softly: "My master is really smart."


"Back then, although Dayu destroyed my Great Zhou, how could my huge Great Zhou not have any heritage left?"

"In fact, if my dynasty wanted to, it was fully capable of destroying Dayu together with the jade and stone!"

"But if it really did that, it would only benefit the barbarians, so..."

Lin Yong's face showed a trace of regret, and his tone became even lower: "My Great Zhou was destroyed, and this country was given to them, the Ning family!"

"Not long after the Great Zhou was destroyed, the old emperor of Dayu was no longer able to survive, until your father ascended the throne."

"He knew "Though the Great Zhou is dead, the power in our hands is enough to overthrow the Kingdom of Dayu!"

"The reason why we have not taken action is that we have placed all our hopes on you!"

"So, Emperor Yu has never appointed a crown prince in these years until you have emerged!"

Ning Fan's face showed a look of realization, he really didn't expect...

"Master, don't worry, I have already sent a message to Ye You about the account of the Barbarian God Cult!"

"Hmph, since the old man Man Tian dared to take action, I will never give up."

Lin Yong's eyes were full of hostility. Ning Fan was stunned when he heard the name Ye You. As early as a year ago, his mother told him that the Great Zhou had left him a helping hand. Unexpectedly, he has only just seen a glimpse of it until now.

"Uncle Lin, Uncle Ye You..."

"Don't worry!"

Lin Yong smiled and said softly: "When it's time to show up, he will show up naturally, but if he really shows up one day..."

Lin Yong didn't continue. If Ye You really showed up one day, it would be the time when the Great Zhou and Dayu broke up completely!


Haojing City!

Xin Qiji stood on the tower, looking at the gloomy square formation below, his expression was full of disappointment!

Wei Wuzu!

Who would have thought that the existence that dominated a generation would reappear in this era!


"The information from the palace today!"

A general walked to Xin Qiji's side and said softly: "Your Highness sent his general Lu Bu to lead 10,000 Bingzhou Wolf Riders to the grassland, and asked you to prepare all the food and grass!"

"Who are you talking about?"

Gao Shun on the side suddenly looked at the scout, his face full of shock.

"General Lu Bu!"


Gao Shun suddenly laughed out loud, his face full of excitement: "Wen Hou has entered the world, I have finally waited for this day!"

Xu Chu, who was standing by, couldn't help but look gloomy, with a complex expression on his face. Did he finally enter the world?

But this is not the end of the Han Dynasty, and he is no longer Wen Hou!

"General Gao!"

Xin Qiji looked at Gao Shun, who looked extremely excited, and couldn't help but call him softly.

Gao Shun was also startled, then smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It was Gao who lost his composure. General Lu was the master of Gao's previous life, but in this life, I can fight side by side with him again and be his colleague!"

"Shun, I am overjoyed!"

Xin Qiji was relieved after hearing Gao Shun's words, and then smiled and said: "Quickly prepare food and grass for 10,000 people and all the logistics and military supplies!"

"General Xin, it stands to reason that when the royal palace sends troops to the expedition, the military and political department should come forward to coordinate the logistics, why..."

Hearing the question of the lieutenant general, Xin Qiji said softly: "Your Highness had arranged this matter before. As early as when I took office, Your Highness said that I should reserve food and grass for the southern expedition!"

"So that's it!"

Everyone was no longer confused. For half a day, the entire Haojing City was full of carriages and horses, and carts of food were ready to go!

"Are you going to go to war?"

"Hiss, have you heard?"

"Yesterday, our General Xin led a mere 500 cavalrymen to break into a tribe of tens of thousands of barbarians and captured the chieftain of the tribe!"

"The people of Dayu who were slaughtered can rest in peace now!"

"Who said it wasn't!"

"In the past, our border area was the back garden of the barbarians. They could come and go as they pleased!"

"But now... it's our turn to march south!"

Many people were excited. In the crowd, an old man suddenly carried a sack and blocked the way of the grain transport army. He said excitedly: "Sir, Sir, are we going to fight the barbarians?"

The quartermaster saw someone suddenly blocking the way, frowned slightly, put his hand on the hilt of the knife, and said in a deep voice: "Get out of the way quickly, no comment!"


The old man was about to say something when he saw a man on a flying horse coming over: "General Lu has ordered the rear army of the southern expedition to quickly transport grain and grass Go to the southern grassland to set up camp!"

"Southern Expedition!"

"Really going to fight the barbarians!"

The old man looked very excited, and directly put the sack in his hand on the carriage: "Sir, this is the grain stored in my home, please accept it!"

The quartermaster was also stunned when he heard it, and his attitude was much more relaxed: "Old man, what do you mean?"

"My daughter was ruined by those beasts, and I am incompetent and unable to avenge my daughter!"

"Now, I, Dayu, am on a southern expedition, and you are all my benefactors!"

As he spoke, the old man knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "Thank you, General, thank you, His Royal Highness Prince Yong!"

"My daughter can rest in peace now!"


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