Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 376 Half a year later, the Southern Barbarians attack

Half a year later.

Yuwang City, Shengwang Mansion.

It was late autumn, the autumn wind was bleak, but Shengwang Mansion was filled with joy. Outside the attic, Ning Chen sat in a wheelchair, his expression was a little more nervous.

"Your Majesty is here!"

With a loud shout, a burly figure walked out of the mansion with dragon-like steps.

"Is it born?"

"Not yet!"

Ning Chen clenched his hands tightly. For some reason, he couldn't help but feel flustered. A group of servants standing beside him were also full of expectations.


"It hurts!"


Hearing the miserable screams in the attic, Ning Chen's heart, which had not been disturbed for a long time, trembled violently.


The door of the attic was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged woman with blood on her hands staggered out and knelt in front of Ning Chen with a plop.

"Your Highness, it's bad. The princess had a miscarriage a few days ago, and now she has a difficult delivery..."

"What did you say!"

Ning Chen's pupils suddenly shrank. He had been able to remain calm in the face of thousands of troops on the battlefield, but now his eyes were bloodshot and he stared at the midwife.

"Your Highness, time is running out. Save the adult or the child?"

"Save the adult!"

Before Ning Chen could speak, Emperor Yu spoke without hesitation. He was relieved and was about to rush in, but Ning Chen suddenly looked up: "Wait!"


Emperor Yu also looked at Ning Chen with a puzzled look. He took out a jade bottle from his sleeve. Without any hesitation, he handed it over and said in a deep voice: "Give this pill to Wan'er!"

"What I want is that the mother and child are safe!"


The midwife was stunned for a moment, her face A smile uglier than crying appeared on her face. At this point, she would not give up if she had any way, but now...

"It's bad, the princess... the princess is bleeding heavily..."

"Come quickly!"

A maid ran to the door in a hurry. Ning Chen struggled for a moment and fell off the chair. He shouted angrily: "What are you doing? Go quickly."

"If the princess has any accident, I will kill all nine of your clans!"

This was the first time that Emperor Yu and the servants of the palace saw Ning Chen lose his composure like this.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

The midwife grabbed the jade bottle tightly and staggered into the attic. Ning Chen sat back on the chair with the help of the servants.

"Chen'er, what medicine is in the jade bottle?"

"The life-saving magic medicine!"

Ning Chen spoke without hesitation, but the nervousness and panic on his face did not retreat at all.

The father and son stood quietly outside the attic, and the servants knelt on the ground, not daring to breathe.



Accompanied by the cry of a baby, another figure rushed out of the attic in a hurry, shouting in surprise: "Alive, all alive!"

"Your Highness, a girl was born, mother and daughter are safe!"

"That pill is really a miracle drug!"

The midwife was excited, her life was saved!


Ning Chen's voice was a little hoarse, and two tears slid down his face, but he showed a bright smile.

"Is there a destiny in the dark?"


Lingzhou City.

The palace.

"My lord, Fengxian sent a letter saying that the Nanman sent 100,000 troops and headed straight for Huainan."


Ning Fan's eyes were cold, and he said lightly: "How can a mere 100,000 troops be used?"

"Where are Lu Bu and Bingzhou Wolf Riders now?"

"My lord, they are on the west side of the Barbarian King City."


Ning Fan smiled and said confidently: "In the past six months, Fengxian led Bingzhou Wolf Riders to fight north and south, fought more than 30 battles, and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of barbarians. The Nanman hated him for a long time but could do nothing about it."

"Now, they directly sent 100,000 troops and headed for Huainan. It is obvious that they want to lure the tiger down the mountain and force Lu Bu to lead his troops back to defend."

Hearing Ning Fan's words, Guo Jia also nodded in agreement and chuckled: "My lord, since the Nanman want to fight to the death, why not take this opportunity to completely control the grassland!"

"Yes, my lord, please give the order!"

"My lord, the Nanyong King's army is ready to fight at any time, please give the order!"

"I, Guan Yu, want to fight!"

Figures came out one after another, Ning Fan smiled, and said in a very calm tone: "It's just a hundred thousand troops, we don't need to go out in full force."

"Zaixing, now the Nanyong King's army has been trained for half a year, you will lead the army to meet the enemy, and you must bury the 100,000 Nanman troops outside my Huainan!"


Yang Zaixing's face was full of excitement. In just half a year, the Nanyong King's army, which was mainly formed by thieves, has now been reborn.

With the continuous delivery of horses from the southern and Jiangnan horse farms, His Highness has made some plans in the southern border. Now the 50,000 troops, each with two horses, with the blessing of stirrups and saddles, are no weaker than the Nanman in terms of combat power!

"My Lord, I will take my leave first!"


After Yang Zaixing left, Ning Fan looked at Qin Qiong: "The Military and Political Department is responsible for preparing all the food and military equipment for this southern expedition."


After the generals left, Ning Fan also looked at Guo Jia: "Fengxiao, how is the harvest of the people this time?"

"Back to my lord, during this autumn harvest, my land in Huainan will produce more than three million dan of grain. Due to some barren lands, the potato harvest will be less than 20 dan per mu!"

"Today, greenhouse agriculture is developing rapidly, but due to the high cost, it is difficult to popularize cucumbers..."

Guo Jia briefly introduced the autumn harvest. Ning Fan nodded slightly and said softly: "That's enough. This year's taxation is the key to change. You all have to pay attention to the key points."

"When you have free time, go out and walk around more!"


Di Renjie, Chen Gong and others all nodded respectfully. Ning Fan looked at Jia Xu and said softly: "Wen He, is there any news about Kong Ming?"

"My lord, now Kong Ming has completely taken control of Qilin County. The entire county has been managed in an orderly manner, and he even received praise from His Majesty for a time."

"Haha, with the appearance of a prime minister, it is easy to govern a county. However, there is no long-term plan for staying in the place for a long time."

"That's all, let's talk about the Southern Barbarians first."

Ning Fan rubbed his head and said softly: "In the past six months, the Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry and the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry have taken the initiative and transferred the war from the Huainan border to the vast grassland. After dozens of large and small battles, the Southern Barbarians have repeatedly suffered losses!"

"Now, I am planning to completely wipe out the Southern Barbarians and drive them into Guanshan. In your opinion, where should I start?"

"My Lord, after this battle is won, the Southern Barbarians will have nothing to fear!"

Guo Jia looked confident, with a gleam of wisdom in his eyes: "In Yi Jia's opinion, the land of Guanshan is equally desirable!"

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