Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 385: Envoy from Dali, written by the Empress herself

"Back to Your Highness, I have received a secret edict from the Empress, asking Your Highness King Yong to come to Dali as the envoy of Dayu to discuss the alliance!"


Ning Fan had a look of doubt on his face, and said with a faint smile: "Let's discuss a covenant together?"

"If Da Li wants to form an alliance with me, Dayu, he should send envoys to the capital. Why did he send you to Huainan instead?"

"Your Highness!"

A solemn look appeared on Gong Yuyan's face, and she said softly: "Your Majesty means not to form an alliance with Dayu, but to form an alliance with Your Highness, and to form an alliance with Huainan!"

When Ning Fan heard this, his face instantly darkened, and he said coldly: "Is this what Empress Dali means?"


"Do you know where this king will be placed if this matter comes out?"

"Back to Your Highness, before coming down, Your Majesty has given instructions and asked me to bring you a personal letter."

"Send it over for a look."

Ning Fan sat upright, and Lin Yong took the letter from Gong Yuyan's hand, checked it, and handed it over.

a long time.

Ning Fan frowned, and after a long time, he said softly: "I need to consider this matter for a few days. You can stay in the city posthouse for the time being!"


"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Gong Yuyan was taken down by Lin Yong. Ning Fan looked out the door and whispered: "Here comes someone!"


"Summon Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Chen Gong, and Di Renjie to discuss matters!"


Several guards quickly left Prince Yong's Mansion and went to various government offices to convey messages.

Not long after, Guo Jia and the others came in a hurry, with a look of confusion on their faces.

"Lord, what happened?"

"Dali, you want to form an alliance with me, Huainan."


Guo Jia instantly realized the crux of the problem, with a look of confusion on his face.


"It's with me, Huainan, not Dayu."

After receiving Ning Fan's confirmation, Guo Jia's expression instantly became extremely solemn. Jia Xu on the side said gloomily: "Does Empress Li have any clear words?"


Ning Fan nodded and said softly: "Empress Li invited me to come to Li Kingdom to discuss the matter. After much thought, I think this matter may not be impossible."


Di Renjie said solemnly: "If this matter is known to the court, if your Majesty intends to blame..."

"The king naturally knows."

"So, I have invited you all here. I also want to know what Empress Li means by this move!"


Jia Xu was silent for a moment and said softly: "As far as my subordinates know, after the Li Kingdom defeated Da Yan, it stationed troops in the north. In the past six months, the empress used iron-blooded tactics to eradicate traitors and eliminate dissenters. In the Da Li court, The sound becomes louder and louder.”

"Dali wants to form an alliance with Huainan. One of the reasons is that Huainan borders Dali. If we form an alliance, Li will be able to withdraw its 100,000 troops from the southwest border."

"Secondly, my subordinates found out that the Phoenix Tower in Li Country is closely connected with the Blood Phoenix from the previous week!"

Jia Xu just made two points, and Ning Fan's expression condensed, and he took out Mu Qingcheng's letter again, feeling a little more enlightened.

"What do you think about this matter?"


Guo Jia pondered for a moment and then said in a deep voice: "In Jia's opinion, Dali's move must have some other motive!"


"Da Li has just defeated Da Yan. In a short period of time, the border has been stable. Although the western border of Li State borders Shu State, the terrain where the two countries intersect is complicated, so there is very little friction on the border between the two countries."

"Now, after Da Li has gone through several wars, its treasury is empty and people's livelihood is in decline. Now it wants to form an alliance with me, Huainan, instead of Yu the Great. This fact is intriguing enough."

"So, Empress Li must have other plans!"

"What's the picture?"

Ning Fan looked at Guo Jia with a bit of doubt on his face, but the latter shook his head, "I am afraid that only the master can know this matter personally."

Ning Fan also fell into silence. He had long wanted to go to Li Country for no other reason. Now Huainan borders Li Country, and he also has a relationship with Empress Li. He has not seen his old friend for more than half a year, so it is time to talk about it. Reminiscing about old times.

More importantly, the two places are bordering each other. If trade can be carried out...

Another way to make money!

However, he is the King of Yuyong. If he leaves his fiefdom without permission and enters the territory of Dali privately, if the court finds out, the court may not touch him. Even if King Yu really turns against him, they may not be able to touch him.

"System, check Empress Li's intimacy level."

[Mu Qingcheng]: Intimacy 60

"Well, that's enough!"

A playful smile appeared on Ning Fan's face. With this level of intimacy, no one in the Dali court dared to touch him.

"Fengxiao, what do you mean?"

"My lord, if we form an alliance with Da Li, it will definitely be a secret alliance. However, this alliance will definitely become a handle for Da Li. If one day, this alliance is handed over to the court of Dayu, my lord is afraid that he will be doomed."

"However, if we can form an alliance with Dayu, our southwestern border in Huainan will be stable!"

"If we can start trade, or even establish a military alliance with each other, it will be easier for us to seek the land of Guanshan!"


Di Renjie frowned slightly and cupped his hands slightly: "My lord, as Mr. Feng Xiao said, forming an alliance with Dali will definitely bring great benefits to Huainan."

"But if the court knows about it, it will be a crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason!"

"If this is the case, it will definitely be even more difficult for the lord to gain legitimacy by seizing the direct line."

"What Huaiying said is absolutely true."

Chen Gong also nodded, but Jia Xu remained silent, while Ning Fan showed a smile: "What if the court knows about this and agrees?"


Everyone looked surprised, Ning Fan took out Empress Li's letter and passed it on.

"Empress Li made it clear in her letter that if the king agrees, he will send envoys to the capital to discuss secretly with Emperor Yu. The court can leave it to her!"

"What a queen!"

Guo Jia's eyes sparkled, but Chen Gong said in confusion: "But how could the imperial court agree to an alliance between Huainan and Dali!"

"The ministers in the imperial court may not agree, but your Majesty will definitely agree!"

Guo Jia spoke with determination, and even Ning Fan had a look of doubt on his face: "Why?"

"Because Dali has an alliance with Huainan. If Dayan's troops invade Dali, the court does not need to send troops. As long as I, Huainan, send troops to help."

"And if the southern barbarians invade our border with Dayu, they will inevitably sweep into Huainan. At that time, the Li Kingdom will definitely not be able to sit idly by. In this way, the land of Huainan will be exchanged for the stability of the southern border of Dayu Kingdom!"

"Besides, although Huainan is my lord's fiefdom, it is also the land of my Dayu."

"The covenant is concluded by the imperial court, which will definitely relieve the imperial court from worries!"

"So, His Majesty will definitely not object."

After Guo Jia finished speaking, Chen Gong and others frowned and asked doubtfully: "Based on this alone, we can't conclude that the court will agree, right?"

"What's more, if this is true, what benefit will it bring to Li Country?"

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