Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 386: Battle of the Southern Border, Yang Zaixing's Power!

"Brother Gongtai, in your opinion, what does the emperor desire most now?"

"Hmm?" Chen Gong understood instantly after hearing Guo Jia's suggestion, and then said with emotion: "So that's it."

"Today's Dayu, foreign troubles cannot destroy us, and the accumulated problems of internal troubles have become serious after a hundred years, endangering the country, undermining the central government, making it difficult for the emperor's orders to reach the four borders, and the court orders are not issued to the aristocratic families."

"Your Majesty, what you desire most now is undoubtedly stability."

"Only when the country is stable can he free up his hands and make drastic changes to Dayu's century-old troubles. If Dayu and Dali form an alliance, now Donghuai State is broken, Dayan will never sit idly by."

"Now, Dali and my Huainan have formed an alliance. First, it can bring a stable foundation to the two countries, and second, it will not It will make Dayan wary. "


Guo Jia nodded with a smile, and continued: "Not only that, if Dayu and Li Kingdom form an alliance, the ministers of the aristocratic families in the court will definitely oppose it, because Dayu and Li Kingdom's alliance will only make your majesty's prestige stronger."

"So, after weighing the pros and cons, your majesty will definitely agree."

When Guo Jia's voice fell, Ning Fan also showed a thoughtful look, and said softly: "In this case, I will go to Li Kingdom in person."

"My lord, think twice!"

"You are the prince of Dayu. If you go to Li Kingdom, if Dali has evil intentions..."


Ning Fan spoke with a firm face. Not to mention the empress's favorability towards him, if he really planned to go there in person, how could he not have any preparations?

Even in Li Kingdom, not everyone can move him.


Southwest border.

As the border of three dynasties, the nearest city of Li Kingdom and Dayu is more than a hundred miles away, and the middle is covered by a wasteland.

The iron cavalry of the southern barbarians galloped across the wasteland, heading straight north, with smoke and dust rolling, covering the sky and the sun.



The leader was wearing golden armor and had a handsome face. He was obviously only in his twenties, but his aura was extremely fierce. There were eight silver-armored generals accompanying him.

"General, this place is only a hundred miles away from Haojing City in the southwest of Dayu. My barbarian cavalry can attack the pass in one day."

"Should we stop the army to rest?"

A general asked softly. The general in golden armor shook his head slightly, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes: "If I am right, King Yong must have received the news that our army is heading north."

"Even, they have sent troops to stop us. Our barbarians are not good at attacking. Although Haojing City has no strategic location to defend, our siege equipment is far better than that of the Central Plains countries."

"Now, we can only compete with them for time and take advantage of their failure to prepare the city defense. Otherwise, we will fail!"

As soon as the general in golden armor finished speaking, a black line appeared in the distance on the desolate wasteland. The flag of King Dayu was flying, and the black-armored cavalry was galloping. The momentum was even three times stronger than that of the barbarian cavalry.

"It's Dayu's cavalry!"

"How brave!"

The general in golden armor was surprised and delighted to see the cavalry coming. He didn't expect Dayu's troops to dare to leave the city. You know, the barbarian cavalry has always been invincible on the plains.

It seems that they were defeated last year.

"Prepare to meet the enemy."

The general in golden armor shouted, and the order was spread through the sea. One hundred thousand cavalry raised their long swords and made a charge.

Just as the general in golden armor was about to lead the army to charge, Dayu's cavalry suddenly stopped a mile away.

"Barbarian boy, do you dare to fight with me?"

A man in black armor and holding a golden spear rode forward and raised his long spear in the direction of the barbarian cavalry, with a little disdain in his tone.

"Fight the general!"

The general in golden armor had a hint of coldness in his eyes. There has never been a custom of fighting generals on the grassland, but he, a barbarian boy, has always worshipped the strong. Now in front of the two armies, how could he retreat?

"Who are you?"

"Dayu, Yang Zaixing!"

"Come and fight!"

Seeing the golden-armored general galloping out, Yang Zaixing was immediately overjoyed. This battle was a sure win.



As the two riders gradually approached, the soldiers in front of the two armies also widened their eyes and shouted to cheer.


The aura on Yang Zaixing's body swept, stirring up the dust around, and faintly formed a cyclone that surrounded his body.

The golden-armored general's face suddenly changed. At this time, the two were less than a hundred meters apart. He immediately stood with a knife, pulled the reins hard, turned the horse's head, and shouted: "All generals, listen to my order, charge!"

After a loud shout, Yang Zaixing's face showed a hint of sarcasm. The barbarian generals not far away were also stunned. Their own commander suddenly turned his horse's head?


However, some people reacted immediately. With a loud shout, 100,000 barbarian riders charged together.


The Nanyong King's army in the distance was equally unyielding. Guan Yu, Xin Qiji, and Xu Chu each led a large army and came towards the barbarian cavalry in a fan-shaped formation.


Yang Zaixing looked at the golden-armored general who turned his horse's head to escape, and stabbed a spear from a distance. The strong energy attached to the golden spear in his hand. After whizzing past, the golden-armored general suddenly leaned over, and the golden helmet on his head was instantly knocked away.

The strong energy also brushed his scalp, and his figure was extremely embarrassed.

"Cowardly rats!"

"Dare to offend me, Dayu? Today, I want to see who gave you the courage."

After saying that, he squeezed his legs against the horse's belly and sped up again. Seeing Yang Zaixing getting closer and closer, and before the barbarian army charged, the golden-armored general gritted his teeth, jumped up, and rode upside down on the horse's back, waving his sword.




The sword and spear shot out sparks, and the two powerful auras collided suddenly, and the aftermath scattered like a hurricane.

With just three shots, the long sword in the golden-armored general's hand almost slipped out of his hand. Yang Zaixing's face became more sarcastic, and he smiled faintly: "It's over."

"Mad Dragon!"

Under the blessing of Yang Zaixing's terrifying aura, the golden spear in his hand began to tremble slightly. After the aura took shape, it instantly condensed into a dragon-shaped phantom, accompanied by a tiger roar, and went towards the golden-armored general in a restraining manner.

"Generals, protect me!"

The general in golden armor saw this, knowing that he could not defeat the enemy, and quickly jumped over, holding the horse's head and trying to use the horse as a shield to block Yang Zaixing's fatal shot.

The eight generals in silver armor were also shocked when they saw this.


The sparse rain of arrows whistled towards the man and the horse. Yang Zaixing grinned, and the tip of the spear was scarlet, directly piercing the horse and the general in golden armor before the horse.

"You are an unknown person, dare to lead the northern expedition?"

"Those who offend Dayu will be killed even if they are far away."

Seeing that the northern expedition marshal of the Nanman was killed by his own marshal in just half an incense stick of time, the morale of the Nanyong King's army was also greatly shaken!



"Those who offend Dayu will be killed even if they are far away!"


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