Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 397 What should I do when the mission deadline is approaching?

"After the reorganization, it will be more conducive to dispatch and convey orders, which is reasonable."


Ning Fan also nodded in agreement, looking at Ran Min and said: "Did you remember a young man named Ji Jiu who was not even twenty years old during this Eastern Expedition?"

"Ji Jiu?"

Ran Min was stunned for a moment, and a look of confusion appeared on his face. Chen Qingzhi also shook his head.

"Forget it!"

"When this kid went to the Eastern Border, the war should have been almost over."

"Feng Xiao, do you have any ideas about military system reform?"

"My lord, Jia is not good at the way of system balance, so I am afraid I can't help with this matter, but Huaiying should think about it."

Hearing Guo Jia's reminder, Ning Fan also nodded. On weekdays, these staff members of the Prince Yong's Mansion often sit together to discuss the past and the present.

Di Renjie is a person in the Tang Dynasty. The system of the Tang Dynasty is relatively complete, with a relatively complete military system, which can be used as a reference.

"Huaiying, this matter is handed over to you. It is related to my Dayu military system. Although my father did not give it to me, this matter is related to the stability of the country. You should come up with a set of rules!"


"Shubao, have you made any progress in the things I asked you to do?"

"My lord, I have sent people to the three counties of Huainan and found many discoveries!"

"Tell me about it!"

"There are three large iron mines and seven small iron mines. One of the large iron mines has been mined more than half, and five of the seven small iron mines have been mined almost completely. The lower layer is a stone layer that is difficult to chisel."

"Who owns these iron mines?"

"My lord, one of the large iron mines is ownerless, and the remaining small mines are in the hands of a prominent family in Xia County. . "


Ning Fan showed a thoughtful look on his face, and then looked at Guo Jia and Chen Gong: "Start applying for salt sales licenses. From tomorrow, we will strictly investigate unlicensed vendors. Anyone who sells private salt will be severely punished!"

"Issue a notice. From tomorrow, the three counties under Huainan are strictly prohibited from buying, selling, mining, and circulating iron ore. All iron ore will be taken back by the government at the market price. All blacksmith shops can only buy iron ore from the government's iron shops!"

"All ironware and farm tools must be reported to the government!"

"Strictly control the circulation and trading of iron, salt, and grain!"

After hearing Ning Fan's words, Guo Jia and Chen Gong seemed to have expected it and nodded heavily.

"My Lord, in this case, wouldn't the relationship between the Ming Dynasty Salt Company and us be exposed?"


Ning Fan smiled, looked at Shen Wansan and said, "Tomorrow, we will announce that the Ming Dynasty Salt Company in Huainan will be sold to the Commercial Bureau and purchased in bulk!"

"Your Highness is wise!"

Fatty Shen showed a flattering look on his face. Ning Fan pondered for a moment and asked, "Has anyone opened a bank?"


Shen Wansan nodded and said softly, "Since the opening of my Song Dynasty Bank, many business families have followed suit. Now there are no less than ten banks of all sizes in Lingzhou City alone!"

"However, compared with my Song Dynasty Bank, , its scale is very small. "


Ning Fan nodded and instructed: "Convene the Chamber of Commerce meeting tomorrow to raise the entry threshold for money houses. All money houses in Huainan must first pass the qualification review of the Chamber of Commerce, and then report to the Commerce Bureau. After approval by the Commerce Bureau, they can open!"

"Otherwise, they will be treated as illegal businesses and sealed by the government!"

"Your Highness!"

"This matter is very important. Should we be more cautious?"

"After all, this money house is a piece of meat at our fingertips. Now that they have it in their mouths, how can they spit it out easily?"

Hearing Shen Wansan's words, Ning Fan shook his head and said: "The money house is very important. If Without certain qualifications and foundation, if you are not careful, you will be in danger of bankruptcy, and the people will pay for it in the end. "


"Fengxiao, are there enough people to build the road?"

"My lord, there are enough, absolutely enough!" Guo Jia grinned: "In the past few days, thousands of strong men have been sent to the southern border every day. They have all been labeled as slaves, and people have been assigned to manage them and shaved their heads."

"As long as they dare to escape, no matter who sees a bald man with a slave mark, they can be killed directly and handed over to the government for a reward."

"One meal a day, so that they will not starve to death and have too much strength."

"In the past few days, we have freed up a lot of manpower."

Hearing Guo Jia Ning Fan also smiled when hearing this, and Chen Gong's face was full of joy: "It's so refreshing. Over the years, every time the autumn harvest came, the southern barbarians would go north to slaughter our people, kidnap our women, and kill our children. Now, God has a way!"

"It's so refreshing!"

"In the past two days, many people on the street heard about this and applauded!"


Ning Fan also smiled. He had no compassion for these barbarians. They were a group of uncivilized beasts who didn't know etiquette, integrity, loyalty, filial piety, and brotherhood. They only knew how to kill and plunder. The sins that the southern barbarians carried, the extinction of their race, were not an exaggeration!

"Since we are not short of manpower, I am ready to expand the army!"

As soon as Ning Fan finished speaking, everyone's expression changed slightly, even Guo Jia showed a bit of surprise: "My lord, the court has given us 50,000 soldiers, and now the Nanyong King's army is already full. If we continue to expand the army... I'm afraid we can't expand it openly!"

Unexpectedly, no one objected, but they looked cautious. After all, expanding the army privately is a capital crime.

"Of course I know!"

Ning Fan nodded. With the troops he had now, 50,000 Nanyong King's Army, plus 10,000 White Robe Army, 10,000 Beggars Army and 10,000 Bingzhou Wolf Riders, it was enough to fight Guanshan.

But he still had system tasks!

[Task 1: Send to the frontier, issue system tasks: conserve energy and build up strength]

[Task requirements: store 3 million stones of grain, hide 100,000 soldiers, and make the people of Huainan rich. The specific standards will be evaluated by the system! ]

[Task time limit: none! ]

[Task rewards: one unit summoning card, one pre-Qin character summoning card, and the power of the overlord! ]

[Task 2: Seize the throne! ]

[Task requirements: Seize the position of the crown prince of the East Palace]

[Task time limit: one year (48 days remaining)]

[Task rewards: 1,000 merit points, one of the four beauties in the Nine Dragons Creation Sutra (Part 2), and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms! 】

Now two tasks have not been completed. Needless to say, he must get the first one no matter what, not for anything else, but for the Pre-Qin Character Summoning Card and Overlord Power.

As for the task of [Succession of Succession], there is only one and a half months left, which is difficult to complete, but Ning Fan does not intend to give up, for the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing, for the Nine Dragons Creation Sutra, and for the merit points!

Must complete the task!

"System, the deadline for the Succession of Succession task is about to expire, what will happen if it is not completed?"


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