Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 398 Emperor Yu made a decision, Zhuge Liang was promoted

"Master, there is no penalty or reward for mission failure!"

"You can redeem the mission duration in the system mall. Every year of extending the mission duration will cost 100,000 reputation points!"

Hearing the system prompt, Ning Fan's face also showed a touch of surprise. The mission duration can be extended?

However, for a one-year duration, is it really worth it to directly use 100,000 reputation points?

Ning Fan clicked on the page of the system mall. Now, after taking root in Huainan for half a year, he still has more than 300,000 reputation points left. He can redeem three military summoning cards to extend the duration for one year. Is it really worth it?

Worth it!

Not to mention the Nine Dragons Creation Sutra and 1,000 merit points in the system rewards, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms alone are worth it, not to mention the four major...

"System, spend 100,000 reputation points to extend the duration of the [Succession] mission!"

"Congratulations, Master, the extension is successful!"

Ning Fan looked at the 300,000 reputation points directly reduced by one third, and couldn't help but feel a little painful. He clicked on the R\u0026D room. This is one of the functions after the system upgrade, but Ning Fan has never used it.

"System, have the conditions for the development of the Tang Sword been met?"

"It has been detected that the host has the process of refining iron, and the conditions for development have been met. The required reputation value is 50,000, and it will take seven days. Do you want to develop it?"


After Ning Fan confirmed the development, his reputation value was reduced by 50,000 again. However, rays of light appeared in the research room, converging towards the center, and a countdown appeared.

"It's so cool to cheat!"

Ning Fan couldn't help but sigh. It's no exaggeration to say that the Tang Sword can be regarded as the pinnacle of the cold weapon era. It may be a bit exaggerated to say that it can cut iron like mud, but if it is really developed successfully, the combat effectiveness of the army can be at least increased by half!

After shutting down the system, Ning Fan completely decided on the strategy of expanding the army. After all, the mission reward was too generous. He had already met the conditions of storing 3 million grains, and the people's livelihood in Huainan had also been greatly improved in the past six months.

Under the guidance of the Chamber of Commerce, the three counties of Huainan have frequent trade and smooth trade routes. Moreover, with the suppression of local soldiers, most of the bandits have returned grain. Even those who have not returned grain have become escorts. As long as the passing caravans pay enough silver, they will escort them all the way safely!

However, if the bandits dare to cross the bottom line, rob the caravan, or even kill and set fire, the local government will never tolerate it. No matter how much it costs, they must be destroyed.

Now, the three counties of Huainan are governed by Su Shi, Du Fu and Xin Qiji. With the talents of the three people and the leadership of Ning Fan, the local administration is also thriving and has a great atmosphere.

It can be said that even if there is no Ning Fan in Huainan now, within three to five years, it will definitely be the richest in the world, the people will be rich and the country will be strong... Huainan will be strong!


The Imperial Palace, the Imperial Study.

Emperor Yu received the secret letter from Jiangbei, his expression was calm, but Wei Ying beside him could clearly feel that there was a hint of chill in the whole palace.

"Wei Ying, take a look at the intelligence sent by the Jinyiwei!"

"I dare not!"

Wei Ying lowered his head and looked at the secret letter handed over by Emperor Yu. He lowered his head quickly, his face full of fear. The old eunuch had been in the palace for many years and never dared to step beyond half a step.

Emperor Yu took it back and said lightly: "Let the Minister of Personnel Zheng Xuan and the Minister of War Ji Sui come to see me."

"As ordered!"

Not long after, the two ministers hurried in. Seeing Emperor Yu sitting at the top with a murderous look on his face, they couldn't help but show a trace of panic.

"Your Majesty, I, Ji Sui, pay my respects to you!"

"Your Majesty, I, Zheng Xuan, pay my respects to you!"

"Lord Zheng, who is responsible for the assessment of officials in Jiangbei in the past two years?"

"Your Majesty, this matter is naturally the responsibility of my Ministry of Personnel, and the Left Vice Minister Cheng Zhong is in charge."


"Take a look!"

Emperor Yu threw the letter in the hands of the Jinyiwei to the ground. Zheng Xuan's face changed slightly, and he picked up the letter with a look of panic, and his face was immediately covered with cold sweat!

"Your Majesty, I have committed the crime of negligence, and I deserve death!"


Emperor Yu snorted angrily and shouted, "Officials of the two counties submit excellent assessment documents every year, but they are idle, bullying the people, and colluding with the aristocratic families!"

"They eat the salary of my court, pretend to obey, and do the lackeys of others!"

"Such disloyal and unrighteous people deserve death!"

Emperor Yu became more and more angry as he spoke, and in the end he slammed the table and stood up. Zheng Xuan's face was ashen and annoyed.

"You are guilty of negligence and will be fined one year's salary. If you do it again, I will take off your official hat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your mercy!"

"Left Vice Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, you have committed corruption for personal gain, defied the court, shielded corrupt officials, and failed to conduct assessments. From now on, you will be stripped of your official hat. The Ministry of Justice and the Dali Temple will conduct a thorough investigation and punish you severely according to the law!"

"Pass on my decree to promote Zhuge Liang, the governor of Qilin County, to come to Beijing from now on and serve as the left vice minister of the Ministry of Personnel. Wei Zheng will temporarily take over as the governor of Qilin County!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

When Zheng Xuan heard this, his face suddenly changed. No wonder His Majesty punished him so lightly. It turned out that he was going to move against his Ministry of Personnel.

But this Zhuge Liang was the man of King Yong!

"This matter is of great importance. Should we discuss it with the two prime ministers?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Emperor Yu glanced at him coldly. Zheng Xuan immediately broke out in a sweat and quickly saluted: "Your Majesty, I obey your order!"

"Ji Sui!"

"Your Majesty is here!"

"You go to Jiangbei in person, unite with the Jinyiwei, find out the corrupt officials, gather the soldiers of the two counties, and make sure to capture all the treacherous officials for me!"

"Your Majesty!"

Ji Sui bowed respectfully, with a hint of doubt on his face. It was just for a group of corrupt officials, and the Jinyiwei was enough to suppress them, but why did he let the head of the Ministry of War go there in person?

Could it be that His Majesty was not going to touch the government, but... the aristocratic family?

The Left Prime Minister's Mansion.

After Lin Qiushi came back from the government office, he rushed into the study, still with a look of shock on his face.


"Have you found out?"


The old servant stepped forward and said in a very low voice: "It has been confirmed that the person in Sheng Wangfu is His Royal Highness Sheng Wang who died in the battle in the Western Territory. In the past six months, the servants of Sheng Wangfu have all been transferred from the palace, and the guards have also been taken over by the palace."

"The court has strictly blocked the news of Sheng Wangfu!"

"His Royal Highness Sheng Wang is not dead!"

Lin Qiushi's hands holding the teacup began to tremble when he heard this, and he looked straight at the old housekeeper: "This matter must not be leaked at all!"


"Go down!"

After the old housekeeper left, Lin Qiushi's face also showed a tangled look. He held the tea, but it didn't bring it to his mouth for a long time. After a long time, he sighed: "What a pity... fate is a trick, and there is no turning back once the arrow is shot."

"Prepare the horse and go to the teahouse."

Half an hour later, in a private room of a remote teahouse, Lin Qiushi waited for a long time until a young man arrived.


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