Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 400: Prince Yong, wanting to be an enemy of the noble families of the world?

Looking at Lin Qiushi's regretful expression, Ning An felt a little uncomfortable, and his tone was much lower: "Since the Left Prime Minister is so optimistic about Prince Yong, why did he choose me?"

"Your Highness!"

Lin Qiushi seemed to see Ning An's displeasure, but he didn't care: "In your opinion, if Prince Yong ascends the throne in the future, what is the first thing he should do?"


When Ning An heard Lin Qiushi's question, his expression was stunned for a while. After a long time, he slightly bowed his hands: "I don't know what the Left Prime Minister means by this?"

"Let's not talk about Prince Yong's ascension to the throne."

"Since a year and a half ago, Prince Yong has been reborn, going against the current in the chaotic court, organizing the Jinyiwei, helping His Majesty eliminate all corrupt officials, and being relied on by His Majesty."

"What do you think about this, Your Highness?"

Lin Qiushi did not answer Ning An's question, but continued to ask questions.

This time, Ning An also fell into deep thought with a serious face: "To be fair, it is a good thing for me, Dayu. Cleaning up the government is a good thing for the entire court, and even for my father and the people of the world!"

"That's right!"

Lin Qiushi nodded in agreement, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile: "Then, what about the civil and military officials?"


Ning An was immediately enlightened by Lin Qiushi. From a superficial perspective, Jinyiwei's supervision of officials is of great benefit to the country and the court.

But for civil and military officials, this is a sword hanging over their heads, which may stab into their hearts at any time.

Since King Yong came to power, the people in the entire court have been replaced, blood has flowed like a river, countless heads have fallen to the ground, and the reputation of His Majesty and Jinyiwei has grown day by day, and what they have seized is the prestige of all officials.

Since ancient times, the monarch and ministers, officials and people, temples and rivers and lakes have maintained a balance, but now, what King Yong has done is to break this balance!

"Yes, although Prince Yong used the Jinyiwei to consolidate power, for the civil and military officials and the families behind them, the second son has violated a taboo."

"It is standing on the opposite side of them."

"Haha!" Lin Qiushi smiled and said meaningfully: "It's more than standing on the opposite side, it's hanging a knife over your head!"

"The most terrifying thing is that this knife can kill the royal family and the civil and military officials."

"And Prince Yong is ruthless when he uses the knife."

Lin Qiushi's face also showed a hint of helplessness. The current emperor is not a foolish ruler. The establishment of the Jinyiwei is also in line with the general trend. When your majesty was worrying about how to take back power, Prince Yong happened to hand him a knife.

Moreover, killing people does not have to bear the infamy, so your majesty is naturally the happiest.

"With just this one thing, the Left Prime Minister completely denied Prince Yong?"

"Of course not!"

Lin Qiushi shook his head with a complicated expression, and said sadly: "His Royal Highness Prince Yong is a hero of his generation. If he succeeds, he will be the emperor, and if he fails, he will be the king. Even if he fails in the end, those who can sit in that position will probably not dare to touch him lightly."


"That's what I'm going to say next."

"If it is said that the establishment of the Jinyiwei made Prince Yong offend the civil and military officials, it would not be necessary to deny it directly. After all, it is beneficial to the court and the world."

"But Prince Yong's ambition, Not to this extent! "

"He dares to do what your majesty wants to do but dares not do, and has even done it, and can retire with success!"

Lin Qiushi said this, and a trace of fear appeared on his face: "The edge of Prince Yong is more powerful than His Majesty Prince Sheng back then, Prince Yong's scheming is deeper than His Majesty, and Prince Yong's methods are more cruel than Your Majesty!"

"The most terrifying thing is that Prince Yong has almost no flaws!"

Hearing Lin Qiushi's evaluation, Ning An showed a trace of dissatisfaction on his face, but was stunned by Lin Qiushi's next words.

"Now, what Prince Yong wants to do is to eradicate the century-old troubles of the Dayu Dynasty. He wants to reshuffle the world's aristocratic families and shake the foundation of Dayu."

"The four great families are co-existing with the country. They control the lifelines of Dayu. Even the court has to respect them."

"But now, His Royal Highness Prince Yong has only been in power for about a year, and the Chen family has become history."

"The most terrifying thing is that Dayu has not caused much turmoil."

Hearing Lin Qiushi's sigh, Ning An was also a smart man. He understood it in an instant and said in a lost voice: "What the left prime minister meant was that the old... second brother was going to take action against the aristocratic families in the world?"


Lin Qiushi also showed a bitter smile. If not, how could he give up Prince Yong and turn to Prince Qi Lin, whose talents, strategies and means were all crushed?

"How dare he?"

"My father has been on the throne for more than ten years now, and he doesn't dare to take action against the noble families. How dare dare he?"

"Your Highness, he didn't dare, but he has already done it!"

Lin Qiushi sighed: "Of course, your Majesty has helped to instigate this. In fact, your Majesty is going to implement the imperial examination system, which is to hand a sword to Prince Yong."

"Whoever moves will be killed!"

"If it succeeds, it will be a great achievement. If it fails, Prince Yong will be protected by your Majesty, and it will only be a defeat."

"The most important thing is that no matter success or failure, your Majesty has never stood on the stage, and he can control the turmoil within a controllable range. This is the tacit understanding between Prince Yong and your Majesty."

"It is also the confidence of Prince Yong."

Ning An also showed a look of self-abasement on his face. He was silent for a long time, and his fists tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened again.

"In the eyes of the left prime minister, can they succeed?"

"I... don't know!"

"Then... Lord Zuo Xiang, do you hope they can succeed?"

"I don't know..."

Lin Qiushi's face was full of complexities. From his original intention, if he could really break the monopoly of the aristocratic families, then Dayu's momentum would surely be as strong as a rainbow, and no one would be able to stop his rise.

But the key is, can it succeed?

The aristocratic families, the world's famous families, have taken root in this land for more than a hundred years or even hundreds of years. Many dynasties have changed, and they have remained unmoved, like ancient pines standing proudly on the green mountains.

How could it be so easy to move them?

More importantly, he was one of them. Ninety percent of the civil and military officials in the court came from these aristocratic families. How could he dig his own foundation?

"In terms of courage alone, I am not as good as my second brother!"

Ning An also showed a look of admiration on his face, but then a hint of fighting spirit surged up: "In my opinion, this round has not yet begun, and my father and second brother have already lost."

"Not necessarily!"

Lin Qiushi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "If it were up to Your Majesty alone, even if you have this idea in your mind, you would not dare to make any rash moves within ten years."

"But Prince Yong, is there anything he dare not do?"

"The Prime Minister's evaluation of Prince Yong is so high?"

Ning An always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He was obviously his own man, but he was still praising his political enemy.

If he didn't need to rely on the other party now, he would have slapped him in the face.


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