Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 401 Your Highness, you are not even a fraction as good as Prince Yong!

"Does the Left Prime Minister think that I am inferior to the King of Yong?"

"Not as good, far inferior, not even one tenth as good!"

After saying this, even though Ning An thought he was quite broad-minded, he showed a bit of anger on his face: "If that's the case, the Left Prime Minister can turn to the King of Yong, why bother to humiliate me again!"

After saying this, he was about to leave in a huff.

Lin Qiushi was not angry or annoyed, but said calmly: "If Your Highness leaves this door today, from now on, our cooperation will end!"

Ning An didn't have the courage to step out after all, but he didn't look back, just his face was as gloomy as water.

Now he has finally established a foothold in the capital, but his foundation is far beyond Qilin, and he doesn't have much say in this court.

And Lin Qiushi, in the court, is a man of his word and is in his prime. Without his help, he would have no advantage at all.

"Your Highness, don't feel ashamed. I have no intention of ashamed you!"

Lin Qiushi gave Ning An a way out and said earnestly: "My words come from the bottom of my heart. If even Your Highness cannot face himself, then even with my help, there is no way you can defeat King Yong!"

Looking at Lin Qiushi's sincere expression, Ning An also had a trace of self-doubt in his heart. Could it be that this king is really not as good as King Yong?

"Your Highness, Prince Yong has gone from being a playboy to becoming a powerful man in just half a year, without any help from anyone, even against all the civil and military officials, but his prestige is growing day by day, and he is at the peak of his career!"

"This is a political strategy!"

"In the battle in the southern border, Prince Yong led his army to break the Nanman King's city twice, and even directly defeated the Nanman, and captured all the royal family members!"

"This is a military strategy!"

"Now, Prince Yong dares to risk the world's disapproval and confront the world's aristocratic families."

"This is courage!"

"The most important thing is that Prince Yong's subordinates have now gathered forces that even the court cannot ignore. Among the civil officials, Zhuge Liang is a frontier official, and now he is parachuted into the court as the second in command of the Ministry of Personnel!"

"Wei Zheng, who has recently emerged as a rising star, will soon go to your highness' fiefdom, Qilin, to serve as the governor of a county!"

"What's more, under the command of King Yong, such as Guo Jia, Chen Gong, and Jia Xu, their talents and means are not inferior to those of me."

"Among the military generals, Yue Fei's prestige in the army is no less than that of our military god Dayu. Qin Qiong, Chen Qingzhi, Ran Min, Lan Yu and other generals have also made many military achievements. The battle in the eastern border is enough to gain a firm foothold in the army."

"No matter whether it is civil or military, they are enough to crush your highness. Your highness does not need to be angry. Your highness will distinguish what I said!"

"Is it true?"

Hearing Lin Qiushi's question, Ning An had to nod even if he didn't want to admit it.

"Yes, all the staff members under Prince Yong's mansion are extraordinary talents!"

"That's nothing!" Lin Qiushi shook his head and said with a wry smile: "As far as I know, the right minister in the court now praises Prince Yong, and Chen Qinghe of the Ministry of Revenue was promoted by Prince Yong!"

"The Minister of War Ji Sui and the Minister of Works Xie Yan are even more open-minded to Prince Yong, and have even secretly joined him."

"The Minister of Rites Zhao Rui is still wavering about him, and also has the intention to get close to him."

"In the army, the three Dukes Zhao, Liu and Su are also close friends with him."

"Whether in the army or in the court, Prince Yong has a very strong network of people, while Your Highness?"

As Lin Qiushi listed the relationship of Prince Yong one by one, Ning An also felt blocked in his heart, and even had a deep sense of powerlessness!


With so many forces intertwined, I am afraid that even my father will be afraid of it. How can I take the throne from him?

"Now, Prince Yong has moved to Huainan and governs the sixteen states. Your Majesty has given him the power to establish a government, appoint and dismiss officials, and even delegate military power. It can be said that as long as he is given time, one day, Prince Yong's power will be beyond Your Majesty's control!"

"So, what I said is to tell Your Highness not to overestimate yourself and underestimate your opponent!"

"If you can't even face the gap between the enemy and us, it will only harm Your Highness, let alone achieve success!"

Lin Qiushi's words were sincere, and Ning An also felt depressed: "As Prime Minister Lin said, how can this king take the position of the Eastern Palace from Prince Yong?"

"Because of the general trend!"

Lin Qiushi's face remained calm, and there were not many waves in his eyes.

"Although Prince Yong is strong, he is the enemy of the noble families in the world!"

"Prince Yong is powerful, and the noble families in the world are more powerful. If Prince Yong is his enemy, Your Highness can be his friend."

"This is Your Highness' advantage!"

"It is also Your Highness' opportunity!"

Lin Qiushi's few words made Ning An regain his confidence, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter: "Yes, the words of the Left Prime Minister have benefited me a lot!"

"Just now, I was rude, please don't mind it, Lord Left Prime Minister."

"No problem!"

Lin Qiushi shook his head and said nonchalantly: "Your Highness wants to be with Prince Yong. When a king competes with such a person, he must keep his composure and not underestimate the enemy. He should lower his posture when necessary and put aside his prejudices when necessary! "

"The most important thing is that Your Highness should keep his composure."

Ning An took a deep breath and bowed to Lin Qiushi solemnly: "Thank you, Lord Zuo Xiang, for your advice!"

"I dare not!"

"According to Zuo Xiang's opinion, what should I do now?"

"Keep calm, do what you should do, and wait for the opportunity!"

"Before the great dispute between Prince Yong and the noble family ends, Your Majesty will never easily appoint a crown prince!"

"So, Your Highness, there is no need to worry."

"What you need to do now is to do everything that His Majesty has told you to do, do practical things for the people, make achievements, and do your duty."

"Leave everything else to me!"

Ning An nodded heavily. After talking with Lin Qiushi today, he seemed to have been sublimated.

"Left Prime Minister, now that the second prince is cultivating in Huainan, should we send someone to investigate?"

Lin Qiushi shook his head and said calmly: "It's meaningless. As I said before, Your Highness only needs to do what he should do. Don't interfere with other things, and don't even go out with the court officials too often."

"Your Majesty can see what Your Highness can do and think in his heart, and he can naturally guess it in his heart, so Your Highness doesn't need to add unnecessary things."

"Don't offend Your Majesty!"

Ning An took a deep breath and looked at Lin Qiushi again: "In addition to Prince Yong, the fourth prince is now also sent out to live in the countryside. Do we need to be careful?"

"The fourth prince..." Lin Qiushi paused, shook his head and said: "Although he is quite cunning, he is unlikely to become a great man."

"Otherwise, after staying in the capital for so many years, Your Majesty would not let him go at this time."

"As I said before... Do your duty!"


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