"Let's see who dares!"

A sharp shout rang out, and King Zhao strode out of the camp, looked at the middle-aged man with sharp eyes, and said angrily: "King Chu, in front of my camp, this is not a place for you to run wild. "

"Huh, King Zhao, this officer is the commander-in-chief of Dali. He killed countless soldiers in Guanshan in a hundred days. Why is he appearing in your tent now? Is he collaborating with the enemy?"

"What a big hat."

A sneer appeared on King Zhao's face, and then he glanced at Lu Bu and said gently: "This general abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, and came to join me. How can he be regarded as collaborating with the enemy?"

"Abandon the dark and turn to the light?"


"King Zhao, King Zhao, you are really a reckless man."

The King of Chu glanced at him with contempt and then looked at Lu Bu: "Boy, do you know how to write the word "death"?

"Now that all the princes have heard the news and come here, do you think that only King Zhao can protect you?"

"so what?"

There was a hint of contempt in Lu Bu's expression, and he said calmly: "Lv holds Fang Tian's painted halberd, and he can conquer the world. He came here just to find a way out. If the prince refuses to accept it, he can let his soldiers Behead me!"

"Let's see if Fang Tian's painted halberd in Lv's hand responds!"

As he spoke, Lu Bu swung Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and a frightening force directly tore the cloth strips on Fang Tian's painted halberd. His eyes became extremely cold, as if there was nothing there. Murderous aura enveloped the King of Chu, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop slightly.

"What an arrogant boy!"

An angry shout came, and a burly man was seen walking behind King Chu, followed by a team of elite armor.

Before he could reach the front, all the princes and their men and horses arrived one after another, and their unkind eyes fell on Lu Bu.

"King Zhao, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. General Lu is going to join me in my tent. I'm here to greet you."

"This is simply unreasonable!"

King Xu's face was as dark as water, and he pointed at Lu Bu with a cold expression: "Today, my army is almost wiped out, and the bones of the soldiers are still cold. How dare you take in the enemy generals!"

"King Zhao, I want his head!"

Before King Zhao spoke, Lu Bu's eyes had already fallen on King Xu. He tiptoed a little, and the whole person almost turned into an afterimage. When he appeared again, the tip of the Fangtian painted halberd in his hand had already appeared on King Xu's neck. Before, it was only a finger's distance away.

"Lu's head is right here. If you want to take it, you can come at any time!"


"Be bold!"

All the princes were shocked and angry. They didn't expect that Lu Bu would dare to take action in front of them. The soldiers behind him drew their swords from their sheaths and pointed them at Lu Bu, their expressions full of alertness.

"Everyone stop it!"

King Qi strode forward, looked at Lu Bu for a long time, and suddenly raised his fists and saluted: "Your Excellency, you are the second-ranked general in the world on the list of famous generals, Dayu Lu Bu?"



"Second on the list of famous generals!"

"Isn't he General Dayu? Why did he appear in Dayu's camp?"


Hearing the title of No. 2 in the world, all the princes also looked stern and looked at Lu Bu. King Xu was covered in cold sweat, his Adam's apple was squirming again and again, and there was a touch of fear on his face!

"General Lu!"

King Qi also had a kind look on his face, and all the princes around him also reacted: "I didn't expect General Lu to be here in person, but I am blind."

"Come here, let's set up the banquet. I want to take care of General Lu!"


King Nian gave the order, and King Zhao became anxious for a moment: "If you fart, even if it is to catch the wind, I should host the banquet. What does it have to do with you?"


King Qi's face was solemn, and there was a bit of complexity in his eyes: "General Lu, you are a famous general of Dayu, why did you fight for Dayu?"

"Lü was not a general of Yu the Great, but he had a close relationship with a prince from the imperial family of the Great Yu."

"Therefore, Lü never surrendered to Dayu, and he also classified someone into Dayu's camp!"

"As for why I fought for Dali, it was just because my father owed the Dali royal family a favor and took action for him!"

"I see!"

After hearing this, King Qi's expression softened a lot, and he said with a smile on his face: "I admire the peerless general most in my life. If I can meet the general for a while today, I will be drunk for a while!"

"Go and put out the fine wines that the king has collected!"


King Zhao became anxious instantly. He looked at Lu Bu and said, "General Lu, let's go and follow me into the account. Let's get drunk today!"

Lü Bu hesitated for a moment, then looked at King Qi and said, "Everyone, King Zhao has shown kindness to someone, and today His Highness King Zhao appreciates it. Bu, I'm so grateful that I can't help but feel grateful. Therefore, Lü Bu appreciates your kindness!"


"No problem!"

"In that case, let's get together in King Zhao's camp today and get drunk before resting!"

"It's time to sit down and take a good seat."

Except for King Xu, all the princes looked excited and looked at Lu Bu like a man who had been single for thirty years looking at a naked young girl.

"Everyone, I am currently suffering heavy casualties under my command. Please take my leave first!"

King Xu slightly cupped his hands, looked around, and strode away.

But all the princes did not pay attention. King Zhao held Lu Bu's shoulder and walked into the hall, looking inexplicably excited. If he could get the help of the second most powerful general in the world, he would be able to overwhelm all the princes and compete in the world. It would be just around the corner. !

"Come, General Lu, I'll give you a toast!"

"Hahaha, come on, let's go together!"

After three drinks and five dishes, everyone was drinking and drinking, and the atmosphere was in sharp contrast to the tension during the day.

"Lu Bu, now that you have joined me, you can be considered as one of our own, King Zhao."

"From now on, you will be in charge of our vanguard camp!"

"After you perform meritorious service, I will give you a great reward."

"Thank you, His Highness King Zhao!"

Lu Bu cupped his hands slightly and suddenly raised his wine glass: "King Zhao, Bu has been wandering for half his life. He only regrets that he has never met his master. Today I meet King Zhao. I hate that we meet so late. If I don't give up, Bu is willing to worship King Zhao as his adoptive father. Please do so." A testimony!”


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Okay, okay!"

After King Zhao heard Lu Bu's words, his face instantly glowed red. He raised his wine glass and walked to Lu Bu to help him up. He could not hide the smile on his lips: "Hahaha, Lu Bu, from now on, I am your king." Foster father!"

"Come here, I am happy to have an adopted son today. I will invite the three armies to a banquet. Go and bring all the armors, weapons, swords, jewels, jade, and rare treasures that I have collected so that my adopted son can choose as he pleases!"

"Get another three thousand taels of gold!"

"Son, as a father today... I feel very happy!"


Lu Bu also had a look of emotion on his face: "Father, please bow to me!"

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