Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 507 Wherever the Lord wants chaos, there will be chaos!

"King Zhao, now that you have the help of General Lu, do you dare to challenge Dali head-on tomorrow?"

"Humph, why not!"

King Zhao showed a bit of pride on his face, and said lightly: "Without my son Lu Bu, the Dali Dynasty is just a group of rabble. Tomorrow, this king will weaken their prestige!"

"King Qi, do you still want to fight tomorrow?"


"Now the morale of the soldiers is low. If we lose two more games, it may shake the army."

King Qi showed a hint of worry on his face, and said softly: "It's just that I am worried that the army of Dali will knock on the gate tomorrow."

"Haha!" King Lu said coldly He smiled and said, "What can we do?"

"Although our allied army was defeated, we still have nearly 300,000 troops guarding the Jiuchong Pass."

"Da Li has only more than 100,000 soldiers and horses. It is a pipe dream to want to break my Jiuchong Pass!"

"Yes, as long as Jiuchong Pass is not lost, my Guanshan area will be as solid as a rock!"

After hearing the words of King Lu, all the princes nodded, only King Qi looked at Lu Bu and asked, "General Lu, in your opinion, can Da Li's troops break my Jiuchong Pass?"

Hearing King Qi's question, all the princes looked at Lu Bu with curiosity.

"If you can hold your ground, the Dali troops will not be able to cross the city gate."

"But if we take the initiative to fight, the Dali cavalry will be indestructible."

King Cheng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Are we going to hide in Jiuchongguan all the time?"

"If the Dali troops don't arrive one day, we have to defend Jiuchongguan?"

"I have never suffered such a big loss. I must get it back."


When mentioning Dali, all the princes gritted their teeth. King Qi smiled and looked at Lu Bu and said: "General Lu, we are looking forward to your great power tomorrow. Can we fight?"

"When Lu left the camp, he had already made it clear to Dali that he would not hurt anyone in the battle of Jiuchongguan this time."

"Wait until the outcome is decided at Jiuchongguan, and then Lu Bu will Keep out of the way of Dali."

"So, tomorrow, Bu will not take action."

"General Lu!"

The Northern King, who had not spoken, suddenly took a sip of tea, looked at Lu Bu with a smile, and asked lightly: "Now you have just joined my Guanshan camp, and the brothers have not seen your style yet."

"If you don't kill a few enemy generals tomorrow, I'm afraid the soldiers... will find it difficult to convince them!"

"Yes, General Lu, at least hundreds of my men died under your halberd in this battle, so don't refuse."

"We know that General Lu is not a treacherous person, but now that the enemy is at hand, King Zhao has been kind to you, so don't let King Zhao down."

The various princes talked one after another, and Lu Bu looked indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"That's enough!\

,"Finally, the King of Zhao shouted in a low voice, and his eyes fell on Lu Bu: "Son, tomorrow the King will send his generals to fight. You don't need to fight on the battlefield, just follow me to hold the line."

"Yes, foster father!"

"Everyone, from now on, Lu Bu is my Zhao Yuan's adopted son. Anyone who dares to take advantage of him will be my Zhao Yuan's enemy and will fight to the death!"


The King of Lu looked at the King of Zhao with a fake smile and said lightly: "Brother Zhao, what are you talking about? General Lu is famous all over the world, and we naturally admire him very much. Maybe we should get closer to him in the future."


"Let's go..."

"King Zhao, goodbye, tomorrow is up to you."


The cold night was lonely, the winter snow was silent, and it silently covered the earth with a layer of silver frost. In Ning Fan's bedroom, the candlelight flickered, and the charcoal burned in the brazier, making crackling sounds.



A knock sounded intermittently on the door. Ning Fan slowly opened his eyes and looked over to see two men in black standing respectfully in front of him.

"Your Highness."

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan knocked the wooden lid on the brazier and said calmly, "What's the situation inside the Nine-Layer Pass?"

"My Lord, King Xu has led the remaining troops back, and the princes have contacted the sects behind them and are ready to ask for help."

"According to my intelligence, the major sects in the mountains are ready to gather at the Nine-Layer Pass."

"It will take at most three days!"

Ning Fan nodded slightly, and there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes. Although he won a big victory today, it is still difficult to determine the outcome of a war.

The Nine-Layer Pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack. The princes' coalition has nearly 300,000 troops stationed there. Although they are a motley crowd, they have the advantage of defending the city. If they attack by force, they will probably pay a heavy price.

"Let's talk about the situation in Guanshan!"

"My Lord, now the nine princes have gathered here. Except for King Lu, everyone has brought out more than half of their troops."

"Now, the forces in Guanshan are very subtle. Before the princes' alliance collapses, all parties have no response."

"Nie Zheng, you go there in person, let King Xu go first." Ning Fan's eyes were cold: "The troops brought by King Xu this time are almost wiped out, let him play the last remaining heat!"


"I heard that among the nine princes, King Xu and King Chu are not on good terms?"

"I understand!"

Nie Zheng nodded heavily, with a gleam in his eyes, and said softly: "We also have people under King Chu, so this matter is not difficult to operate."


"Zhuan Zhu!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"Now that all the princes are stationed at Jiuchong Pass, when it is time for chaos, we must let Guan Mountain be in chaos!"


Ning Fan stood up slowly and said softly: "According to your opinion, the sects behind the various princes are preparing to intervene?"

"Back to my Lord, behind the nine princes are the support of the major sects in Guanshan. They will never sit back and watch Guanshan fall into the hands of the countries in the Central Plains."

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, Lord, my subordinates have already made complete plans. They will never appear in front of the Lord!"

"very good!"

Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction. Among all the forces under his command, Hell has never let him down. Even the Yihua Palace is far from comparable to Hell in terms of prestige and heritage in the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ning Fan's threat to take Emperor Da Yan's head was not an empty talk.

"I don't want to see the shadow of the major sects in Jiuchong Pass."

"If I want to hear the news I want to hear within three days, there must be chaos in Guanshan!"

"Wherever the Lord wants there to be chaos, there will be chaos!"

"Okay, let's get ready!"

Ning Fan's eyes fell from Zhuan Zhu to Nie Zheng, and he solemnly told: "Be careful in everything, don't look down on anyone!"


Nie Zheng and Zhuan Zhu both saluted and disappeared into the night. Ning Fan walked to the window. The window of the empress's room was still lit, and he could vaguely see a flickering candlelight reflecting the Graceful figure.

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