Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 513 Dilemma? Wei Wu soldiers form a battle formation!


Yang Zaixing raised his golden spear high in his hand, and with Huo Qubing on the left and right, he rushed straight into the formation set up by the princes' coalition army. Just a face-to-face encounter, the aura swept away dozens of soldiers.

Several fierce generals also rushed out of the princes' coalition army. Three of them were surrounded by aura, and they were obviously already in the ranks of peerless. They each looked for opponents and started fighting in the crowd!


An arrow accurately hit a thousand-man captain. Huang Zhong hid behind the army, holding a longbow in his hand, narrowed his eyes, and kept hunting the generals of the princes' coalition army.



After a series of loud noises, the figures of King Qi and others also appeared on the city wall. Huge stones smashed directly at the army, smashing the figures into a bloody mess.

"King Qi?"

The always steady Nian Wang showed some worry in his eyes. He looked at King Qi and said softly: "If we continue, I'm afraid the formation will be broken up again."

"No hurry!"

The King Qi smiled coldly and said lightly: "I have prepared a great gift for them."


The eyes of various princes looked over. King Qi waved his hand, and a general walked to the edge of the tower and shouted: "Go!"

Then, a team of armored soldiers rushed directly to the tower, each holding a bow that was nearly twice as large as an ordinary bow, and the arrows in the quiver hanging around their waists were also more than an inch longer than ordinary arrows.

"Aim at the heavy cavalry of Dali and shoot for me!"

"You can kill them by mistake, but you won't let them go."


Hundreds of longbowmen bent their bows and arrows, aiming at the black armor army below and shooting arrows. The figures of these archers were extremely burly, and their arms were different from ordinary people.

"What is this?"

Nian Wang looked at Qi Wang with a puzzled look on his face. The latter raised his mouth slightly and said lightly: "This is a generous gift prepared by this king for Dali."

"I didn't want to take them out so early, but I didn't expect that Dali actually raised a heavy cavalry!"


"Haha, Lao Qi is really hiding it!!"

All the princes smiled but didn't smile, but Qi Wang ignored them. He grabbed a longbow with his own hands, bent the bow and put the arrow on it, and it was done in one go.

"Good archery!"

Seeing that the arrow shot by Qi Wang accurately pierced the chest of a black armor soldier and directly penetrated his armor, Nian Wang couldn't help but exclaimed.

With the addition of this longbow team, the casualties of the black armor army also increased rapidly. In just a quarter of an hour, nearly a thousand people were buried under the arrows of this longbow team.

Qin Qiong's face was a bit cold, and he shouted in a low voice: "Crossbow team, aim at the archers on the tower, and kill them for me!"


After the order was given, the Crossbow Team, under the cover of the Qihuo Army and Wei Wuzu, quickly rushed to the bottom of the tower, set up the Zhuge Crossbow, pulled the trigger, and a round of arrows were thrown towards the tower, screaming in an instant.


"Is this the legendary Crossbow Team?"

"Damn it!"

Just a wave of arrows, one-third of the longbow team he carefully trained was killed or injured. The King of Qi also felt a pain in his flesh and shouted: "Pay attention to concealment, King of Lu, let your backer army destroy the crossbow team of Dali!"



"Are you ready?"


Ning Fan looked at the rows of bed crossbows behind him, arranged the formation, adjusted the angle, and placed the giant crossbows in the groove in front of the bowstring. The two soldiers also slowly shook the rollers and pulled the bowstrings.


A series of loud noises, the giant crossbow as thick as a forearm was directly bounced off the bowstring and rushed to the tower at lightning speed.


A giant crossbow shot at a longbowman on the tower, knocking him several meters away, and his body was nailed to the low wall behind the tower.

"What the hell?"


"What is this?"

The faces of all the princes changed drastically, and they quickly bent down and buried their heads under the city wall, with a bit of panic in their eyes.

The King of Qi was also carefully observing the battle situation in the distance. Without the suppression of the longbow team, the Black Armor Army broke through the defense line again and fought in the crowd!

"Sound the horn to withdraw the troops!"

"Retreat again?"

King Zhao showed some anger on his face, and said a little excitedly: "Now the troops of Dali have already killed under the city gate. If we withdraw the troops now, wouldn't it be like inviting a wolf into the house?"

"Once the city gate is opened, who will stop their cavalry?"

"Besides, in this battle, Dali's cavalry also suffered a lot. This heavy cavalry suffered nearly a thousand casualties, which is enough to make them feel painful."

Hearing the words of King Zhao, a group of princes also echoed, and King Qi also showed some entanglement on his face.

Dali's cavalry is indeed strong, but their cavalry is only 30,000, plus infantry, it is only 100,000. On the other hand, the allied forces of the princes are 300,000!

If they continue to fight to the death, it is still unknown who will win.

"In that case, let's wait a little longer, but we must also be fully prepared."

"I will personally take command!"

King Cheng led a team of soldiers down the tower and shouted: "King Nian, you and I will use shield soldiers to suppress the offensive of the heavy cavalry. Even if we have to use piles of corpses, we must surround them!"


King Nian also showed a stern look on his face. He looked at the generals beside him and issued several orders in succession. The formation below, which was almost defeated, was reassembled.

"As long as we can trap these three cavalry units, the rest of the troops are nothing to be afraid of!"

"Yes, without the cavalry, the Dali is just a mob!"

"Unfortunately, I did not bring the cavalry to this meeting, otherwise, how could the Dali be so rampant!"

Seeing that the three cavalry units below were directly divided into three battle circles, and the armies of the surrounding princes had surrounded them, all the princes breathed a sigh of relief.

The overall situation has been decided.

"Hahaha, Dali, nothing more than that."

"Now their cavalry has become a turtle in our jar, it's time to close the net."

"Send an order, and do our best to encircle and suppress the three cavalry units."

The King of Qi was also unambiguous and gave a direct order, and all his elite troops were sent out.


The King of Han, who had not spoken, suddenly looked condensed, his eyes fixed on one direction, and the princes were also attracted by his gaze, and looked in the direction, frowning slightly.

In the camp below, a team of black-armored infantrymen were gathering at the fastest speed, condensing into a formation from all directions. In just a short moment, they had formed a square formation!


In front of the square formation, a figure held a broadsword in his hand. At the command, the black-armored square formation behind him waved the broadswords together, like a moving mountain, attacking the coalition army of the princes.

Wei Wuzu, forming a formation.

"Is this...heavy-armored infantry?"


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