"Armored soldiers line up!"

"Cone formation, attack!"

In the Wei Wuzu square formation, a man wearing heavy armor and holding a broadsword took firm steps, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Quick, let King Lu's backer army stop them!"

"Old Qi, this heavy armored army is not simple. The formation is neat, the order is conveyed, and the offensive momentum is even better than the backer army!"

"No matter what, we must stop them for me."


"Old Qi, look over there."

King Han suddenly looked in one direction, his expression became extremely solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Another elite force. If this continues, the three cavalry of Dali will definitely escape."


King Qi also exhaled a deep breath, his eyes looked in the direction King Han said, and said lightly: "Retreat?"

"Or, retreat!"

"No, wait a little longer!"

The King of Zhao's face was gloomy, and he whispered: "It's not easy to trap these three cavalry. If we retreat now, we will fail."

"Let the soldiers hold on. Even if it costs lives, we must hold back the two infantry of Dali."

"Can you hold them back?"

"Even if you can't hold them back, we must hold them back!"

The King of Zhao strode down the tower and shouted: "Soldiers, this Jiuchongguan is the last gate of my Guanshan. Once Jiuchongguan is broken, my Guanshan will be directly exposed to the iron cavalry of the Central Plains."

"Kill them!"

Seeing that the King of Zhao actually went into battle in person, the princes were also stunned. They didn't expect that this reckless guy would actually wear armor himself.

"Everyone, what the King of Zhao said makes sense."

"This army of Dali is enough to sweep any of us. If we really let them in, Guanshan will be in danger!"

The King of Qi's mood also experienced ups and downs today. At this time, the King of Zhao took the initiative to stand up, which made him look at him with new eyes.

"Okay, since both of you have spoken, let's go down and stretch our muscles."

"Go out and let these Central Plains brats see how hard our Guanshan men's swords are!"


"Ning Fan, the Black Armor Army is trapped, do you want to withdraw?"


Ning Fan smiled and shook his head, with a slight curl of his lips: "With these mobs, do you want to swallow up the Black Armor Army, White Robe Army and Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry together?"

"They are not worthy."

"Your Majesty, open your eyes and see how the battle should be fought!"

Ning Fan looked calmly at the Wei Wuzu and Qihuo Army fighting in front.

Needless to say, the Qihuo Army has experienced hundreds of battles. Under the leadership of the madman Ran Min, 10,000 Qihuo Army have become little lunatics. As long as they go crazy, no matter you are a thousand troops or a hundred battles, they will rush forward and fight.

Different from the Qihuo Army, the Wei Wuzu pay more attention to command and battle formation. Once they form a formation, they can move freely among thousands of troops.

Unfortunately, Wu Qi has not yet entered the world, and the generals under Ning Fan are not good at formations.


"Although I am a woman, I have also been on the battlefield."

"So what?"

"Your Majesty, do you know what the ten major formations are?"

"Do you know the Longmen formation?"

"Do you understand the five elements and eight trigrams, and do you know the three talents of heaven and earth?"

The empress frowned slightly, with some doubts in her eyes. Ning Fan smiled and said: "In less than a quarter of an hour, the siege of the princes will be completely disintegrated."

"Even, we can take down the nine passes in one fell swoop."

As Ning Fan's voice fell, he saw a burly figure leading 3,000 heavy armored soldiers to charge towards the Wei Wuzu square formation.

The King of Lu looked solemn and shouted: "Halberd guards, rush up and break the shield."

"Bowmen, throw!"

"Shielded soldiers, split the enemy's battle formation and detour from all sides."


Orders were issued one after another, and the 3,000 backers instantly formed their own formations and confronted the Wei Wuzu from a distance.

"Backer Army!"

After seeing the figure of Prince Lu, the empress's expression also changed slightly, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes.

She glanced at Ning Fan and said softly: "Backer Army is the trump card under Prince Lu. They were selected from tens of thousands of troops, and finally three thousand elite armors were selected."

"The armor on them was made by Prince Lu at a heavy price. Ordinary weapons can't break their armor at all."

Ning Fan said nothing, but a hint of mockery appeared at the corner of his mouth. Not to mention just three thousand elite armors, even if there were 30,000 heavy armors, you can see whether the Wei Wuzu will panic.

Selected from tens of thousands of troops?

How about letting you know the selection and training methods of Wei Wuzu?

Alas, this native is just sitting in a well and looking at the sky. The dignified empress is like a bumpkin, and can't tell who is strong and who is weak.

Embroidered pillow?

"Your Majesty, rest assured. The Wei Wuzu are the strongest infantry under my lord."

"Only three thousand heavy armors are nothing to be afraid of."

Guo Jia said with a smile, which was obviously more convincing than Ning Fan.

"Wait and see."

Mu Qingcheng looked at Ning Fan deeply, and her expression gradually calmed down.


Ran Min, who had been silent all the time, finally stood up and walked to Ning Fan's side: "You can go down the nine passes today!"

"No hurry!"

"For this battle, let the Wei Wuzu adapt first."

"For the first battle of the Wei Wuzu, let the Qihuo Army withdraw and observe the battle formation carefully."


Ran Min nodded heavily. Since the decline of the Wei Wuzu, the Wei Wuzu square formation has been lost in the long river of history.

Today, it is also a great blessing to be able to see the style of the Warring States Period in the past.


King Lu personally went into battle, and soldiers on both sides rushed out one after another, trying to break through the phalanx of Wei soldiers.


With a clang, the long halberd of the patron army's euphorbia soldier hit the shield of Wei Wuzu, and a spark flew up. The soldier holding the halberd felt his arms go numb, and the halberd in his hand almost fell out of his hand.

On the other hand, the shield formation of Wei Wuzu was as stable as a rock, without any confusion.


The general of Wei Wu soldiers holding a broad sword shouted lowly, and saw the airtight Wei Wu soldiers instantly change their formations, the shield wall split, and arrows shot out from it.



"Raise your shield quickly!"

The arrows shot straight in a round, directly shooting the rushing patron army into sieves.

"Kill it."

"Avenge the brothers..."

"Come on!"

A wave of arrows took away hundreds of backing soldiers. On the other hand, the array of Wei soldiers was still airtight.


General Wei Wu's soldiers looked stern and calmly ordered. The soldiers behind him changed their formations again, and the shield wall blocked the front again.

The moment the patron army rushed forward, spears poked out from the gaps in the shield wall and stabbed straight out.

"What the hell is this?"

"If you are a man, just rush out and fight head-on!"

"Get out of here!"

All the backing soldiers had angry expressions on their faces, but they had no way to vent their anger. They all held their weapons tightly and did not dare to step forward.

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