Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 519: The strongest general! Xing Daorong challenges!

After Guo Jia finished speaking, Ning Fan also fell into deep thought. It had been a year since he left the capital, and he didn't know whether Emperor Yu's attitude towards him had changed.

After all, there is only one emperor and one courtier.

After being away from the core of the court, you have a family relationship with the emperor?

It's a bit ridiculous. In an imperial family, indecision is the most taboo. If you want to have a relationship with someone, at least you have the capital to protect yourself. No matter how wind blows, I will remain unmoved.


Li Ru pondered for a long time, then looked at Ning Fan and asked, "Is Zhuge Kongming in the capital?"


"Kong Ming now holds the post of Left Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs."

Hearing Ning Fan's words, a faint smile appeared on Li Ru's face: "That's okay. As long as he is in the court, the lord can sit back and relax. If the situation is critical, Kong Ming will definitely send a message to the lord."


Ning Fan also smiled happily, and his mood instantly became much more comfortable. After sitting down in the pavilion in the courtyard, he poured tea himself, looked at Guo Jia and asked: "Fengxiao, in your opinion, after we capture Guanshan, what should we do?" How to make it stable?”

"This place is hundreds of miles away from Huainan, not to mention that there is an ancient southern barbarian country in the middle!"


Guo Jia's eyes revealed a sparkle, and he said softly: "I have already discussed this matter with Wen You and Wen He."


"This matter is simple. We only need to set up a Protectorate, send heavy troops to guard it, select a capable person to govern, subdue the princes, and control the local families. In a short time, the land of Guanshan can be stabilized!"


Guo Jia's words paused, and Ning Fan's eyes also revealed a sparkle. After the two looked at each other, they whispered: "How should the Nanman deal with it?"


Li Ru took over the conversation and said calmly: "Now, Aguna and Wuyou have been operating in the ancient Nanman country for so long and have already established their prestige in the court."

"The biggest threat to the ancient Nanman Kingdom lies outside, in the sect of Guanshan, and in the Wuxiang Temple behind the monk forest!\

,""Wuxiang Temple."

Ning Fan also had a glimmer of light in his eyes. According to the information from the underworld, the forces behind the nine princes were nothing more than shrimps and millet. The real Guanshan giants disdained worldly battles.

The most powerful person in the sect can sit cross-legged for several years, and has little contact with the outside world on weekdays.

"In the early years, Wuxiang Temple expelled the monk forest from the sect. I am afraid that it has already started planning. After all, the sect in Guanshan will not be able to compete with the imperial power."

"The heritage of a dynasty that lasts more than a hundred years is unimaginable."

"And since Senglin died at Taibai's hands, Wuxiang Temple has been surprisingly peaceful."

There was a deep light in Ning Fan's eyes, and he looked at Li Ru and said: "Unless the Jianghu sects can never escape from the world, they will eventually have to submit or compete."

"My lord is wise."

Li Ru also had a look of admiration on his face and said softly: "In the whole world, all the royal ministers, whether they are Jianghu sects or outsiders, must eventually be restrained. This is the long-term way, otherwise, It’s just self-destruction.”


Ning Fan nodded calmly, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Have you made all the arrangements for tomorrow's battle?"

"As long as the uninvolved forces intervene, nothing will go wrong."


Ning Fan nodded with satisfaction and said meaningfully: "The forces on Guan Mountain can't intervene for the time being. Tomorrow, we will go to the ninth pass!"



At three o'clock in the morning, Dali's royal flag appeared at the Jiuchong Pass on time, but no one knew that under the fluttering royal flag was the royal army of the Yu Dynasty!

The dull beat of war drums sounded, and the soldiers of the three armies formed an array at the pass.




The army of one hundred thousand raised their long swords and shouted in unison, with thunderous voice and long breath, as they rushed straight towards the three-foot-high Jiuchong Pass.

"Lord, the last general invites you to fight!"


Ning Fan looked at Xing Daorong, with a look of expectation in his eyes. The number one actor in the Three Kingdoms was reborn in this world. Under the system's promotion benefits for generals, he also reached a peerless state, with a force value of over 100.

Looking at Guanshan, it is also one of the best.

It's just that today's General Xing, after discussing with Li Ru, seems not to be prepared to win by force.

"Generals, a moment later, a certain Xing Daorong, go up and call for formation!"

After Xing Daorong finished speaking, he looked at each other with Yang Zaixing and others, slapped his horse and ran towards Jiuchong Pass.

"Yun Chang, this General Xing is a military general of the Three Kingdoms?"

Qin Qiong looked at Guan Yu with a puzzled look on his face, why he, as a descendant, had never heard of this man's reputation. Now it seems that his military strength is quite extraordinary.

"Haha!" Mr. Guan had a look of disdain on his face and said calmly: "You are just a clown who sells out bids!"

Qin Qiong looked stunned for a moment, with a bit of contempt on his face. To be evaluated like this by the second master, he must not be very clever.

Pan Feng, who was on the side, raised his eyebrows, with a look of displeasure on his face: "Who are you? You have such an arrogant tone. You are both under the command of the lord, why are you talking so harshly to each other?"

Hearing the admiral's question, the second master raised his eyebrows and glanced at him with disdain: "Who are you?"

"This is an unrivaled general, Pan Feng!"

"Pan Feng?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Guan Yu stroked his beard and laughed, mockingly saying: "A man who sacrificed his own head still has the nerve to speak arrogantly."


Pan Feng suddenly looked furious and waved the ax in his hand, pointing it directly at Guan Yu, "You arrogant rat, do you dare to fight me?"

"An incompetent man, the soul of someone who was killed by Hua Xiong's sword, is he worthy of using force against me?"


There was a clang, and the second master swung the Qinglong Yanyue knife, directly swinging the ax in Pan Feng's hand away. The next moment, the Qinglong Yanyue blade was already on Pan Feng's neck.


Pan Feng was breathing heavily, with a look of horror in his eyes. Who is this person? He has such a terrifying aura.


"Yun Chang, don't stop yet!"

Ning Fan suppressed his laughter and scolded Guan Yu: "We are all colleagues, how can we use force easily?"

Guan Yu just smiled contemptuously, with full arrogance on his face.

It seems that these two idiots have not yet recovered their past life memories.

After the farce ended, the generals were also thoughtful, while Dian Wei looked at Xu Chu next to him with a gossipy face. The two whispered, Dian Wei laughed from time to time, and then looked at Pan Feng with a strange expression!

"Hey! Do the generals on the city tower dare to go out of the city and fight against a certain person?"

"Grandpa is waiting here!"

"If you are a man, just open the city gate and fight with a certain person!"

Xing Daorong held the mountain ax on his shoulder with a rebellious expression.

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