Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 520 Li Ru's plan and Xing Daorong's calculation!

On top of the city tower, King Qi had a deep expression on his face. He looked at Xing Daorong, who was shouting below, and then looked at the counselor next to him and said, "Does anyone know this person?"

"do not know!"

"Your Majesty, this person is very rough and seems to be simple-minded. I guess he doesn't have any plans."

"Now, we cannot be timid in the first battle."

King Qi also nodded heavily and looked at the stern-faced young man beside him: "Kang Chen, the three great masters under my command, Ding Ya is dead and Yang Xiao is disabled. Now you are the only one left. Don't let me let you go." I am disappointed.”

"Don't worry, Your Majesty."

Kuang Chen just glanced at the burly figure under the tower and strode directly down the tower.

"Your Majesty, if Kuang Chen takes action, we can rest easy in this battle."


King Qi also breathed a long sigh of relief and said calmly: "Kang Chen is the number one general under my command. He rarely takes action, and his strength is unfathomable. Now he is just an unknown rat, so I will not worry."


After Qi Tongtian finished speaking, his eyes looked into the distance and landed on several figures under the flag of King Dali. They did not speak for a long time, but the look of fear on their faces was very strong.

"Are all Daqi's heavy armored soldiers ready?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we secretly entered the city last night and it's absolutely foolproof."


There was also a sneer on King Qi's face, and he said lightly: "I have suffered several losses in a row. This time, it's time for me to stand up."


With a loud bang from the city gate, a flying cavalry was seen rushing out of the city gate. Looking far away, he looked at Xing Daorong and shouted: "Who is coming? Tell me your name!"


"Say my name and you will be shocked!"

"Listen up, I am the first battle general under Empress Da Li, Xing Daorong."

As soon as Xing Daorong finished speaking, a look of concentration appeared on Kuang Chen's face. He swung the long whip in his hand and clapped his horse forward: "I thought the person who went into battle was just a little shrimp, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be a fierce general!"

"I came just in time. I, General Kuang Chen, will compete with the General today!"

"Come and fight!"

Xing Daorong also shouted low, swung the ax in his hand, and slashed towards Kuang Chen.

"Well done!"

Kuang Chen's face showed a strong fighting spirit, and a look of expectation flashed in his eyes. The long whip in his hand instantly turned into a stick, and he blocked the blow. As the two soldiers connected, there was a clang, Xing Daorong only felt his arms go numb, and his body shook back.


"What a force."

Xing Daorong was taken aback, with a deep fear on his face. He used a heavy ax himself and a whip on the other side. Logically speaking, he should have the advantage, but actually...

"Well done!"


"Don't continue to test, use all your strength and fight happily."

Xing Daorong: "..."

"I've already tried my best."

This sentence was not shouted out, but the fear in his eyes became more intense, and he even had some intention of retreating.

"Wen You, it seems that Xing Daorong is no match for Kuang Chen!"


Li Ru had a calm expression and said calmly: "Today is King Qi's first battle. All the armies of the princes have retreated. If this battle is lost, the morale of the army will be shaken."

"So, in this battle, King Qi will try his best to win!"


Ning Fan glanced at Xing Daorong subconsciously, and then stared at Li Ru for a long time. The two of them seemed to have different plans.

Li Ru's plan seemed to be based on the failure of Xing Daorong's plan, or in other words, it was already calculated that Xing Daorong's plan would not succeed.

"We're going to lose."

Ran Min's eyes shone with a spark of light, and then everyone looked towards the middle of the battlefield.


"No need to take action, just wait and see what happens!"


Hearing Ning Fan speak, everyone looked at him in surprise. On the battlefield, Xing Daorong was already sweating profusely and was struggling to resist Kuang Chen's attack. On the other hand, Kuang Chen looked at ease and did not seem to He looked at the man in front of him who was several times taller than himself.

"General Xing, why don't you use your strength?"

"But you look down on Kuang?"

Qingdao's face showed a bit of anger, but Xing Daorong couldn't tell the pain. Yesterday he boasted about Haikou in front of his lord, and he was preparing to shine today, but he didn't expect that he would encounter such a powerful enemy just after he left the world.


Xing Daorong cursed secretly in his heart and tried his best, but it was still difficult to resist!

"Okay, in that case, I will force you to take action."

Kuang Chen seemed to be angry because of embarrassment. He swung the long whip in his hand and immediately broke away. He followed the trend and wrapped up Xing Daorong.

Xing Daorong's expression changed instantly, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

"Show mercy."

"I have something important to discuss with King Qi."


There was a hint of suspicion in Kuang's eyes, and he directly grabbed Xing Daorong's body and ran towards Jiuchong Pass.


The expressions of the generals around Ning Fan changed slightly. Li Ru glanced lightly into the distance and said calmly: "There is no need to panic, it is expected."

"Lord, you can send the order for the army to attack the city."


Ning Fan nodded immediately, looked around, and said softly: "Let's attack the city."


As the war drums beat, Wei soldiers formed a square array in front, and the beggar army followed, and together they pressed towards Jiuchong Pass.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


"Kang Chen, you should take the lead today!"

"The people of the Central Plains are so anxious that they jump over the wall."

Seeing that Kuang Chen had captured Dali's general alive, King Qi immediately looked overjoyed, clasping his hands and laughing excitedly, the city gate opened, and he rushed forward with Xing Daorong in his arms.

"Your Majesty, you are lucky to have lived up to your destiny!"

"I thought he was a lifelong rival, but I didn't expect him to be a loser."

Xing Daorong knelt in front of King Qi with a look of horror on his face and said loudly: "Your Highness, King Qi, I have something important to report."


King Qi looked at Xing Daorong's frightened expression, with a hint of disdain on his face, and said lightly: "Let's talk about it. If it is valuable, I will spare your life."

"I said!"

"I said……"

"The army below is not Da Li's soldiers and horses, but Dayu's!"

"Dayu and Dayu reached an agreement to fight in the name of Dayu. The empress is in the opposite camp."

"What did you say!"

After hearing Xing Daorong's words, Qi Tongtian's expression suddenly changed: "Aren't they Dali's soldiers?"

"Do you think this king is a fool?"

"Don't dare!"

Xing Daorong looked frightened and hesitantly said: "It's like this. Opposite is the army under the command of King Yu Yong. There are white robe army, black armor army, beggar army and so on. The generals who fought yesterday are listed in the famous general list. Ran Min is the third one!”

"Lü Bu had a conflict with King Yong, so he betrayed Dayu and went to King Zhao."

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