"What exactly is going on?"

Qi Tongtian directly took out the sword from his waist and hung it on Xing Daorong's neck. He gritted his teeth and said, "Why did King Yuyong attack Guanshan Mountain in the name of Dali?"

"Why would the empress agree?"

"Tell me in detail, otherwise, I will cut you into pieces!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Xing Daorong nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, with a rebellious look on his face, and lowered his voice and said: "Your Majesty, you don't know. Prince Yong is the face of Empress Da Li, and the two of them have been hooking up for a long time."

"King Yong was originally the vassal king of Huainan. He was not allowed to leave his fiefdom without orders from the Emperor Yu's court, let alone attack Guanshan."

"This time King Yong sent troops secretly and behind the back of the imperial court."

"Let the empress come forward and pretend to be Dali's troops just to cover up. I don't know what agreement the two of them reached."

After hearing Xing Daorong's words, Qi Tongtian also showed a look of contemplation on his face. After a long time, he said softly: "What a great Yu, a mere prince dares to offend me. I really don't know whether to live or die."

"Somebody come!"


"Drag this guy out and kill him."


Immediately, two big men dragged Xing Daorong towards the outside of the main hall. The latter suddenly showed a look of fear and hurriedly said loudly: "Wait a minute, His Highness King Qi, please listen to me."

"I have a plan to wipe out all the enemies of Dayu's invasion effortlessly!"


Qi Tongtian also raised his brows, waved his hands to the two men next to him, and said calmly: "Listen to him."

"Your Highness, please let me go back. At midnight tonight, I will set fire to Dayu's camp and send him his defense plan."

"As long as the prince listens to my orders, Dayu's hundred thousand soldiers and horses can be defeated with a snap of his fingers!"

Looking at Xing Daorong's serious look, Qi Tongtian sneered: "Why should I believe you? What if you turn your back and refuse to admit it after you go back?"

"Your Majesty!"

Xing Daorong looked solemn and said painfully: "I have betrayed King Yong, and Dayu will have no place for me. As long as this news is known to King Yong, I will be cut into pieces."

"So, Your Majesty, you can trust me."

After hearing Xing Daorong's words, a counselor next to King Qi stepped forward and said softly: "Your Majesty, General Xing's words are not unreasonable. It is a good thing that a talent like General Xing can abandon the darkness and turn to the light now."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this plan is feasible."

King Qi waved his hand and asked people to take Xing Daorong down first, and then looked around: "Do you think this person's words are credible?"

"Go back to your lord!"

"I think Xing Daorong is greedy for life and afraid of death, and short-sighted. What he said should be true."

"Besides, if the general who fought with Lu Bu a few days ago can be equally matched with the second best general in the world, he must be Ran Min who is third on the list of famous generals."

"Even if Xing Daorong is cheating, we only need to make two preparations tonight. The prince can send a troop of troops to attack the camp according to Xing Daorong's instructions. He can also send a troop of troops and horses to respond outside. If there is a fraud, he can withdraw it. yes!"

"We have nine levels of barriers to defend, so we can naturally advance and retreat freely."

After everyone talked about it, Qi Tongtian also nodded slightly and said softly: "Okay, in that case, let Xing Daorong be beaten and put back, and we will attack the camp as planned tonight!"


"My lord, there is something really evil today. General Ran and I personally led our troops to attack twice, but we were defeated both times."

"The defenders on the city tower are not comparable to the rabble they were the day before. Not only do they have high morale, they are all veterans who have been killed for many years. It's hard to pass these nine levels!"

Dian Wei spoke a little depressed, but Ning Fan looked as expected and chuckled: "Now the strength of the defenders in Jiuchong Pass is not inferior to ours. Besides, the princes from all walks of life have withdrawn their troops, and the King of Qi will I won’t hide my clumsiness.”

"If you can kill him easily, King Qi would be too incompetent."

"Let the soldiers withdraw first!"


After Dian Wei strode away, Ning Fan held a piece of information in his hand, which was the information passed by Jia Xu's Black Ice Platform. The Qi King's heavy armored soldiers were actually transferred over.


There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a scout was seen striding into the tent. Then several generals also walked in one after another. After seeing Ning Fan, they respectfully performed a military salute.

"Your Majesty, General Xing has escaped."


Ning Fan raised his brows, with a look of amusement on his face. Just before burning the incense, Xing Daorong's words in front of King Qi had long been recorded by the people at Heibingtai and passed back.

The most powerful general in the Three Kingdoms was actually a counselor delayed by force.

"Invite him in!"


Ran Min and others also looked curious, looking outside the tent.


"The general has escaped."

"The plan worked, hahahaha!"

Before anyone arrived, the voice came first. After a hearty laugh, Xing Daorong strode in like a victorious general. After looking around, he smiled and said: "Everyone is here!"

"My lord, the general has made a plan to have King Qi's troops attack tonight."


Before Ning Fan could speak, Guo Jia on the side smiled playfully: "How does General Xing use his plan? Can you tell me in detail?"

"Haha, military advisor, please be patient and listen to me."

"Today, when I was fighting with Kuang Chen, I suddenly came up with a plan. Thinking of what Mr. Wen You said last night, I simply chose to infiltrate the King of Qi. Kuang Chen has some skills, so I took advantage of his trick and pretended to be captured."

"After successfully deceiving the King of Qi's trust through false surrender, I told him that I would cause chaos in the camp tonight, and handed him our army's defense map. The King of Qi has agreed to lead the army to attack tonight."

"My lord, we only need to change the camp defense, take advantage of his trick, and wait for the King of Qi to attack at night. We will definitely defeat the King of Qi's night attack in one fell swoop."

After hearing what Xing Daorong said, Qin Qiong showed a look of surprise on his face: "I didn't expect that General Xing would have such a strategy. My lord, this plan is feasible."


Dian Wei couldn't help but sneer. He had heard Xu Chu tell him about this man's deeds a long time ago. At this time, it was exactly the same as in the previous life!


Ning Fan also chuckled, then looked at Guo Jia and Li Ru, and asked softly: "Feng Xiao, Wen You, what do you think of Xing Daorong's plan?"

"My Lord, this plan is great!"

Li Ru nodded with a fake smile, and Guo Jia beside him also smiled meaningfully: "My Lord, since General Xing has already set up the chess game, just act according to General Xing's plan!"


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