Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 522: Use the opponent's trick against him!

"My Lord, do we really want to listen to this guy's plan?"

"Zhongkang told me that this guy was fooled by Kong Ming in his previous life."

"And this guy, he is smooth-talking and full of lies. I think he is not trustworthy."

Dian Wei looked at Xing Daorong who was eager to go down to prepare, and spoke with an indignant look on his face, with undisguised contempt on his face.

Xu Chu, who was standing by, also stepped out and bowed, saying softly: "My lord, I think that Xing Daorong's words are indeed unreliable. This person is weak, afraid of death, and a little clever. We must guard against him!"


Ning Fan smiled playfully, handed out the note on the table, and said with a smile: "Take a look first."


Xu Chu looked at the note handed by Ning Fan with a puzzled look. After a quick glance, he was furious: "My lord, I will go and chop this guy off. I, Xu Chu, hate those who betray their master the most in my life!"

"Zhongkang, what's written on the note?"

"Humph!" Xu Chu snorted angrily, and said indignantly: "Xing Daorong dared to betray my lord and said The details of our army!"

"It's damnable!"

As Xu Chu said this, he was about to find Xing Daorong to settle accounts with the Chiyou Waterfall in his hand, but was suddenly stopped by Li Ru, who smiled and said: "General Zhongkang, calm down, this may not be a bad thing!"

"Besides, although Xing Daorong is a coward, he can distinguish the pros and cons."

"To deal with this person, you only need to be on guard. With the lord here, why are you panicking?"

"That's right!"

Guo Jia also nodded slightly, with a gleam in his eyes, and whispered: "Lord, the nine-layer pass can be broken tonight!"

"Tell me in detail."

Ning Fan had a calm look on his face, and there was no color on his face, but he looked at Guo Jia and Li Ru without any ripples!

"Tonight, if it is as Xing Daorong said, the King of Qi will definitely send people to attack the camp."

"Now, the troops in Jiuchongguan will never exceed 150,000."

"The King of Qi is cautious by nature. He will definitely not believe Xing Daorong's words. Even if he believes them, he will definitely be on guard."

"So, tonight, Jiuchongguan will definitely be empty. The lord only needs to send the Qihuo Army, Wei Wuzu, and Nanyong King's Army out of the camp and ambush on both sides of Jiuchongguan. After the King of Qi's night attack army passes, they will directly counterattack Jiuchongguan. They will be able to break the city in one fell swoop!"

"Then, the Black Armor Army and the white-robed army, lying in ambush outside the camp, preparing dry firewood in advance, waiting for the night attack army of the King of Qi to rush into the camp, and attacking the camp with rockets. "

"In this way, the Nine-Layer Pass can be broken, and the army of the King of Qi can also be injured!"

After Guo Jia finished speaking, Li Ru's eyes showed a deep admiration, and he whispered: "What Fengxiao said is exactly what I want to say, my lord, we will definitely succeed tonight!"


Ning Fan looked around and whispered: "Just follow what Fengxiao said, and go down to prepare!"


The generals bowed respectfully and walked out of the big tent one after another.


The night was silent and cold.

All sounds were silent, the sky and the earth were eclipsed, and the surrounding mountains were howling with strong winds.

The gate of the Nine-Layer Pass was opened silently, and a group of cavalrymen with wrapped horses rushed out of the gate, followed by a group of infantry, walking out of the tower quietly and slowly.

"Pass my order, the horses are not allowed to neigh, the people are not allowed to talk, and the steps are not allowed to make any sound during the night march."

"When we rush to Dayu's camp, the whole army will charge!"

"Yes, sir!"

The leader was none other than the most powerful general under the King of Qi, Kuang Chen, who was wearing black armor, holding a long whip, and looking solemn.


After the order was given, the dark army rushed towards Dayu's camp under the cover of darkness.

"Quick, report to the general that the night attack army of Jiuchongguan has left the city."

"They have been sent out, the general will immediately bypass them and rush to Jiuchongguan."

Two mutterings were heard in the dark night, and with the rustling of a tree shadow, there was no sound at all.

After a while, Kuang Chen led his army to Dayu's camp, looking at the brightly lit tent, he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"Didn't Xing Daorong say that the fire would start at midnight?"

"Where's the fire?"

"General, could it be a trick?"

"No problem!"

Kuang Chen shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The prince has made two preparations. If there is really a trick, we have 50,000 troops behind us to support us."

"Then what should we do?"


"Go in and see. If the situation changes, immediately change the front army to the rear army and withdraw from Dayu's camp!"


Kuang Chen gave an order, and the shouts of killing shook the sky. The elite troops under the command of the King of Qi all stepped forward and killed towards Dayu's camp.

As soon as they rushed into the camp, they saw fires on all sides of the camp. Kuang Chen was not surprised but happy, and shouted: "Soldiers, our people have set fire to Dayu's camp. Go in and kill all the people in the Central Plains!"


A series of shouts of killing rang out, and the army behind Kuang Chen also scattered and rushed into the tents one by one.

"Not good!"

"How could it be?"

"Where are the people?"

The Qi army that had just rushed into the camp was startled, and hurriedly left the tent, shouting: "General, there is no one in the tent, only dry firewood and kerosene!"

As soon as the voice fell, Kuang Chen's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly shouted: "The rear army will become the front army, and quickly withdraw from Dayu's camp!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw rockets flying from all directions towards the camp. The rockets landed on the camp, like sparks setting the prairie on fire, igniting a raging fire.


"Retreat quickly, don't panic, the prince has led the army outside the camp to support."


Kuang Chen calmly gave the order and led the army out of the camp, but before the formation was reversed, he heard shouts of killing behind him. Dayu's cavalry had already started to charge at their rear army!

Under the Jiuchong Pass.

A row of armored soldiers stood in a row, carrying ladders on their shoulders, and rushed quickly towards the tower.

Ran Min and other generals rode ahead, looking at the tower in front of them, and shouted in a low voice: "No need to hesitate, set up the ladder directly and attack the tower."

"Now, we have abandoned the camp. If we can't take the Nine-Layer Pass tonight, everyone will sleep in the wilderness, starting from this general!"

"Follow me to attack the city!"

With a low shout, Ran Min and a group of generals took the lead in climbing towards the tower. Xing Daorong mixed in the crowd and always felt something was wrong.

Aren't they preparing to set up an ambush and attack the Qi army tonight?

Why are they attacking the Nine-Layer Pass instead?

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Quickly report to the prince that Dayu's troops attacked the tower at night!"

"It's bad, Dayu's troops are coming!"

"Quick, resist the enemy!"

Frightened figures ran around on the tower, and the guards standing on it rubbed their eyes hard.

"Didn't our people attack the camp?"

"Why did Dayu's troops appear under the Nine-Layer Pass?"


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