Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 536: Tiandao League takes action, Yihua Palace appears!

"Let the people from the Tiandao Alliance take action!"

Qi Tongtian breathed out a deep breath, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. Dayu's group of arrogant and powerful generals were invincible. Coupled with the endless array of magical weapons and siege equipment, they were simply reduced to a lower dimension.

However, fortunately, we were prepared this time, and there are experts from the Tiandao Alliance sitting on guard to guard the city wall, so there is no big problem!

"My lord, the suspension bridge is broken, and our archers cannot lift their heads at all."

"The range of Dayu's bed crossbow is too far!"

"And this damn catapult, we can only watch the meteorites fall from the sky!"

Qi Tongtian's eyes showed a stern look, and he shouted: "Let the people from the Tiandao Alliance take action to destroy Dayu's bed crossbows and catapults, and defend the city tower at all costs!"

"I don't believe that people like Dayu can fly over walls and walls!"


After King Qi's order was issued, several figures landed silently on the city tower. This group of people's Taoist robes were fluttering and their behavior was extraordinary. Each of them exuded a powerful aura and stood there quietly, as if they were unshakable. of mountains.


The leader shouted softly, the middle-aged Taoist priest tapped his toes, and jumped straight down from the tower. However, his body did not land directly, and he leaped directly into the air like a kite swaying in the wind.

Several figures behind him also moved quickly, following the middle-aged Taoist priest, and rushed directly towards Dayu's camp.

"Brother, to capture the thief first, capture the king. It is better to capture King Yuyong first."


"King Yong has left it to me. You go and destroy Dayu's crossbows and catapults first!"


After a few exchanges, the purpose was instantly clear. The older senior brother's eyes were like a falcon. After looking around, he directly locked on Ning Fan, stepped on his toes in the air, and jumped up high again.


There was a hint of coldness in Ran Min's eyes, and he swept his figure directly in front of Ning Fan. Blood-red energy rose into the sky and pressed straight towards the middle-aged man who was coming towards him.

"Yang Zaixing is here, who dares to hurt my lord?"

"Those who insert bids and betray others are seeking death."

All the generals beside Ning Fan took a step forward and stood in front of him. Dian Wei's body was full of evil energy, and Xu Chu was holding the Chiyou Waterfall Crusher, his strong muscles almost breaking his armor.

"Protect the crossbows and catapults from being destroyed by them!"


"Leave this to us, you go!"

Ran Min and Yang Zaixing stood on the left and right, like two door gods, blocking Ning Fan's side. Huo Qubing released a vague aura and said calmly: "The Jianghu sect dares to take action against me, Prince Dayu. In this case, there is no need for the Tiandao Alliance to exist."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Gang Qi on his body was released instantly, and his figure was like a ghost. In just a moment, he was in front of the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry formation, and shouted in a low voice: "Han Cavalry, form formation!"

After giving the order, the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry behind them all set up their spears and prepared to charge. The horses neighed. Huo Qubing also slowly raised the spear in his hand, as if he was integrated with the entire Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry. The gangster on his body The energy also rose suddenly, as if some kind of ritual had been awakened!


With a roar, the slightly thin figure launched a charge towards the masters in front of him. The spear in his hand suddenly swung, and the frenzy formed by the gathering of Gang Qi was like a huge wave on the sea, containing the power to destroy everything.

"General Huo, I'm here to help you!"

Dian Wei also shouted loudly, brandished his halberd, and charged at a grandmaster. Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Qin Qiong and other generals, after experiencing the benefits of being promoted to generals, each one of them was able to burst out with peerless strength.

"I, Xing Daorong, am here. How dare you, Xiaoxiao, be so arrogant?"

"Looking for death, I am Dayu Wushuang General Pan Feng. I kneel down and surrender. I will spare your life."

"So much nonsense!"

Guan Yu had a hint of contempt in his eyes. He rode a thousand-mile horse and charged. The Qinglong Yanyue was raised boldly in his hand. The Gang Qi was so thick that the cyan luster enveloped the entire blade. As the long sword fell to the ground, it seemed as if there was a Qinglong chanting.


A sound of dragon roar sounded, and Guan Erye's sword slashed out, directly cracking the ground. The face of the oncoming grandmaster changed, and his figure quickly retreated. He launched several moves in a row before he was able to neutralize the attack.

"As expected of the Central Plains dynasty, there are indeed many powerful generals!"

"It's a pity that today you are facing our Heavenly Dao Alliance, Pindao Juan Feng Lei!"

A Taoist priest who was only in his thirties had a solemn look on his face, and his surroundings suddenly became shrouded in mist. With his five fingers converging on his palms, a wisp of mist circled directly from his palms to his right arm, and he aimed at Qin Qiong in front of him and struck out with one palm.


With a roar, Qin Qiong raised his golden spear and stabbed suddenly, but the Taoist priest was extremely dexterous. Before Qin Qiong's attack could reach him, his figure had already disappeared, and he slapped his junior with his backhand.


"When it comes to killing on the battlefield, we are not as good as you, but when it comes to fighting alone, I have never taken you seriously."

Juan Feng Lei smiled slightly proudly. Looking at Qin Qiong who was vomiting blood and falling to the ground, Ning Fan's eyes swept away. Except for Ran Min and Yang Zaixing, only Huo Qubing could barely compete with the strength of the battle formation!

Dian Wei, Xu Chu and others struggled to resist the attacks of the Taoist priests. As for Xing Daorong and Pan Feng, their lives were already in danger.


There was a hint of gloom in Li Ru's eyes, and he said solemnly: "Let the champions form a formation!"

"A mere group of martial arts masters dare to offend my power, Dayu Tianwei!"

"No need!"

Ning Fan glanced in one direction and nodded slightly. Not long after, several figures came across the sky. The leader was a heroic young man dressed in white and holding a green blade. He flipped and struck a sword. Mang directly spanned more than ten miles and slashed at a grandmaster in front of him.


A trace of blood bloomed in the void. Pan Feng, whose life was hanging by a thread, was saved by this sword. Instead, the grandmaster had a striking sword mark on his chest, and blood was constantly seeping out.


A cold voice came out from the crowd. The expressions of all the masters of the Tiandao Alliance changed slightly. They looked sideways. Juan Fenglei was surprised: "Who are you?"

Yaoyue didn't say anything. She flashed her body and in an instant, she was already charging forward.


Hua Wuque's swordsmanship was also unpredictable. With the addition of this group of people, his position was instantly reversed. Under the protection of Ran Min and Yang Zaixing, Ning Fan was as stable as a rock. The middle-aged Taoist priest was a little overwhelmed when facing the two of them practicing.


Guo Jia glanced at Ning Fan worriedly, wanting him to retreat to the rear, but Ning Fan smiled faintly, looked towards the tower, and said calmly: "His Royal Highness, is this your trump card?"

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