Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 537 How can we who seek immortality and seek the truth indulge in women?

On top of the city tower, King Qi also looked livid. Looking at the Yihua Palace and his party who suddenly joined the battle circle below, he asked in a deep voice: "Who are they?"

"Why are there Jianghu forces in Dayu's camp?"

"Your Majesty!"

"Judging from his clothes and martial arts skills, he should be from Yihua Palace!"

"Yihua Palace?"

There was a hint of doubt on King Qi's face, and he asked: "Whose power is Yihua Palace, and why have I never heard of it?"

"This Yihua Palace only entered Guanshan last year. In just one year, it has become a first-class force. The martial arts of the two palace masters are unfathomable!"

"The young man holding the sword is the only male disciple of Yihua Palace and the heir of Yihua Palace. Hua Wuque. This man's martial arts has already ranked among the masters."


"Why do the people from Yihua Palace get involved with Dayu?"


All the staff were speechless. King Qi glanced at him and lowered his voice and said, "Isn't the old Taoist up yet?"

"not yet!"

"This old guy is really getting stronger with age. The shouting in Xiyuan didn't stop last night."


"Your Majesty, if the old Taoist priest doesn't come, I'm afraid the people from the Tiandao Alliance won't be able to get a good deal!"

King Qi also showed some hesitation on his face, nodded slightly and said: "Go and invite him over."


The person next to him was about to leave, but suddenly he saw the old Taoist priest strutting up the tower. When he saw the figure of King Qi, his eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "My good nephew!"


"How's the battle going?"

"It's not optimistic!" King Qi squeezed out a smile, pointed at the figure not far away and said: "Dayu did not know where he found a group of forces to help him, and now he is fighting with the brothers from the Tiandao Alliance!"


"Yes, what an amazing little girl!"

"That boy's swordsmanship is also pretty good."

"Hey, there are actually a few people who practice external martial arts, and they can actually reach such a level!"

"Okay, this sword is powerful!"

When the old Taoist priest saw his junior from the Tiandao League being beaten down, not only did he not show the slightest concern, but he commented with gusto.


"Senior, why don't you stabilize the situation of the battle first?"

"No hurries!"

The old Taoist priest waved his hand and stared intently at Hua Wuque below. He patted his right hand lightly, turned over and sat on the tower, watching the competition not far away with interest.

"It's been a while since I've seen anyone fight."

"Let the old man get his eye candy first."

King Qi was speechless. Didn't he see that he was about to be defeated?

If you continue to live an eye-addicted life, no one will be able to live with it anymore.

"Hey, that's not right!" After the old Taoist priest looked around, he suddenly turned his head and looked at King Qi and asked, "Why are there two missing?"

"What two are missing?"

"Where are those two little bastards Chang Yong and Chang Yu?"

The old Taoist priest's eyes were bright and he looked straight at King Qi. King Qi was also full of doubts. He looked at the staff beside him. A scribe came to King Qi's ear and whispered: "Your Majesty, those two Taoist priests yesterday After I went down, I also brought two dancers back, and now they are probably..."

King Qi was a little speechless. No wonder there were rumors that the Tiandao Alliance was a fake Taoist priest. How could he ascend to heaven with such virtue?

"Go, wake up these two little bastards!"

"Isn't it embarrassing?"

"How can we, who seek immortality and ask questions, indulge in female lust?"


The old Taoist priest angrily rebuked, and King Qi shouted in his heart: "Mom, sell batches. This old guy is really both responsible and established!"

Immediately, he sent someone to wake up the two Taoist priests.

In the battle below, with the addition of Yihua Palace and his party, Dayu's side also had the upper hand. Admiral Wushuang and the first ally general seemed to be exhausted and withdrew from the battle circle, breathing heavily.

Yaoyue and Lianxing were covered with gauze, wearing long-sleeved plain skirts with ribbons tied around their waists, like fairies in the sky. Dayu's soldiers also stopped their offensive and surrounded each battle circle.

"Uncle Master!"

On the tower, two middle-aged Taoist priests came to the old Taoist priest with shameful expressions, bowed their heads and said nothing.

"Bastard thing!"

"Look at what time it is. As outsiders, how can you indulge in vulgar taste?"

"How can one seek immortality and visit the Tao with such a mind?"

"How to ask for immortality?"

Hearing the old Taoist priest's scolding, Chang Yong and Chang Yu blushed, and the defenders beside them all looked at the two with envy.

It was such a romantic night, no wonder her face was glowing red, as if she was glowing with the new year.

"Hurry up and help your junior brothers and nephews."

"Yes, uncle!"

The two looked towards the camp below, and their eyes gradually became sharper. They looked at each other, saluted the old Taoist priest in unison, and then flew towards Lianxing and Yaoyue. Rush away.

"Witch, stop being so arrogant!"

"Suffer death!"

The two men exuded a strong aura, and they were no less generous than the middle-aged Taoist priest who fought with Ran Min.

"Junior brother, help me!"

Ran Min's hooked halberd slashed forcefully, and the middle-aged Taoist priest quickly shouted for help. His forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat. Chang Yong's expression condensed, and he jumped forward.


The sound is like thunder, the breath is long, the waves are rolling, and the internal energy is churning.


Ran Min's Gang Qi was extremely domineering, and his domain swept across. Blood-red light loomed, and he stood side by side with Yang Zaixing, facing the two of them.

Late stage of Grandmaster Realm.

Ning Fan muttered to himself, secretly evaluating the power of the Tiandao League. According to the intelligence from the underworld, the Tiandao League and Wuxiang Temple are at the same level, one level higher than the five major sects, and should be considered one of the top forces in Guanshan.

And in the lineup this time, everyone has reached the Grandmaster level.

There are even three people who have reached the late Grandmaster level. In this case, the old Taoist priest on the tower is at least a Grandmaster, and it is even possible...


"It seems that I really underestimated these Jianghu forces."

"Calculate the time, it should be almost time."

Ning Fan glanced in one direction, and then looked at the tower from a distance.

"Dian Wei, Xu Chu, continue to lead the siege, leave this to them!"


"Catapults, crossbow teams, don't stop, the people on the tower are so idle, they are almost eating melon seeds!"


Ning Fan issued orders one by one, and the catapults and crossbows started working again. The King of Qi saw that the situation on the battlefield had just improved, and the damn catapults and crossbows started again. He couldn't hold back for a moment.

"Senior, please take action!"


The old Taoist priest stood up swayingly, and did not forget to comment: "No wonder you can't beat the Yu people, this thing is really fun!"

"Go for it!"

As he said, he saw a short sword suddenly appear in his sleeves, and his internal force swept wildly. The whole person pulled himself up flat on the ground and stopped in the air in front of the tower, and shouted: "Return!"

The short sword in his hand swung lightly, and the huge stone coming from the air seemed to hit a transparent light curtain, and instantly stopped its momentum and condensed in the void.


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