Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 548: Smoke coming out of the Cai family’s ancestral tomb?

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty, are you going to move the capital?"


Emperor Yu looked calm, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said with a smile: "Now Lingzhou City has only been around for more than a year, and its prosperity is enough to rival the capital."

"If I move the court south, so that I can overlook the grassland and look at the mountains and rivers, wouldn't it be like swallowing up the world?"

"Your Majesty!"

Jing Li showed a bitter smile on his face: "Not to mention the grassland, where the barbarians' cavalry gallops across the mountains and rivers, the mountains and rivers are hundreds of miles away. If the grassland is included, its territory is enough to equal half of my Great Yu's territory!"

"Besides, now within the mountains and rivers, many heroes have risen up. If my Great Yu's troops want to go on an expedition, it will probably be difficult to conquer the mountains and rivers without three to five years!"


Emperor Yu smiled. He also knew that his idea was a bit unrealistic, but looking at the prosperous Lingzhou City, everyone was dressed in gorgeous clothes, the streets were lined with shops, and there were endless caravans coming and going.

Even though he grew up in Beijing, he had never seen such a scene!

The most important thing is that the theater cannot be reproduced, and this snack street cannot be moved!

Now that Huainan has successfully diverted the water of the Huaihe River to the south, and the Prince Yong's Mansion has solved the problem of the grassland. After the drought-stricken Huainan has water, there is no need to think about it. After three to five years, the land of the sixteen states of Huainan will surely become a fertile land!


"The second kid has always had a lot of tricks. While he is away, I must find out his background!"

"Humph, Huainan is so rich. Half a year ago, I repeatedly allocated money and grain to Huainan."

"This bastard is so good at cheating me?"

Emperor Yu felt a little angry as he thought about it. The soup dumplings in his hand didn't seem to be fragrant anymore. He looked at Jing Li and lowered his voice and said, "When I was in the palace just now, I saw the faces of Chen Gong and Jia Xu, and they seemed to have been prepared!"

"So, let's sneak around ..."

Emperor Yu whispered in Jing Li's ear, and the latter showed a bitter smile on his face: "Your Majesty, it is necessary..."

Jing Li was about to dissuade him, but was stopped by a look from Emperor Yu, so he had to bow his hands obediently: "I will go and investigate now!"


"This is Huainan after all, and Prince Yong has many spies, don't let them be discovered!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry!"

Jing Li gave him a reassuring look and disappeared silently in the crowd. Emperor Yu continued to wander around the snack street with a group of plainclothes guards.


Cai Mansion!

Climbing up the high branch of Prince Yong's Mansion, the Cai Mansion has become one of the most prestigious families in Huainan in the past year.

Anyone who comes from the south and goes to the north, if they want to make a living in Huainan, must first come to pay a visit to the Cai family's wharf.

"Mr. Cai, I am Song Fugui from the Song family in Qilin County, Jiangnan!"

"What do you think about opening up the Qilin trade route..."

A middle-aged man with a wealthy face bowed and nodded to Cai Yi, the son of the Cai family, with a flattering smile on his face.

"So it's the head of the Song family!"

"Yes, yes...Mr. Cai, you can just call me Xiao Song. Let's have a chat in Linghu tonight?"

"Well, no problem!"

After half a year of experience and the training of the three elders in the family, Cai Yi has become very versatile and can chat and laugh among the merchants with ease!

"Sir, there is a carriage outside the door, claiming to be a guest from the capital!"


Cai Yi raised his eyebrows, with a puzzled look on his face: "A guest from the capital?"


"Did you introduce your family?"

"It seems to be the family of the son-in-law!"


Cai Yi was startled, and hurriedly walked out of the crowd and asked softly: "Brother-in-law's family?"

"Go and report to father, you go to open the main gate!"


Watching the young master of the Cai family leave in a hurry, all the merchants were also extremely surprised. Who on earth could make the prosperous Cai Mansion open the main gate? !

Or someone from the capital, could it be an official?

For a moment, all the merchants also said goodbye and left, but stood not far from the door of the Cai Mansion, quietly looking at the carriage!

Cai Mansion Study

The head of the Cai family has been quite relaxed during this period. Cai Yi has become capable of being independent, and he is responsible for all socializing with outsiders. In just half a year, he has managed the business of the Cai Mansion in an orderly manner!

Cai Si, on the other hand, has been free.

"Head of the family!"

"What's the matter?"

Seeing the housekeeper hurriedly coming in, Cai Si showed a trace of surprise on his face, and the latter lowered his voice and said, "Someone is coming to the son-in-law's house!"


Cai Si was stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted, and stood up from his chair with an unbelievable look on his face!


"Gather the clansmen and prepare to welcome the distinguished guest!"


The housekeeper was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "Master, do you still need to gather the clansmen?"

"What are you talking about? If you offend the distinguished guest, my Cai Mansion..."

Cai Si did not continue to explain. In the entire Cai Mansion, only he and his daughter knew Ning Fan's identity. Cai Si did not dare to think about the family of his son-in-law. Looking at the entire Dayu, is there any family more powerful than this one?

Bring honor to the family!

The ancestral tomb is smoking!

As he spoke, Mr. Cai took a step and trotted towards the main gate. The servants in the courtyard were extremely surprised to see their master lose his composure.

In front of the main gate, Concubine Xian sat quietly in the carriage, waiting patiently. Su Chi and Zhao Huaiyuan stood on the left and right, like two iron towers, looking around vigilantly.

Not long after, a young man walked out first, followed by several servants!

"Who are you?"

Cai Yi walked directly towards Zhao Huaiyuan and the other two. Su Chi frowned slightly and asked softly, "Are there only a few people in the huge Cai family?"

"What do you mean!"

When Cai Yi heard this, his face turned ugly instantly, but when he thought that the other party was his brother-in-law's family, he still bowed slightly and said, "The elders of the family will come out soon. I wonder who is my brother-in-law's family member?"


Zhao Huaiyuan was stunned and asked in confusion, "Are you talking about the second master?"

"Huaiyuan, Su Chi, don't be rude!"

Empress Xian got down from the carriage. Cai Yi was stunned after taking a look. The beautiful woman in front of him was dressed extremely gorgeously. Her every move revealed a touch of elegant and noble temperament. Her beautiful eyes swept across, giving people an indescribable aura in silence, which made people feel no sense of offense.


Su Chi and Zhao Huaiyuan hurriedly bowed and saluted. There was also a hurried sound of footsteps in the mansion. Cai Si walked forward in small steps. His eyes instantly fell on Concubine Xian. He took a big step forward and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"I wonder which noble is here?"


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