Empress Xian looked at the old man in front of her and guessed his identity. She raised her hand slightly and said softly: "Master Cai, there is no need to be polite. I am Fan'er's mother. I am visiting you today. Please forgive me!"

After hearing what Empress Xian said, Cai Si trembled all over. He stood up and nodded: "It is a great honor for my family to have you visit my humble home!"

"Su Chi!"


Su Chi and Zhao Huaiyuan took out treasures from the back of the carriage. Empress Xian smiled and said: "I have prepared a small gift. I hope Mr. Cai will not despise it!"

"What are you talking about? My humble home is simple and it is an insult to your status. Please don't blame me!"

After a round of greetings, Cai Si respectfully led Empress Xian in, while Cai Yi on the side was stunned. What kind of identity was the other party that deserved his father to treat him so seriously?

Even kneeling down to pay homage?

Looking at Dayu, who could be worthy of such a great gift, could it be...

Thinking of this, Cai Yi's forehead was sweating coldly, secretly trying to figure out the identity of his brother-in-law, working in Prince Yong's mansion, and holding a high position, could it be...


Cai Yi couldn't help but take a breath, and couldn't help muttering: "My Cai family is really rich, I didn't expect to be able to climb up to the royal family!"

Not to mention Cai Yi, even the second and third masters of Cai looked at this scene in shock, but they also realized the extraordinary person who came, and followed him obediently in the corner.

"Miss, Miss..."

The maid Cui'er hurried to the attic where Cai Yan was. Seeing her young lady sitting in front of the pavilion playing the zither, she ran up and shouted anxiously: "There are guests at home. The master asked you to go to the front hall to meet the guests!"

"What guests?"

Cai Yan's eyes were melancholy, and her fingertips passed over the strings of the zither. The lingering sound of the zither was like crying and complaining, and the lingering sound was endless!

"It's the family of the son-in-law!"

"I heard that they came from the capital!"

As soon as Cui'er finished speaking, the strings at Cai Yan's fingertips trembled violently, making a wide sound, with an incredible look on her face.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, the master and the second and third masters have gone out to greet them."

Cai Yan panicked and quickly stood up and said, "Cui'er, hurry up and prepare my makeup!"


Not long after, the housekeeper came to urge her. Cai Yan came to the front hall surrounded by servants. As soon as she entered the main hall, she saw a graceful and beautiful woman sitting on the upper seat of the main hall, and her father and second and third uncles sat in the guest seats below with apologetic smiles on their faces.

"Zhao Ji, come on, this is..." Cai Si paused while introducing, not knowing how to address her. Cai Yan smiled faintly, stepped forward and knelt down to salute: "I am Cai Yan, a commoner, meeting the Empress Xian!"

"No need to salute!"

Empress Xian also had a gentle smile on her face, her eyes kept scanning Cai Yan's body, and she said softly: "I have heard Fan'er mention you a long time ago. Today, I happened to be accompanying His Majesty on a private visit, so I thought of coming to see you."

Hearing Empress Xian's words, Cai Yan was also stunned. The Empress knew about her a long time ago?

Could it be that His Highness has already...

Thinking of this, Cai Yan showed a touch of emotion on her face, and Concubine Xian's voice sounded again: "Come up and chat with me!"


"You all should leave first, Master Cai, I'm afraid I'll have to bother you at home today!"


"Your Majesty, are we really going to do this?"

"What nonsense!"

Emperor Yu looked at Jing Li with impatience, his eyes vigilantly looked around, and said in a deep voice: "Jing Li, remember, what you can see is what others want you to see. Only by breaking the rules and seeing it with your own eyes can you see the most real side!"


"But Your Majesty..." Jing Li watched Emperor Yu skillfully cover his face with a black scarf, carefully climbed up the wall, and muttered: "If someone If they are found, it may damage your majesty's prestige!"


A hint of pride flashed in Emperor Yu's eyes, and he said lightly: "Back then, I also went to the battlefield. Although I haven't fought with anyone for many years, if I really fight, three or five thieves still can't get close to me!"

"Your majesty is brave, I admire you!"

"Stop talking nonsense, there is no one now, go in quickly!"


"Let's take a look quietly tonight, and tomorrow morning, we will directly let Chen Gong and Jia Xu come, plan before taking action, and catch them in the act!"

"I want to see what Jia Xu has to say!"


Under the emperor's power, Jing Li could only nod his head repeatedly. The two of them entered Lingzhou Prefecture with agility and sneaked towards the treasury with ease.

"Your Majesty, I have already investigated clearly that the treasury of Lingzhou City has one open and one hidden. The open treasury stores some grain and some ordinary daily supplies!"

"The hidden treasury is the wealth of Lingzhou City!"

"Unfortunately, the treasury of the royal palace is heavily guarded..."

Jing Li secretly said it was a pity, and Emperor Yu smiled coldly: "Today, Jia Xu dared to let me inspect the treasury of the royal palace, which means that they have made a perfect plan!"

"But I can't understand, Huainan is so rich, why did King Yong hide so deliberately?"


Jing Li coughed lightly and looked at his majesty deeply: "Your Majesty, are you sure you won't take advantage of the fire to rob?"

Emperor Yu was also stunned, and glared at Jing Li fiercely: "What do you mean by taking advantage of the fire? Huainan is rich, and my treasury is empty. This is called robbing the rich to help the poor!"

"Your Majesty is right!"

While the two of them were quietly communicating, they also came to the outside of the treasury of Lingzhou City. As the prefecture of Lingzhou, the guards were naturally quite strict. The guards in the mansion were all elites drawn from the army, the kind that had really seen blood.

However, these two people were not simple after all. One was the commander-in-chief of the imperial army of the dynasty, with great martial arts skills, and the other also claimed that he had been on the battlefield. In terms of status, he was above tens of thousands of people!

Arriving at the gate of the treasury smoothly, Emperor Yu looked at the two rows of guards in front of the gate and couldn't help but feel troubled. He looked at Jing Li and whispered, "With so many people, unless we force our way in..."

"Your Majesty, leave it to me!"

Jing Li's figure suddenly swept, and instantly alarmed more than ten guards in front of the treasury, but before they could react, Jing Li's figure flashed like a ghost, accompanied by a series of afterimages, and more than ten veterans fell directly to the ground.

"Good tricks!"

Emperor Yu couldn't help but admire, Jing Li smiled embarrassedly, took out a key from a guard, and directly opened the door of the secret vault!

The two 'thieves' swept their figures and rushed directly into the huge treasury. The next second, both figures froze, stunned by the scene in front of them!

"My dear..."


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