The two of them were stunned by the scene in front of them as soon as they entered the warehouse. In the endless warehouse, the edges were inlaid with sparkling night pearls, and neatly piled up into a mountain of exquisite wooden boxes, which were stored in the corners.

On the neat rows of wooden shelves in the distance, there are various treasures placed. It is obviously dark night, and logically it should be invisible, but in the treasury, the luminous pearl is like a broken stone. Hanging everywhere.

Further forward, mountains of grain, sacks, fodder, ordnance, and armor were piled up, almost as much as the national treasury.

"Your Majesty...this..."


Emperor Yu completely lost his composure. Like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world, he rushed to the box and opened the wooden box. He saw a golden light entering his eyes. Emperor Yu subconsciously covered his eyes!


"Your Majesty, they are all gold bars with the logo of Huainan Lingzhou Prefecture on them!"

"Oh my God, are these boxes full of gold?"

Emperor Yu stared at the hill-like box in front of him, breathing heavily, and opened each box tirelessly, his eyes already soaked in gold.

“Young second bitch, did you rob the treasury of the five countries?”

"I have been sitting in the world for half my life, and I have never seen so much gold."

"Damn it!"

Emperor Yu's hands trembled with excitement, and he kept swearing. Jing Li also rushed forward, his expression was quite dull, and he even had thoughts that he shouldn't have in his heart.

"Your Majesty, let's..."

Before Jing Li finished speaking, he heard a muffled sound. He seemed to have noticed something and suddenly turned around, slapped him again, and he passed out.

"Hey, I didn't expect to squat twice more tonight."

"Things that don't know the heights of the sky dare to enter a place like this."

"Come here, bring them down here."


Immediately, four men dressed in black strode up and dragged the two of them down.

Lin Yong had a mean smile on his lips. Looking at the figure of the middle-aged man, he suddenly frowned: "It seems familiar?"

"grown ups?"

"Forget it, take it down first!"

"The old man has bad eyesight. He must have recognized the wrong person."

As Lin Yong spoke, he took off the wine bottle from his waist, took a sip, and said with a smile: "I'll leave this to you. The girls in Yihongyuan have insomnia again tonight. The old man has to go and give it to them." have a look."

"Yes, sir!"

"Keep these two people under strict guard, and let me serve the punishment first to find out their details!"


In the post house.

Concubine Xian came out of the Cai Mansion with a gentle smile on her face. She saw this young lady from the Cai family today. She was indeed quite good. She was both talented and beautiful, and had a gentle personality. She had the temperament of a mother caring for the world.

"Empress, you are back!"


Concubine Xian nodded softly and asked softly: "Has your Majesty had a meal?"

"Go back to your Majesty, Your Majesty has not come back yet!"


Concubine Xian frowned slightly, looked at the guards in front of her, and said softly: "What time has it been? Why haven't you come back yet?"

"Have you ever sent anyone to look for it?"

"Go back to your Majesty, I've already gone to look for him, but several waves of people have searched the entire city tower, but they haven't found anyone!"


Concubine Xian suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in her heart and asked again: "Where is Jing Li? Is there Jing Li following Your Majesty?"

"Commander Jingda has been following His Majesty!"

"That is not bad!"

"Have you searched for brothels, theaters, and brothels?"


The imperial guard showed a look of embarrassment, wouldn't this cost their lives?

If they really find His Majesty in the brothel, will they still have a way to survive?

"That's all!"

"With Jing Li following him, it doesn't matter if you think about it. The security in Lingzhou City is even stricter than in the capital."

"Keep sending people to look for it."

"It's the empress."

As she spoke, Concubine Xian strode into the post house. It is worth mentioning that living in this three-star post house is really comfortable. The entire post house is mainly made of glass and wood, and the interior is paved. There is a nanmu floor and a toilet called a toilet.

Not only is there no odor, but with the sachet hanging on the ceiling of the room, it actually has a light fragrance.

"This Lingzhou City is comparable to the capital city in terms of prosperity."

"No wonder Fan'er doesn't want to go back."

"I don't want to go back either!"

In the dim dungeon, His Majesty, the most illustrious emperor of the Dayu Dynasty, opened his eyes faintly. The dim candlelight, the dark and cold torture instruments, and the shaking figures were illuminated by the candlelight.

Jing Li was hung beside him, his hair disheveled, and he didn't have the demeanor of a master at all!

"Why...why am I here!?"

"Where is this?"

After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, Emperor Yu instantly became terrified. Didn't he go to the treasury to investigate?

I only remember a pain in the back of my head and a black eye, and I don't remember anything.

"Is it an enemy's plan?"

"Who dares to do something secretly to me?"

"Jing Li!"

Emperor Yu's hands were fixed to the wall by shackles, and he could not move at all. He could only softly call Jing Li beside him.

"Jing Li!"

"Wake up!"

Emperor Yu shook his arm slightly, barely able to stretch out a little, just enough to grab a messy strand of Jing Li's hair, and grabbed it hard!


A scream sounded, and Emperor Yu was startled. He saw several executioners in yamen uniforms striding forward.


"Are you awake?"

The yamen looked at the two people in disheveled clothes. Although they had not yet started to torture them, they were already in a messy state during the dragging process.

"Where is this?"

Jing Li woke up from his coma and found that he was actually hung up. He looked up suddenly and looked at the yamen runners in front of him and the noble emperor beside him!

"Your Majesty..."

"Shut up!"

Jing Li was about to speak, but was suddenly yelled by Emperor Yu, and his face flushed and he held it back.

Emperor Yu was also holding back a burst of anger in his chest. If he called out "Your Majesty", his reputation would be ruined!

Moreover, he and Jing Li broke into the treasury of Lingzhou Prefecture quietly. Except for the two of them, no one else knew their whereabouts. If someone knew their identities, what if...

"Master, we..."


The yamen runners beside him were also very curious when they heard Jing Li's address: "You two thieves are really bold. You dare to break into my Lingzhou treasury at night!"


"This month, waves of people came, including martial arts masters, sect disciples, and bandits!"

"But no one has ever taken a gold ingot from our treasury!"

The yamen runner showed a bit of pride on his face. Looking at the two figures in night clothes in front of him, he said lightly: "Tell me, which mountain are you from?"


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