Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 565 When will Your Majesty conquer the world?

"dont see!"

"Master, can I check it out for free?"

"dont see!"

Ning Fan directly blocked the system from his mind. The dog was deliberately tempting him and wanted to lead him away?

no way!

"My lord, when the three gentlemen entered Jixia Academy, they discussed it without treating them?"


Seeing that Guo Jia asked the key to the problem with just one word, Ning Fan also nodded slightly and said softly: "Everyone who enters Jixia Academy does not rule but discusses, does not hold office but discusses state affairs, has no official position, and has no words and responsibilities." !”

"My lord is righteous!"

"Unexpectedly, Jia would be lucky enough to see the prosperous age of the Western Zhou Dynasty, when ideas collided, hundreds of schools of thought blended together, sages discussed Taoism, and preached scriptures to the Holy Scriptures!"

"Today, the great age has come. It is the blessing of the world and the blessing of all peoples. It is time for all the countries of the Central Plains to be unified!"

After finishing speaking, Guo Jia changed his usual cynicism and wished he could go to Jixia Academy now to listen to the gentlemen's lectures.

Ning Fan smiled and shook his head, and said softly: "Filial piety, gentleness, and harmony are the principles of the world. They do not belong to Confucianism, Dharma, or schools of thought, but to the king, ministers, and people!"

"The so-called way of governing the world is not good or bad, neither high nor low. If it can benefit the people and make the country strong, that is the way to govern the world!"

"Since before the Qin Dynasty, hundreds of schools of thought have argued about the way of the world, and various scholars have discussed it. The Qin Dynasty was based on Fa, the early Han Dynasty was based on Huang Lao, and finally it was attributed to Confucianism!"

"This is a historical necessity!"

"Whether it is external Confucianism or internal Dharma, or internal cultivation of Huang Lao, in the final analysis, the limitations of history and the differences of the times vary from person to person!"

Ning Fan's words made Guo Jia and Jia Xu fall into deep thought for a long time. After a long time, they bowed silently: "My lord, these words are a great kindness!"

"Jixia Academy will be opened in seven days, and scholars from all over the world will be invited to enter the palace to seek enlightenment. During this period, Huainan Daily will focus on promoting Jixia's academic principles. At that time, I, Huainan, will be here to visit!"


After finishing speaking, Ning Fan looked at Jia Xu again, who immediately understood and slightly cupped his hands and said: "My lord, King You of Daliling has rebelled and raised an army of 100,000 to attack the king's division!"

"The 200,000-strong army of Da Yan Kingdom is pressing down on the territory, and the war is about to break out!"


Ning Fan was not interested in what methods Jia Xu used, but he was extremely concerned about the results: "Where is the empress?"


"Very good!"

Ning Fan also breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the Empress has withdrawn her troops, he can seize the grassland and completely control the Southern Barbarians. In this way, when the Empress puts down the rebellion, the Southern Barbarians have surrendered to Huainan, and it makes no sense for the two to form an alliance. Go capture it again.

"There are also strange movements in Beijing..."


"I don't know where the news came from in the capital. His Majesty left the capital for a private visit incognito. All the officials criticized him with their words and writings."

"Your Majesty must be going back."

Jia Xu's eyes flickered, and he continued: "After the news was leaked, I am afraid that foreign agents will do something wrong to His Majesty. Why not send a team of elite troops to escort His Majesty back to Beijing?"

Hearing Jia Xu's words, Ning Fan's eyes instantly became extremely sharp: "No matter what your plans are, you can't make fun of my father's safety."

"Lord, don't worry."

"Next step, focus on Nanman!"


Jia Xu suddenly spoke, looked at Ning Fan and said, "If we conquer the Southern Barbarians at this time, what will happen to our more than 100,000 Southern Barbarian slaves in Huainan?"

"Of course there is no reason to put it back."

"Become a slave, and after working for five years, or if you are over fifty, you can be released to the grassland!"


While the three of them were discussing, there was a knock on the door, and Lin Yong walked in, grinning: "Master, there is a man named Wu Qi outside the door. He said he is an old acquaintance of yours and has come to join us!"


Before Ning Fan could speak, Jia Xu and Guo Jia took the lead in looking at Lin Yong. A look of surprise appeared on the latter's face: "That man is tall and thick, and calls himself Wu Qi!"

"Military strategist Yasheng?"

A moment later, Ning Fan and Guo Jia Jia Xu came outside the palace together, with a strong look of expectation in their eyes, until they saw a man with an elegant face but an extremely strong body. I was stunned for a moment.

Is the contrast so strong?

Ning Fan has never been able to connect the elegant young man in front of him with the military strategist Yasheng in history who killed his wife to seek a general, and then moved around.

There is no special temperament about him. On the contrary, he is ordinary and gives people the feeling of a farmer in the fields.

"Get up and pay homage to your Majesty!"

"No gift!"

Ning Fan personally stepped forward, helped Wu Qi up, and said with a smile: "I finally meet the general, I have admired you for a long time!"

"Don't dare!"

"Guo Jia, the younger generation, pays homage to the military strategist Ya Sage!"

"Jia Xu, the younger generation, pays homage to the military strategist Yasheng."

Ning Fan did not publicize the news of Wu Qi's surrender, so so far, only the three of them know his identity.

After a long time, the four of them came to the middle hall, and Wu Qi said softly: "Your Majesty, when will you take over the world?"

"The world..."

Ning Fan's face showed a hint of stiffness. If he could, he would have sent troops today, but now, the time has not come.

Not to mention that he now only occupies the land of Huainan. Even if he ascends the throne and becomes Emperor Dayu, it will not last three to five years and he will not have the capital to conquer the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Huainan's current foundation, it has the power to fight back against any of the five Central Plains countries.

But if you really want to destroy a country, even if Donghuai is half-dead, it will not be easy, let alone sweeping it across.

"General, wait three years!"

"Okay, wait until the day when your sword points to the Central Plains, then it will be time to serve!"

"It's a deal!"

Ning Fan's eyes also lit up with a thick fire. This day will eventually come, and the trump cards he holds in his hands are the foundation for the destruction of the Five Kingdoms.

"Wen He, Feng Xiao, and Hu Nu are sent to Da Yan as envoys. What do you think?"

"My lord, Hu Nu is Da Yan's trouble. He is said to control millions of people. Over the years, Da Yan's permanent soldiers in the north have numbered 800,000. Now, Hu Nu sat down with Da Yan. No matter what the outcome is, it will not be good for us.”

"Can you elaborate?"

"Yes!" Guo Jia nodded and continued: "A few days ago, Wenhe received news that the Mobei Bayi tribe had the intention to go south. At this time, Hu Nu was sent to Dayan as an envoy and even had the intention of negotiating peace. ”

"If the two countries negotiate peace when the cold winter comes, Da Yan can avoid a war by just giving him some food, grass, gold and silver. Now, it is early spring, and it is the time for migration on the grassland."

"The visit to Da Yan at this time must have some purpose."

"Besides, Mobei and Hunu are the same family. Two years ago, Duke Jing defeated Mobei and fled to the grassland. Now he is making a comeback. If the two are combined..."

"You mean, Mobei has the support of Hu Nu?"

"Most likely!"

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