"We, Dayu, have an army of 300,000 stationed in the northern border all the year round. Last year, we lost tens of thousands in the battle with Dayan. Now, Mobei has invaded heavily, and the imperial court has the intention of transferring Duke Jing back to the court."

"The situation in the north is not optimistic!"

Wu Qi, who had not spoken until now, suddenly looked at Ning Fan and said calmly: "Your Majesty, this is a big chess game. Hu Nu and Da Yan are negotiating peace. This matter is almost certain. Even if Da Yan seeks Da Li, once he and Da Yan During the peace talks, the 800,000 troops in the north can be mobilized at least 400,000, or even 500,000 or 600,000!"

"And Hu Nu secretly supports Mobei, heading towards the northern border to capture the Central Plains. In this way, with the support of Hu Nu, the Mobei Bayi tribe will be even more powerful, even enough to start a long-lasting war with me, Dayu. The greatest battle!"

"I learned that some time ago, the Mobei Bayi tribes were uniting?"


Jia Xu also had a glint in his eyes, as if he had thought of something: "General, what you mean is that the reason why the Mobei Eight Barbarians were able to unite and even launch a new king was because of the shadow of Hu Nu?"

"This is not surprising." Guo Jia's tone was also particularly solemn: "Mobei was originally a branch of Hunu. Now, Hunu has integrated the Mobei Bayi tribe and has the ability and influence to do so!"

"Besides, as long as you knock on the door of my country, Dayu, there will be no difference between Mobei's attack on Dayu and Hunu's attack on Dayu."

Ning Fan was also shocked by the three people's remarks, and Guo Jia continued: "My lord, the turmoil in the world will inevitably start from the north, and Hu Nu's influence will affect the whole body."

"The most important reason why Dayan is able to rank as the most powerful country in the Central Plains and even maintain a balance for decades is because it is restrained by the four parties."

"There are Hunu in the north, Dayu in the east, Dayi in the south, and Wu, Shu and the Western Regions in the west. It is precisely because of the constraints from all directions that Dayan has gone through several emperors but has not yet achieved hegemony."

"And if Hu Nu and Dayan make peace, I, Dayu, will be in danger."

Ning Fan didn't think Guo Jia's words were alarmist. Even if Da Yan lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the battle in the Western Region, it was nothing more than a loss for the extremely large Da Yan.

Not to mention Da Yan's four-border border troops, the legendary royal armies of Da Yan alone are enough to sweep through any country in the Central Plains, not to mention the Imperial Guards, the Nine Guards of Da Yan's Capital, etc. !

"Fengxiao, I don't have much time left for you and me."

"In half a year, half a year at most, our Huainan navy will be able to form a combat effectiveness, the horse farms on the grassland will also produce seeds, and the Guanshan granary must be guaranteed!"

"Perhaps, in less than half a year, I will return to the court."

"Yes, my lord!"

long street.

Emperor Yu looked at the scenes in the city and was speechless for a long time. One thought has been echoing in his mind for the past few days.

Should we move the capital?

It is no exaggeration to say that today's Lingzhou City is a bit more prosperous than King Yu's City. Even Emperor Yu can see for three years... No!

In one year at most, Lingzhou City will undergo earth-shaking changes again.

"Your Majesty, it's time to return to Beijing."


Emperor Yu couldn't help but feel a headache as he held the letter from the capital. According to his own speculation, it would take at least ten days and a half for the ministers to find him sneaking out of the palace, but...

"Is there a mole among the people?"

"Jing Li, I have been out for nearly ten days, and King Yong has not shown any signs of trouble. Do you think I should force him back to the capital?"

"Your Majesty, if you force me to take you away, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back..."

Jing Li replied weakly, and the smile on Emperor Yu's face froze, and he waved his hands somewhat unfavorably: "That's all, I can't help it, no matter what he says, he is still my father."

"Let him be!"

"But before I leave, there is one more thing to do."

"Your Majesty, please give your orders."

Emperor Yu whispered in Jing Li's ear, and Jing Li's face suddenly became embarrassed: "Your Majesty, will this... cause His Highness King Yong to misunderstand?"

"Do as I wish!"


Jing Li reluctantly responded, and a moment later, the two arrived at Prince Yong's Mansion, where Concubine Xian and Zhao Huaiyuan were also talking to Prince Sheng.

"His Majesty!"

"Well, where's the dick?"

"In the study!"

"Let him come to see me!"


Not long after, Ning Fan's family gathered together, Concubine Xian, Emperor Yu, Prince Sheng and himself.

【Serious】Family meeting.

"Second brother, your mother and concubine and I are preparing to return to Beijing!"

"Father, have a good trip!"


"Ah no...Father, have a nice journey!"


Emperor Yu snorted softly and said calmly: "When I return to Beijing this time, I want to take someone with me."


Ning Fan had a look of doubt on his face. Didn't we already agree? Is there anyone I want?


"The daughter of the Cai family, Cai Yan!"

"Cai Yan?!"

Ning Fan seemed to have been guessed, and immediately became anxious: "Father, Cai Yan is the Princess Yong recognized by my son. You can't steal my love with a sword..."


Looking at Emperor Yu's murderous eyes, Ning Fan knew that he had misunderstood. He smiled and said softly: "Father, please continue!"

"I have discussed your marriage with your mother and concubine. At the end of this year, after you return to Beijing, we will choose a date to get married!"


"Ah for what?"

"Father, if Da Yan is not destroyed, why should we call home?"


Emperor Yu's eyes lit up, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes: "Yes, with such ambition, you are worthy of being a real man. However, there are three unfilial acts, and the greatest one is to have no offspring!"

"I still need to consider your marriage!"

"Fan'er!" At this time, Concubine Xian also spoke at the right time, looking at Ning Fan and asked: "How are you and the girl from the Li family now?"


Ning Fan was also stunned for a moment. The two had not seen each other for nearly a year since they parted in the Western Territory.

"My intention is to let you marry into the Li family. After all, Changning and you are in love, and the Li family is also a meritorious family of my Dayu. It is a close relationship to marry into my royal family."

"However, your mother means that you can do whatever you want."


Ning Fan pondered for a moment, frowned, and said softly: "Your son has something to say."

"Why, have you changed your mind?"


"Your son wants to go together!"

"Marry two?"

"No, marry five!"

Ning Fan counted on his fingers, Changning County Princess counted as one, Cai Yan counted as one, Donghuai's Qu Hongxiu also counted as one, Nanman Yao Ji counted as one, and his nominal fiancée, Wan Qingyue, also counted as one.

Isn't that five! ?

Oh, and there is also the Empress...

After hearing Ning Fan's words, Emperor Yu's face was as gloomy as water, and he was obviously on the verge of a rage. He said coldly: "Do you want me to build a harem for you?"

"Ah? There is such a good thing?"

Ning Fan's face was dull, and his face was full of surprise. Prince Sheng and Concubine Xian looked at each other, both showing a hint of helplessness. Emperor Yu took off his boots and threw them over.

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