Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 574: Discussion among the ministers, Emperor Yu’s second decree

Yuwang City.

Imperial Palace.

"Report, urgent report from the northern border, 800 miles away, the main force of 200,000 people of Jingguogong is trapped in Beiyan City, the Mobei cavalry has entered the country, has conquered seven cities of Dayu, and is heading straight for the capital!"


King Qi Lin got up in panic when he heard the news from the northern border, and looked at the eunuch beside him: "Quickly invite the civil and military officials to come to discuss the matter."


"How could it be... How could the army of Mobei enter the pass?"

"Jingguogong has more than 300,000 soldiers and horses under his command, he is the military god of Dayu!"

Before King Qi Lin could figure it out, the civil and military officials who had just received the news also came to Zhengde Hall one after another, with a deep look on their faces, and a panic atmosphere filled the hall.

"Your Majesty!"

"My Lords, have you all heard the news?"

King Qi Lin forced himself to calm down, with a bit of concentration in his eyes, and first looked at Lin Qiushi: "Prime Minister Lin, the Eight Barbarians in Mobei have entered the pass, what should we do?"

Lin Qiushi looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "From the northern border to my Yuwang City, it is a smooth road. If we march at full speed, we can reach my city in less than five days."

"Now that your majesty is missing, your Majesty, the most urgent task is to quickly send troops to rescue the trapped army of Duke Jingguo."

"Rescue, what to rescue?"

The Minister of War Ji Sui had a gloomy face: "My Dayu Zhenguo Army is now guarding Xuanjian Pass. The main force of the eastern border is the 100,000 new troops under Yue Fei. How can we resist the hundreds of thousands of cavalry in Mobei?"

"Then according to Minister Ji's opinion, what should we do?"

Lin Qiushi looked at Ji Sui, his face as calm as water, and there was no ripple in his eyes.

"Several days ago, His Royal Highness Prince Yong sent a letter by spirit pigeon, telling the court to be on guard against unusual movements in Mobei, but His Royal Highness Prince Qilin never took it to heart."

"Now, the Mobei cavalry has entered the pass, and the main force of our army is trapped, so I know that Your Highness is asking for advice."

Looking at Ji Sui's angry face, Shen Li on the side whispered: "Minister Ji, things have come to this point, don't blame, think about countermeasures first."


Ji Sui snorted angrily, but Shen Li looked at Prince Qilin with a peaceful face: "Your Highness, immediately draft an order to ask General Yue Fei of the Eastern Border to lead the army to intercept and delay the pace of Mobei!"

"At the same time, please ask Duke Ping to lead the army to come to the rescue from Xuanjian Pass."

When Prince Qilin heard this, a tangled look appeared on his face, and he said in a deep voice: "How can Yue Fei's more than 100,000 soldiers and horses stop the army of Mobei?"

" Moreover, the eastern border still needs to be guarded. What if Donghuai takes the opportunity to attack? "

"Your Highness, Donghuai is now facing the threat of the Japanese slaves and it is still difficult to stabilize. Even if they want to take advantage of the fire, they have no soldiers to use."

Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance, and he said in a deep voice: "Although the iron cavalry in Mobei is powerful, the supply cannot keep up. Their only way is to fight to support the war and plunder from Dayu."

"If we can delay their march, we can attack from the front and back after the siege of Jingguogong is lifted."

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, King Qi Lin looked at Lin Qiushi. After a long time, he whispered: "What do you think, Prime Minister Lin?"

"It's feasible."

"Okay, then follow Prime Minister Lin's words and let Yue Fei lead the army to rush to the capital. "

"Rush to the capital?"

Ji Sui frowned slightly, and King Qi Lin nodded heavily: " Mobei's purpose is obvious. They are heading for the capital. Yuwang City is the capital of Dayu, and we must not put it in danger. "

"Let Yue Fei come to the capital to garrison directly. As long as Yuwang City is not broken, Dayu will have a chance to breathe."


Shen Li shook his head directly: "Not to mention the long distance from the east to the capital, there are millions of people in my northern border. If the barbarians knock on the gate, they will inevitably burn, kill and plunder. If I give up the north directly, Dayu will not be able to recover in ten years!"

"Prime Minister Shen, hundreds of thousands of cavalrymen from Mobei are attacking, and our north is flat. Yue Fei has only more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, most of whom are infantry. How can we resist?"

"With a city guarded, even if we can't confront head-on, we can delay the pace of Mobei's advance. In this way, we can buy time for the people in my northern border."

"No, The capital cannot be lost. If Yuwang City falls, how can I face my father? "

"Pass my order, order Yue Fei to lead the army into the imperial city immediately."

"Your Highness!"

"I have made up my mind, draft the edict!"

Qi Lin Wang's attitude was decisive. Wei Ying frowned and took out a golden imperial edict from his arms at the right time: "Your Majesty has an edict."


All the ministers were surprised, and even Qi Lin Wang was stunned: "Eunuch Wei, my father is not in the capital, where is the edict?"

"When your majesty left Beijing, he specially left two edicts for me."


"Everyone, accept the edict!"

"I accept the edict."

"Your Majesty has an edict. Qi Lin Wang is the regent, and it is inevitable that there will be things that are difficult to complete. If he disagrees with the ministers, his power to regent will be abolished. When encountering major events, the ministers cannot decide, and the right prime minister Shen Li will make the decision. "

After these words, King Qi Lin's face became stiff, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "Father, do you really say that?"

"Your Highness, His Majesty's order is here."

Wei Ying handed the imperial edict to King Qi Lin, who had an unacceptable expression and murmured to himself: "How could this be?"

"How is this possible?"

"Minister, accept the order!"

Shen Li bowed respectfully and looked at the ministers on the side: "Kong Ming, do you have any other good ideas?"

Zhuge Liang hesitated for a moment and looked at Xu Chang beside him: "Master Ji, do you have a map?"

"Come here, get the map!"


Not long after, a map was hung on the hall. Zhuge Liang took a look and said in a deep voice: "Please look, everyone, according to the news from the northern border, the iron cavalry from Mobei has just entered the country."

"Seven cities in the northern border have fallen. They will be able to reach Changyan County as early as tomorrow evening."

"The northern border of our dynasty is flat, but Changyan City is an important town. It has been run by the Shui family for many years and is a strong city."

"If Yue Fei leads the light cavalry to garrison in Changyan, and at the same time, the imperial guards of the capital are dispatched to mobilize the local soldiers, our dynasty will also be in a short period of time. Nearly 100,000 troops can be quickly gathered. "

"How about intercepting them with this?"

As soon as Zhuge Liang finished speaking, Shen Li nodded in agreement: "Yes, we only need to buy five days to allow the people to evacuate, so that we can escape the disaster."

"At the same time, send a message to His Royal Highness Prince Yong to lead the army north."

"Prince Yong?"

"Yes!" Zhuge Liang's eyes were shining with brilliance: "Although His Royal Highness Prince Yong has only tens of thousands of troops, most of them are veterans. In this way, the danger of the capital can be resolved."

"What do you think?"

"I second it!"

"I also second it!"

"I second it!"

Shen Li nodded heavily and looked around: "In this case, let's follow Kong Ming's words!"

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