Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 575: Serving the Emperor, punishing the disobedient!

"Your Majesty, we have arrived in Beijing."

In front of the palace, the guards of the palace saw a figure in white and another figure descending from the sky. They immediately felt as if they were facing a great enemy, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

"Who are you? This is an important place in the palace. Leave quickly!"

Li Bai showed a playful look on his face and looked at Emperor Yu beside him: "Your Majesty, why don't they recognize you?"

Emperor Yu was full of black lines, looking at his tattered clothes, the knife and sword marks on his body, and the soles of his shoes were worn flat. He couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry.


"I will settle this account with the second brother!"

"Come on, follow me into the city!"

As he spoke, Emperor Yu took a step and walked towards the palace gate. The head of the imperial guards frowned immediately: "Didn't you hear us talking?"

"This is an important place in the palace city. Anyone who trespasses will be killed without mercy!"


With a series of clanging sounds, the imperial guards drew their swords and faced each other. Li Bai, who was standing aside, looked at this dramatic scene with interest.

"How dare you!"

"Open your dog eyes and look at who I am!"

Emperor Yu shouted angrily, pushed the loose hair on his forehead to the back of his head, and stared coldly at the imperial guards in front of him. His dark face showed a hint of majesty.

"You little beggar, you are so bold!"

"Who allowed you to make a noise in front of my imperial guards?"

"Come on, take him down and interrogate him!"


A team of imperial guards rushed up immediately. Emperor Yu was extremely angry. These bastards looked at Li Bai, who was smiling faintly, and Emperor Yu was even more angry: "You are still laughing, take this bastard down for me."

"As ordered!"

Li Bai smiled, and his figure swung out lightly. A cold light flashed, and the three-foot green sword in his hand was already on the neck of the thousand households of the imperial guards.

"You... who are you?"

"Do you know the consequences of trespassing the palace?"

"But Lord Li?"

A surprised voice sounded, and a figure walked out of the palace, just in time to see the confrontation in front of the door.

"Mr. Shen."

Seeing Shen Li's face, Li Bai also smiled and nodded. The two of them had met several times in the capital.

Old Master Shen has long been fascinated by Li Bai's poems.

"Little friend Li, what are you doing..."

"Following orders."

"Following orders?"

Shen Li looked even more surprised. He looked at the figure next to him with loose hair and beggar-like clothes. He frowned first, then opened his eyes suddenly, bent his knees and knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty?"


"Take off the official hat of this dog official and lock him up for three to five months!"

After leaving an angry remark, he brushed his sleeves and walked towards the palace, leaving behind a group of panicked imperial guards.




Yongwang Mansion, Council Hall.



Ning Fan looked around with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice: "You have all received the news, right?"


"Okay!" Ning Fan nodded, and first looked at Ran Min and Qin Qiong: "Yong Zeng, Shu Bao, go to the camp immediately, gather the troops, and be ready to go at any time!"


"Feng Xiao, is it too late to rush from Huainan to the capital now?"

"Lord!" Guo Jia bowed slightly, his face was swollen after a drunken sleep, and said in a stern voice: "Whether it is too late or not, my army should set out immediately and rush to the capital."

"After the Mobei Iron Cavalry breaks through the pass, it will surely drive forward. Go straight in, and after this incident, there is the shadow of Hu Nu, which should not be underestimated. "

"Now there are no soldiers available in the court. If Jia is right, the court will definitely mobilize the army of Pengju in the eastern border to intercept the pace of the Mobei Imperial Army."

"Besides, the northern border of Dayu is flat, and the cavalry of Mobei is more powerful than the southern barbarians. Except for the Zhenbei Army under the command of Duke Jingguo, no one can stop it!"

"Now, the main force of Duke Jingguo is trapped, and only you, the lord, can lead the army into the capital."

Jia Xu's eyes also revealed a gleam of brilliance, and he said solemnly: "Lord, take this opportunity to obey the emperor and punish the disobedient!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire hall became more solemn.

Obey the emperor to command the disobedient?

If this sentence comes from Guo Jia's mouth, it is worth thinking about it, but if it comes from Jia Xu's mouth, just listen to it the other way around.

However, Ning Fan thought about it carefully, it seems... it seems...

It's not impossible!

Otherwise, I'll stab Emperor Yu in the ass in advance?

"All generals, listen to my orders!"


"From now on, all military affairs in Huainan will be handled by Chen Gong and Di Renjie."

"Jia Xu, Guo Jia, as military advisors, I will personally lead the army to the capital to defend the capital!"


"Except for 100,000 naval forces, go out in full force!"

"Go down and prepare!"

At Ning Fan's command, everyone started to act. Mobei's move directly broke Ning Fan's layout. Originally, they should have completely solved the Nanman issue at this time, but they didn't expect Mobei to mobilize troops in advance.

"This is not in line with common sense!"


Guo Jia also frowned and said in a deep voice: "The envoys of Hu Nu have just arrived in Dayan and have not yet reached a peace agreement with Dayan, but Mobei suddenly..."

"No matter what the reason, if you offend Dayu, you will be punished even if you are far away!"

"It's just right. It's time to show my sword. I've been dormant in Huainan for so long. Let my brothers see if my sword is sharp."


"System task: Repel Mobei and rescue the capital"

"Time limit: ten days"

"Task requirements: Repel all invading enemies and minimize Dayu's losses"

"Task reward: 1,000 summoning points and one soldier summoning card"

Hearing the task suddenly released by the system, Ning Fan frowned. Rescue the capital?

So, the capital is in danger?


Lingzhou camp.

50,000 Nanyong King Army, Qihuo Army, White Robe Army, Black Armor Army, Wei Wuzu, Bingzhou Wolf Riders are ready to go.

Ning Fan put on the Taotie treasure black armor, with a bit of concentration in his eyes, and looked around: "Generals, the eight tribes of Mobei have invaded my Dayu and have broken into Guanzhong. Now the capital is in danger, and I intend to lead the army to the capital to protect you!"

"Are you willing to follow?"

"I will follow your highness until death!"


A sharp light flashed in Ning Fan's eyes, and he raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and shouted: "If you offend my Dayu, you will be punished even if you are far away!"

With a long shout, the army set out.

The people on the street were all surprised. Didn't the prince just conquer Guanshan?

Where is he going to attack now?



A drum sounded, and Ning Fan frowned. He saw a group of people gathered on the street at some point, beating gongs and drums and dancing Yangko: "We are waiting for the prince to return triumphantly!"


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